City Council Public Hearing - Non-Regular Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • D. Iveson,
  • M. Banga,
  • T. Cartmell,
  • T. Caterina,
  • J. Dziadyk,
  • B. Esslinger,
  • S. Hamilton,
  • A. Knack,
  • S. McKeen,
  • M. Nickel,
  • A. Paquette,
  • and M. Walters

Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, August 19, 2021, and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor D. Iveson conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of City Council.

Councillor B. Henderson was absent as per the leave of absence authorized by City Council on August 16, 2021.

D. Beaudry, Deputy City Clerk, T. Orbell and M. de Guzman, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That the August 19, 2021, City Council Public Hearing Non-Regular agenda be adopted.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)

There were no Protocol Items.

Mayor D. Iveson explained the public hearing process. D. Beaudry, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaw:

Bylaw 19144

The following speakers registered in favour:

  1. P. Amerongen, Energy Transition and Climate Resilience Advisory Committee
  2. M. Mellross, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation - Climate Innovation Fund

The following members of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • B. Daly, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speakers made presentations and answered questions in favour:

  • P. Amerongen, Energy Transition and Climate Resilience Advisory Committee
  • M. Mellross, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation - Climate Innovation Fund

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • B. Daly, Urban Planning and Economy
  • I. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone in attendance who wished to speak to new information. There was no one.

  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 19144 be closed.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    1. That up to $659,000 from the Planning and Environment Services branch operating budget, to fund costs for the Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC) program administration, beginning in 2021 and for the duration of the pilot, be approved.

    2. That the terms of the financing agreement between the City of Edmonton and Federation of Canadian Municipalities, for an amount not to exceed $8,434,400, as outlined in Attachment 3 of the August 19, 2021, Urban Planning and Economy report UPE00760, be approved, and that the agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.

    3. That the terms of the financing agreement between the City of Edmonton and the Clean Energy Improvement Property Owner, as outlined in Attachment 4 of the August 19, 2021, Urban Planning and Economy report UPE00760, be approved, and that the agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager. 

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19144 be read a first time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:D. Iveson

    That Bylaw 19144 be read a second time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That Bylaw 19144 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That Bylaw 19144 be read a third time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)

Mayor D. Iveson asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m., Thursday, August 19, 2021.