City Council has not attained quorum and therefore the meeting has been deemed cancelled per Council Procedures Bylaw 18155:
14(4) "If quorum is not present 20 minutes following the scheduled start time of a meeting and it is not reasonable that quorum will be present within a reasonable period of time, the City Manager will record the names of Councillors present and the meeting will be deemed cancelled"
All items have been laid over to the January 17, 2024, Special City Council meeting.
The meeting ended at 10:20 a.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
*Clerk's Note: Mayor A. Sohi joined the meeting at 9:45 a.m. and explained in public that City Council had been invited to a discussion with the Government of Alberta and therefore it was unlikely quorum would be achieved. Mayor A. Sohi requested that the City Clerk prepare a meeting call for a January 17, 2024 Special City Council with the same agenda items.