Agenda for 10/23/2013, LRT Governance Board Committee LRT GOVERNANCE BOARD AGENDA October 23, 2013 – Heritage Room 1:30 p.m. Call to order 4 p.m. Adjournment MEMBERS A. Maurer, D. Hickey, I. Ing, K. Chisholm, T. Ball ITEM ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER AND RELATED BUSINESS 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Adoption of Agenda 1.3 Adoption of Minutes October 8, 2013, LRT Governance Board 1.4 Protocol Items 2. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND RELATED BUSINESS 2.1 Requests to Speak Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes 2.2 Requests for Specific Time on Agenda Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes 3. PRIVATE REPORTS 3.1 Projected Shared Capital Costs – Verbal Report Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 4. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MOTIONS WITHOUT CUSTOMARY NOTICE 5. ADJOURNMENT View the interactive agenda at No Item Selected This item has no attachments 1 Adoption of Minutes - Oct.pdf