Urban Planning Committee Minutes

River Valley Room, 1st floor, City Hall
  • S. Hamilton, 
  • A. Paquette, 
  • K. Principe, 
  • A. Salvador, 
  • and A. Sohi

Councillor S. Hamilton called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., Tuesday, May 31, 2022, and acknowledged that Urban Planning Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Councillor S. Hamilton conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of Urban Planning Committee.

*Mayor A. Sohi is a Committee Member pursuant to section 15(3), Council Committees Bylaw 18156

Councillor A. Paquette was absent for a portion of the meeting due to technical issues.

Councillors T. Cartmell, M. Janz, A. Knack, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, K. Tang and J. Wright; and A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk, C. Schlamp, B. Tyson, and T. Orbell, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That the May 31, 2022, Urban Planning Committee meeting agenda be adopted.

    In Favour (3)S. Hamilton, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (3 to 0)
  • Moved by:K. Principe

    That the April 26, 2022, Urban Planning Committee meeting minutes be approved.

    In Favour (4)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (4 to 0)

There were no Protocol Items.

The following items were selected for debate: 6.1 and 6.3

  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That the recommendation in the following report be approved:

    • 6.2  Bylaw 20092 - Access Closures to Support 2022 Roadway Construction

    In Favour (5)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That Urban Planning Committee hear from the following speakers, in panels when appropriate:

    • 6.1 102 Avenue LRT Pedestrian Crosswalk Recommendation
      1. K. Bittorf, YMCA of Northern Alberta
      2. K. Muggeridge, YMCA of Northern Alberta
      3. A. Dinu, Edmonton Downtown Business Association (to answer questions only)
    • 6.3  River Valley Planning Modernization Phase 2 Update
      1. S. Koening, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance/Alberta Bicycle Association
      2. K. Zucchet, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
      3. J. Yurkovich, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
      4. C. Reckhard, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
      5. P. Cotterill
      6. D. Thomas, North Saskatchewan River Valley Conservation Society
      7. G. Brin, CAC (to answer questions only)
      8. T. Rasmussen
      9. K. Kowalchuk, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition
      10. S. Savard, Edmonton Trail Community
      11. R. Rasmussen (to answer questions only)

    In Favour (5)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That Urban Planning Committee hear from the following additional speaker:

    • 6.3 River Valley Planning Modernization Phase 2 Update
      1. P. Andrews

    In Favour (4)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (4 to 0)

There were no requests for items to be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda.

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

There were no Requests to Reschedule Reports. 

The following members of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • B. Ferguson, Integrated Infrastructure Services

The following public speakers made presentations and answered questions:

  • K. Bittorf, YMCA of Northern Alberta
  • K. Muggeridge, YMCA of Northern Alberta

The following public speaker answered questions:

  • A. Dinu, Edmonton Downtown Business Association

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • B. Ferguson, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • J. Lamarre, City Operations
  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • M. Bohn, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That Urban Planning Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Administration implement a pilot, as soon as possible, of the full closure of the traffic lane on 102 Avenue between 99 Street to 103 Street for the purpose of establishing a pedestrian-friendly corridor and that Administration prepare a road closure bylaw for the full closure of the traffic lane on 102 Avenue between 99 Street to 103 Street for a one year pilot, and work with the Downtown Business Association and stakeholders to utilize Downtown Vibrancy funding for activation.

    In Favour (3)A. Paquette, A. Sohi, and A. Salvador
    Opposed (2)S. Hamilton, and K. Principe

    Carried (3 to 2)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That Urban Planning Committee recommend to City Council:
That Bylaw 20092 be given the appropriate readings.

The following members of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • K. Snyder, Urban Planning and Economy
  • L. Butterfield, Urban Planning and Economy

The following public speakers made presentations:

  • D. Thomas, North Saskatchewan River Valley Conservation Society
  • G. Brin
  • T. Rasmussen
  • S. Savard, Edmonton Trail Community
  • R. Rasmussen

The following public speakers made presentations and answered questions:

  • C. Reckhard, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
  • K. Zucchet, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
  • S. Koening, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
  • J. Yurkovich, Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance
  • P. Cotterill
  • K. Kowalchuk, Edmonton River Valley Conservatrion Coalition

A handout provided by J. Yurkovich was distributed to Members of the Committee and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • K. Snyder, Urban Planning and Economy
  • L. Butterfield, Urban Planning and Economy
  • A. Kotowska, Urban Planning and Economy
  • D. Jones, Community Services
  • R. Norman, Community Services
  • J. Wilson, Employee Services
  • J. Spence, Community Services
  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That Urban Planning Committee recommend to City Council: 

    1. That Administration amend the agreement with the Edmonton Mountain Bike Alliance to allow authorized maintenance of the City’s existing natural surface trails, within preservation areas, until the River Valley Trail strategy is approved and funded, and until on the ground assessments are completed by way of the River Valley Parks Master Plan. 
    2. That Administration prepare an unfunded service package for consideration as a part of the 2023-2026 budget deliberations for development of a recreational trail strategy plan that identifies a sustainable network of improved and natural tread trails and specifies the ongoing operations and maintenance requirements for the comprehensive trail system, in order to meet the needs of recreational users in balance with the ecological sensitivity of the River Valley. Development of the trail strategy will include engagement with stakeholders and the public.

    In Favour (4)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Salvador, and K. Principe

    Carried (4 to 0)

There were no Responses to Councillor Inquiries on the agenda.

There were no Motions Pending on the agenda

There were no Private Reports on the agenda

Councillor S. Hamilton asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

The meeting adjourned at 4:16 p.m., Tuesday, May 31, 2022.