Executive Committee Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • A. Sohi, 
  • A. Stevenson, 
  • A. Knack, 
  • J. Rice, 
  • and E. Rutherford

Mayor A. Sohi called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m., Wednesday, August 24, 2022, and acknowledged that Executive Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor A. Sohi conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of Executive Committee.

Councillors T. Cartmell, M. Janz, K. Principe, K. Tang and J. Wright; A. Corbould, City Manager; and K. Stolarz, Deputy City Clerk, R. Yusuf and R. Zheng, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:J. Rice

    That the August 24, 2022, Executive Committee meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:

    • 7.3 Scona Pool Recommendations
    • 10. Motions Pending
      • 10.1 Aga Khan Foundation Tax Balance (A. Knack)

    Replacement report:

    • 7.2 Valley Line West - Approval of Increase of Pipeline Agreement Amount
      • Integrated Infrastructure Services report IIS01377


    • 7.1 Kinsmen Club of Edmonton - Kinsmen Twin Arena Lease Agreement

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That the August 10, 2022, Executive Committee meeting minutes be approved.

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

There were no Protocol Items.

The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.2 and 7.3. 


  • Moved by:A. Stevenson

    That the recommendations in the following reports be approved:

    • 5.1 Revenue Source for Transit - Potential, Risk and Implementation and Intergovernmental Advocacy 
    • 5.2 Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission - Phase One Service Plan Implications

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson

    That Executive Committee hear from the following speakers, in panels when appropriate:

    • 6.1 Edmonton Soccer Association - Edmonton Soccer Centre South Expansion Lease Agreement
      1. R. Casanova, YEG Soccer (previously approved at the August 10, 2022, Executive Committee meeting)
    • 7.3  Scona Pool Recommendations
      1. G. Maier, River City Recreation Inc.
      2. E. Solez, Friends of Scona Rec
      3. ​M. Chu, ​Strathcona High School Swim Team 
      4. H. Nguyen, Strathcona High School Swim Team
      5. S. Troitskaia, Queen Alexandra Community League
      6. K. Feng, Scona Swim Team/Save Scona Pool
      7. B. Torrance 
      8. E. Wright, Strathcona High School Swim Team 
      9. K. Clegg, ​Queen Alexandra Community League
      10. ​K. Semeniuk, ​Mini Os Parents and Queen Alexandra Playgroup 
      11. ​F. Kusiek 
      12. ​M. Chan 
      13. ​A. Zaiane, Scona Swim Team 
      14. ​J. Papineau, ​Friends of Scona Rec 
      15. J. Buhler, Olympian Swim Club 

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson

    That Executive Committee hear from the following additional speakers:

    • I. Hernandez
    • A. Lozowy, Queen Alexandra Community League

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

Request for a specific time on the agenda was not considered.

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That the revised due date of To be determined, Executive Committee, for the Financial and Corporate Services report FCS01246, Revenue Source for Transit - Potential, Risk and Implementation and Intergovernmental Advocacy, be approved.

Revised Due Date: To be determined, Executive Committee

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That the revised due date of September 7, 2022, Executive Committee, for the City Operations report CO01179, Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission - Phase One Service Plan Implications, be approved.

Revised Due Date: September 7, 2022, Executive Committee

The following public speaker made a presentation and answered questions:

  • R. Casanova, YEG Soccer

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • B. Jarocki, Financial and Corporate Services
  • C. Thiessen, Financial and Corporate Services
  • L. Bourak, Community Services
  • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services
  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • C. Argo, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • Moved by:E. Rutherford

    That the lease agreement between The City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Soccer Association on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 10, 2022 Executive Committee report FCS01195, be approved with the following amendment(s), and that the lease amending agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager:

    1. Extension term: 7 years
    2. Clause added related to community benefit

    With the unanimous consent of Committee members, Councillor E. Rutherford withdrew the motion.


  • Moved by:A. Sohi

    That the lease amending agreement between The City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Soccer Association on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 10, 2022, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS01195, be approved, and that the lease amending agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager. 

    In Favour (3)A. Knack, A. Sohi, and A. Stevenson
    Opposed (2)J. Rice, and E. Rutherford

    Carried (3 to 2)
  • Moved by:A. Knack

     Edmonton Soccer Association - Community Benefits and Access

    That Administration provide a report to Committee outlining engagement with the Edmonton Soccer Association and other soccer groups to identify options to provide additional community benefits, and increased community access.

    Due Date: November 23, 2022, Executive Committee

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services
  • C. Watt, Financial and Corporate Services
  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Administration cancel previously levied municipal property taxes from the 2020 and 2021 taxation years on Account 9998985 in the amount of $20,822.62, as well as associated penalties, and that this amount be recorded against tax losses.

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • D. Johnston, Urban Planning and Economy
  • J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • Moved by:J. Rice

    That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That Bylaw 20158 be amended as follows:
      1. delete “Carleton” throughout the bylaw.
    2. That Bylaw 20158, as amended, be given the appropriate readings. 

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

This item was deleted from the agenda (see item 1.3).

The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    1. That the increase in the amount related to the agreement with Pembina Pipeline Corporation be approved, such that the total is for an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 CAD plus GST, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 24, 2022, Integrated Infrastructure Services report IIS01377.
    2. That Attachment 1 of the August 24, 2022, Integrated Infrastructure Services report IIS01377 remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interest of a third party), 24 (advice from officials) and 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

The following member of Administration’s delegation made a presentation:

  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services

The following public speakers made presentations:

  • ​M. Chu, ​Strathcona High School Swim Team
  • H. Nguyen, Strathcona High School Swim Team
  • S. Troitskaia, ​Queen Alexandra Community League
  • B. Torrance
  • E. Wright, Strathcona High school Swim Team
  • ​F. Kusiek
  • ​M. Chan
  • ​A. Zaiane, Scona Swim Team
  • ​J. Papineau, ​Friends of Scona Rec

The following public speakers made presentations and answered questions:

  • G. Maier, River City Recreation Inc.
  • E. Solez, Friends of Scona Rec
  • K. Feng, Scona Swim Team/Save Scona Pool
  • ​K. Clegg, ​Queen Alexandra Community League
  • ​K. Semeniuk, ​Mini Os Parents and Queen Alexandra Playgroup
  • J. Buhler, Olympian Swim Club
  • I. Hernandez
  • A. Lozowy, Queen Alexandra Community League

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • M. Plouffe, City Solicitor
  • P. Ladouceur, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • E. Robar, City Operations
  • T. Harris, Community Services
  • Moved by:E. Rutherford

    That the August 24, 2022, Integrated Infrastructure Services report IIS01425, be received for information.

    In Favour (4)A. Knack, A. Sohi, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson
    Opposed (1)J. Rice

    Carried (4 to 1)
  • The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
    Moved by:E. Rutherford

    That Administration work with all users of Scona pool to accommodate existing programs, including transportation options.

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, A. Sohi, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson

    Carried (5 to 0)

There were no Responses to Councillor Inquiries on the agenda.

There were no Private Reports on the agenda.

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services
  • C. Watt, Financial and Corporate Services
  • C. Ashmore, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • Moved by:A. Knack

    That Administration return to Committee with a report outlining the options available to Council for supporting the Aga Khan Foundation (account 9967260) with their current outstanding tax balance along with related background.

    With the unanimous consent of Committee members, Councillor A. Knack withdrew the motion.


Councillor E. Rutherford stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she would move the following:

  1. That Administration pause efforts to wind-down the Aggregate Recycling Program until City Council determines if the program is in alignment with City priorities and strategic goals.
  2. That Administration provide a report to City Council which includes the following documentation and analysis:
    1. An analysis of the proposed wind-down of the Aggregate Recycling Program and alignment with City strategic plans, business cases, audits, program service reviews related to the Aggregate Recycling Program;
    2. A cost and risk analysis of closing the Aggregate Recycling Program, including documentation comparing the program cost, material quality and waste diversion rates with that of private industry; and
    3. An overview of plans for disposal of materials from City projects and breakdown of costs. 
  • Notice of Motion Given: August 24, 2022, Executive Committee

The meeting adjourned at 5:09 p.m., Wednesday, August 24, 2022.