1. That the Council member appointments to agencies, as set out in revised Attachment 1 of the November 8, 2021, Office of the City Clerk report OCC00840, be approved, for the terms shown.
2. That Councillor A. Knack be designated as Vice President for Edmonton on the Board of Directors of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association concurrent with their term as Director.
3. That Councillor S. Hamilton be endorsed to stand for election to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors, as the representative of the City of Edmonton, for a term ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2022.
4. That costs associated with attendance at Federation of Canadian Municipalities meetings for Councillor S. Hamilton will be absorbed by the City of Edmonton.
5. That Mayor A. Sohi be designated as the City of Edmonton shareholder representative for Edmonton Global for the term of Council.
6. That Mayor A. Sohi and Councillors A. Salvador and M. Janz, in that order, be designated to serve as the City of Edmonton’s proxy holder to act on behalf of the City of Edmonton at meetings of the River Valley Alliance.
7. That Attachment 5 be added to the November 8, 2021, Office of the City Clerk report OCC00840.
8. That Mayor A. Sohi, on behalf of the City of Edmonton, sign the River Valley Alliance proxy form contained in Attachment 5 of the November 8, 2021, Office of the City Clerk report OCC00840.