Audit Committee Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • D. Iveson,
  • A. Knack,
  • T. Cartmell,
  • B. Esslinger,
  • M. Nickel,
  • and C. Burrows

Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m., Friday, June 18, 2021, and acknowledged that Audit Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor D. Iveson conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of Audit Committee.

Public Member O. Edmondson was absent with notice.

Councillors M. Banga, J. Dziadyk and M. Walters; A. Corbould, City Manager; and K. Cook, L. Kjorlien and K. Gibson, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That the June 18, 2021, Audit Committee meeting agenda be adopted.

    In Favour (6)C. Burrows, D. Iveson, A. Knack, B. Esslinger, M. Nickel, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (6 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That the April 16, 2021, Audit Committee meeting minutes be approved.

    In Favour (6)C. Burrows, D. Iveson, A. Knack, B. Esslinger, M. Nickel, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (6 to 0)

Mayor D. Iveson, on behalf of Audit Committee, acknowleged D. Wiun's years of service, hard work and dedication with the City of Edmonton as City Auditor and congratulated him on his upcoming retirement.

The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

All items were selected for debate.

There were no Requests to Speak.

There were no requests for items to be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda.

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

There were no Requests to Reschedule Reports.

Items 6.1 and 6.2 were dealt with together.

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Corbould, City Manager
  • D. Wiun, City Auditor
  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That the June 18, 2021, Office of the City Auditor report OCA00655, be received for information.

    In Favour (6)C. Burrows, D. Iveson, A. Knack, B. Esslinger, M. Nickel, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (6 to 0)

Items 6.1 and 6.2 were dealt with together.

  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That the June 18, 2021, Office of the City Manager report OCM00630, be received for information.

    In Favour (6)C. Burrows, D. Iveson, A. Knack, B. Esslinger, M. Nickel, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (6 to 0)

The following members of Administration’s delegation made presentations and answered questions:

  • D. Wiun, City Auditor
  • M. Brostrom, Urban Planning and Economy

The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Corbould, City Manager
  • Moved by:B. Esslinger

    That the June 18, 2021, Office of the City Auditor report OCA00656, be received for information.

    In Favour (6)C. Burrows, D. Iveson, A. Knack, B. Esslinger, M. Nickel, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (6 to 0)

There were no Motions Pending on the agenda.

There were no Private Reports on the agenda.

Mayor D. Iveson asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

The meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m., Friday, June 18, 2021.