Utility Committee Minutes

River Valley Room, 1st floor, City Hall
  • T. Cartmell, 
  • A. Paquette, 
  • M. Janz, 
  • A. Salvador, 
  • A. Sohi, 
  • A. Stevenson, 
  • and K. Tang 

Councillor T. Cartmell called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m., Monday, January 30, 2023, and acknowledged that Utility Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Councillor T. Cartmell conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of Utility Committee.

Mayor A. Sohi is a Committee Member pursuant to section 15(3), Council Committees Bylaw 18156.

Councillors  A. Knack, K. Principe, J. Rice, E. Rutherford and J. Wright; and J. Abekah, J. Shearer and B. Webster, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance. 

  • Moved by:A. Salvador

    That the January 30, 2023, Utility Committee meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:

    • 9.1 Contract Update
      (Private pursuant to sections 16, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.2 Contract Management - Verbal Report
      (Private pursuant to sections 16 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)


    • 7.2 EPCOR Water Services Inc.- 2025-2029 Drainage and Wastewater Treatment Performance Based Rates Renewal – Process and Timeline Report

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson

    That the November 25, 2022, Utility Committee meeting minutes be approved. 

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)

There were no Protocol Items.

The following items were selected for debate: 7.1, 7.3, 9.1 and 9.2.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell

    That the recommendation in the following report be approved:

    • 7.4 Bylaw 20363  - A Bylaw to Replace Bylaw 18590, the City of Edmonton Waste Services Bylaw

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)

There were no Requests to Speak.

There were no requests for items to be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda.

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

There were no Requests to Reschedule Reports. 

There was no Unfinished Business on the agenda.

The following members of the delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • S. Stanley, EPCOR
  • S. Ancel, EPCOR
  • S. Bradford, EPCOR
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson

    That the January 30, 2023, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS01619, be received for information.

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)

The following members of Administration's delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • K. Snyder, Urban Planning and Economy
  • H. Hassan, Urban Planning and Economy

The following member of delegation answered questions:  

  • S. Ancel, EPCOR

J. Beckett, Utilities Advisor, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell

    That Utility Committee recommend to City Council:

    That the following changes to the approved Sanitary Servicing Strategy Fund system plan, as outlined in the January 30, 2023, Urban Planning and Economy report UPE01567, be approved:

    • Deletion of the SW6 and SW7 trunk segments and the addition of a pump station and forcemain system in lieu of the SW6 and SW7 segments; and
    • Deletion of the SW5 trunk segment.

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That Utility Committee recommend to City Council:

That Bylaw 20363 be given the appropriate readings.

There were no Responses to Councillor Inquiries on the agenda.

  • Moved by:M. Janz

    That Utility Committee meet in private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the discussion of items 9.1 and 9.2.

    In Favour (7)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (7 to 0)

    Utility Committee met in private at 11:17 a.m., Monday, January 30, 2023.

  • Moved by:A. Paquette

    That Utility Committee meet in public.

    In Favour (6)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (6 to 0)

    Utility Committee met in public at 1:47 p.m., Monday, January 30, 2023.

The following members of Administration's delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations 
  • N. Kjelland, City Operations

The following member of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • M. Bohn, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)

J. Beckett, Utilities Advisor, made a presentation.

  • Moved by:K. Tang
    1. That the January 30, 2023, City Operations report CO001633, be received for information. 
    2. That the January 30, 2023, City Operations report CO01633, remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (6)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (6 to 0)

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • K. Stolarz, Deputy City Clerk

The following member of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations 
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    1. That Administration exercise the agreement extension, as outlined in the January 30, 2023, Office of the City Clerk report OCC01662.
    2.  That the January 30, 2023, Office of the City Clerk report OCC01662 remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interest of a third party) and 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (6)A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (6 to 0)

There were no Motions Pending on the agenda.

Councillor T. Cartmell asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none. 

The meeting adjourned at 1:51 p.m., Monday, January 30, 2023.