Urban Planning Committee - AgendaMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, August 24, 2021Time: 9:30 A.m. - 5:30 P.m.Location:Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City HallCall to Order: 9:30 a.m.Lunch: Noon - 1:30 p.m.Recess: 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.Adjournment: 5:30 p.m. Chair: B. Esslinger Vice-Chair: M. BangaMembers: T. Caterina, B. Henderson Please note: City Hall is open to the public at reduced capacity for this meeting. Members of the public may choose to participate at Council and Committee meetings in person or remotely. You can request to speak up until your item has been dealt with. The public is invited to view in-progress meetings online via the Agenda, Council on the Web or City Council's YouTube Channel. For additional information, contact the Office of the City Clerk at (780) 496-8178.1.Call to Order and Related Business 1.1Call to Order 1.2Roll Call 1.3Adoption of Agenda 1.4Approval of Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - UPC_Aug10_2021 - English.pdf August 10, 2021, Urban Planning Committee 1.5Protocol Items 2.Items for Discussion and Related Business 2.1Select Items for Debate 2.2Vote on Reports not Selected for Debate 2.3Requests to Speak Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes2.4Requests for Specific Time on Agenda Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes3.Councillor Inquiries 4.Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting None5.Requests to Reschedule Reports None6.Reports 6.1City Policy C509B - Naming Development Areas, Parks, Municipal Facilities, Roads and Honorary Roads 1.CR_8389 City Policy C509B - Naming Development Areas, Parks, Municipal Facilities, Roads and Honorary Roads.pdf2.CR_8389 Revised Council Policy C509C - Attachment 1.pdf3.CR_8389 Original Approved Council Policy C509B - Attachment 2.pdfCouncil approval required6.2Proposed Bylaw for Tree Preservation and Protection - Further Engagement 1.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev - Proposed Bylaw for Tree Preservation and Protection - Further Engagement - Report.pdf2.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 1 - Proposed Public Tree Bylaw .pdf3.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 2 - Tree Permit Process Flow.pdf4.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 3 - Financial Implications.pdf5.6.2 CR_6801rev Proposed Bylaw for Tree Preservation and Protection - Further Engagement - Presentation.pdfAddendumCouncil approval required6.3Landscaping Requirements for Low Density Residential Development 1.UPE00667 Landscaping Requirements for Low Density Residential Development - REPORT.pdf2.UPE000667 Attachment 1 - Past Reports on Tree Protection on Private Property.pdf3.UPE000667 Attachment 2 - Inventory and Effectiveness of Current Practices and Resources.pdf6.4City Plan Implementation Update - Advancing Edmonton's Systems 1.UPE00684 - Report - City Plan Implementation Update - Advancing Edmonton's Systems (1).pdf2.UPE00684 - Attachment 1 - The City Plan - Systems and Networks Approach.pdf3.UPE00684 - Attachment 2 - The City Plan Engagement Data Summary.pdf4.6.4 - City Plan Implementation Update - Advancing Edmonton's Systems - Presentation.pdf6.5Bylaw 19784 - Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw 1.OCC00697 Bylaw 19784 - Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw.pdf2.Bylaw 19784 - Edmonton Design Committee.pdf3.6.5 OCC00697 - Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw.pdfAddendumCouncil approval required6.6Emergency Response Delays and Options for the Maple Road and 23 Avenue Extension 1.UPE00402 - Emergency Response Delays and Options for the Maple Road and 23 Avenue Extension.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Maple Area Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Emergency Response Data Analysis.pdf4.6.6 UPE00402 Emergency Response Delays and Options Presentation .pdfAddendum7.Responses to Councillor Inquiries 7.1Update on 137 Avenue On-ramps (B. Esslinger) 1.IIS00662 Update on 137 Avenue On-ramps (B. Esslinger) - Report.pdf2.IIS00662 Update on 137 Avenue On-ramps (B. Esslinger) - Attachment 1 - 137 Avenue Interchange Ramp Location and Plan.pdf8.Motions Pending None9.Private Reports 9.1Urban National Park Option - Verbal Report Sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act10.Notices of Motion and Motions without Customary Notice 11.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - UPC_Aug10_2021 - English.pdf1.CR_8389 City Policy C509B - Naming Development Areas, Parks, Municipal Facilities, Roads and Honorary Roads.pdf2.CR_8389 Revised Council Policy C509C - Attachment 1.pdf3.CR_8389 Original Approved Council Policy C509B - Attachment 2.pdf1.UPE00667 Landscaping Requirements for Low Density Residential Development - REPORT.pdf2.UPE000667 Attachment 1 - Past Reports on Tree Protection on Private Property.pdf3.UPE000667 Attachment 2 - Inventory and Effectiveness of Current Practices and Resources.pdf1.UPE00684 - Report - City Plan Implementation Update - Advancing Edmonton's Systems (1).pdf2.UPE00684 - Attachment 1 - The City Plan - Systems and Networks Approach.pdf3.UPE00684 - Attachment 2 - The City Plan Engagement Data Summary.pdf4.6.4 - City Plan Implementation Update - Advancing Edmonton's Systems - Presentation.pdf1.IIS00662 Update on 137 Avenue On-ramps (B. Esslinger) - Report.pdf2.IIS00662 Update on 137 Avenue On-ramps (B. Esslinger) - Attachment 1 - 137 Avenue Interchange Ramp Location and Plan.pdf1.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev - Proposed Bylaw for Tree Preservation and Protection - Further Engagement - Report.pdf2.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 1 - Proposed Public Tree Bylaw .pdf3.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 2 - Tree Permit Process Flow.pdf4.ADDENDUM - CR_6801rev Attachment 3 - Financial Implications.pdf5.6.2 CR_6801rev Proposed Bylaw for Tree Preservation and Protection - Further Engagement - Presentation.pdf1.UPE00402 - Emergency Response Delays and Options for the Maple Road and 23 Avenue Extension.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Maple Area Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Emergency Response Data Analysis.pdf4.6.6 UPE00402 Emergency Response Delays and Options Presentation .pdf1.OCC00697 Bylaw 19784 - Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw.pdf2.Bylaw 19784 - Edmonton Design Committee.pdf3.6.5 OCC00697 - Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw.pdf