Clerk's Note:
Councillor J. Wright requested permission to restate the notice of motion that was given at the June 20, 2022, City Council meeting to the following:
That Administration return to Council with a report outlining the current use of temporary worker positions and the work underway to revisit and rationalize temporary and provisional positions within the City. The information provided should include, but is not limited to:
- Identifying the number of temporary workers by department, and provide a breakdown of contract length, over the past five years that have been rehired and the gap of unemployment between rehiring;
- A cost-benefit analysis that looks at employee benefits (per number of employees per salary range) vs. administrative costs related to off-boarding and on-boarding of employees (recruitment, mandatory training, regulatory certification) ; and
- The potential impact of this work on the permanent and temporary workforce FTE.
The Chair, Mayor A. Sohi, ruled that the above restated motion contains substantive changes and therefore did not comply with the notice of motion provision in Bylaw 18155 - Council Procedures Bylaw section 32 (2) (a).
The Chair ruled the motion out of order.
Councillor E. Rutherford disagreed with the ruling regarding the inadmissibility of the restated motion. Councillor E. Rutherford challenged the Chair's ruling.
A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk, answered questions.