This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:
1. That the City Manager, in coordination with EPCOR, provide input into the Coal Policy Committee through the request for submissions of technical documents based upon information in the August 27, 2021, Urban Planning and Economy UPE00424 report relevant to Alberta’s coal policy.
Watershed Management Update
2. That Administration, in consultation with EPCOR, undertake a review of existing water management initiatives and provide to Utility Committee in Second Quarter 2022 a recommendation on the need for a formal watershed management plan that could include headwaters protection and integrated land use, climate change planning, and water management within Edmonton boundaries.
Due Date: Second Quarter 2022, Utility Committee
3. That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, write a letter advocating to the provincial government as part of the provincial coal policy review, to express the importance of the potential serious impact of coal mining on our regional watershed and ecosystems.