City Council Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • A. Sohi, 
  • T. Cartmell, 
  • S. Hamilton, 
  • M. Janz, 
  • A. Knack, 
  • A. Paquette, 
  • K. Principe, 
  • J. Rice, 
  • E. Rutherford, 
  • A. Salvador, 
  • A. Stevenson, 
  • K. Tang, 
  • and J. Wright

Mayor A. Sohi called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m., Tuesday, May 24, 2022, and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor A. Sohi conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of City Council.

Councillors T. Cartmell, S. Hamilton, E. Rutherford and K. Tang were absent without notice for a portion of the meeting.

Mayor Sohi was absent with notice for a portion of the meeting.

A. Corbould, City Manager; and A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk, R. Yusuf and C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the May 24/27, 2022, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:


    • 6.1 Transit Safety and Security Interim Update
    • 9.6  Audit Committee Update - Verbal report          
      (Private pursuant to section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

    Replacement report:

    • 8. Motions Pending
      - 8.3 Edmonton Heritage Festival Association's Tax Balance Options (E. Rutherford)
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the following item be added to the May 24/27, 2022, City Council agenda:

    • 6.8 Intergovernmental Update - Verbal report
    In Favour (10)A. Knack, A. Paquette, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager
    • M. Plouffe, City Solicitor
    Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:J. Wright

    That the following item be added to the May 24/27, 2022, City Council agenda:

    • 7.10 Bylaw 19983 - Amending Bylaw 8353 Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw
    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the following be added to the May 24/27, 2022, City Council agenda:

    Replacement pages:

    • 1.4 Approval of Minutes
      • May 10, 2022, City Council Public Hearing
        - Replacement pages 2 and 12
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the following remaining items to be dealt with at the May 24/27, 2022, City Council meeting be postponed to the June 7/10, 2022, City Council meeting:

    • 6.4 Licenses for Rental Providers and Public Access to Information
    • 6.5 Former St. Andrews School Field Site and Inglewood Open Space Priorities
    • 6.7 Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula Policy C604 Further Analysis
    • 7.6 Bylaw 20073 - Amendments to Bylaw 18155, Council Procedures Bylaw and Bylaw 18156, Council Committees Bylaw 
    • 7.7 Bylaw 19975 - Amending Bylaw 19091 Emergency Management Bylaw 
    • 7.8 Bylaw 19874 - To Amend Bylaw 18155, Council Procedures Bylaw - Remote Participation 
    • 7.10 Bylaw 19983 - Amending Bylaw 8353 Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw 
    • 9.1 Regional Update - Verbal report
      (Private sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.3 Festival Update - Verbal report
      (Private sections 16 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.4 Edmonton Police Commission - Recruitment Process and Profile
      (Private sections 17 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the May 9/11, 2022, City Council meeting minutes be approved.


    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That the May 10, 2022, City Council Public Hearing meeting minutes be approved.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Councillor K. Tang, on behalf of City Council, recognized May as Asian Heritage Month, a time to learn more about the achievements and contributions of Canadians of diverse Asian Heritage.

Mayor A. Sohi, on behalf of City Council, introduced the City’s 7th Historian Laureates, C. Whiskeyjack and O. Yaqub, who will act as the City’s official ambassador on historical matters. They are succeeding the 6th Historian Laureate, A. Paquette, who just finished her two-year term.

Mayor A. Sohi, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 3 class from Dr. Donald Massey School in Ward Dene and their teacher, D. Gawlik.

Mayor A. Sohi, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 6 class from École Routhier School and their teacher, J. Cormier.

Mayor A. Sohi, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the visiting delegation from the City of Regina. This group of municipal and business leaders has been travelling across Canada, touring different cities in an effort to learn more about urban planning initiatives and catalyst projects that have had transformational change, particularly in the downtown core. 

The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6.

  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That the recommendations in the following reports be approved:

    • 5.1 Bylaw 20117 - Single-use Items Bylaw
    • 6.3 Approval of Expropriation - Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion Program
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager

    A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk, answered questions.

    Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That City Council hear from the following speakers, in panels when appropriate: 

    • 6.6 Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy 
      1. H. Ali
      2. C. Trang
      3. P. Luu, Kim Fat Market
      4. E. Au
      5. W. Lau
      6. H. Leong
    • 6.7  Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula Policy C604 Further Analysis
      1. A. Dowsey
      2. H. Mah, Chinatown Business Improvement Area
      3. J. Samson
      4. M. Hung, Chinese Benevolent Association of Alberta
      5. R. DeVanz, Italian Bakery
      6. H. Ali
      7. M. de La Bruyere
      8. D. Young, CBRE LTD
      9. S. Zaidi, Downtown Recovery Coalition
      10. C. Morin, ARTS on the Ave
      11. C. Wosnavk
      12. S. Mandel
      13. A. Hryciw, Downtown Recovery Coalition 
      14. Y. Zhong
      15. E. Siebels
      16. E. Estrada
      17. A. Neislen
      18. A. Mawji
    In Favour (8)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, J. Rice, A. Stevenson, and K. Principe
    Opposed (5)A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, and J. Wright
    Carried (8 to 5)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That City Council hear from the following additional speaker:

    • 6.6 Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy
      1. Y. Khoo
    In Favour (12)A. Knack, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Janz
    Seconded by:A. Salvador

    That City Council hear from the following additional speakers, in panels when appropriate:

    • 6.7 Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula Policy C604 Further Analysis
      1. R Houle
      2. C. Chinni
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That the following items be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda:

    • 6.6 Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy - First item of business on Tuesday, May 24, 2022
    • 6.7 Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula Policy C604 Further Analysis - Second item of business on Tuesday, May 24, 2022
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That the following item be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda:

    • 9.5 Confidential Contractual Update - First item of business on Friday, May 27, 2022
    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That the following Bylaws be read a first time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19973 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Residential Alley Reconstruction Local Improvements on 130 Street from 109 Avenue to 109A Avenue 
    • 7.3 Bylaw 20128 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility Project, Distribution Piping System 
    • 7.4 Bylaw 20130 - Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton Committee Bylaw 16658 - Amendments
    • 7.5 Bylaw 20107 - Spring 2022 General Repealing Bylaw
    • 7.9 Bylaw 20084 - To Designate Hangar 11 as a Municipal Historic Resource
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That the following Bylaws be read a second time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19973 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Residential Alley Reconstruction Local Improvements on 130 Street from 109 Avenue to 109A Avenue 
    • 7.2 Bylaw 20068 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 19756, to authorize the City of Edmonton to provide a guarantee on a line of credit for Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission (EMTSC) 
    • 7.4 Bylaw 20130 - Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton Committee Bylaw 16658 - Amendments
    • 7.5 Bylaw 20107 - Spring 2022 General Repealing Bylaw
    • 7.9 Bylaw 20084 - To Designate Hangar 11 as a Municipal Historic Resource
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That the following Bylaws be considered for third reading:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19973 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Residential Alley Reconstruction Local Improvements on 130 Street from 109 Avenue to 109A Avenue 
    • 7.4 Bylaw 20130 - Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton Committee Bylaw 16658 - Amendments
    • 7.5 Bylaw 20107 - Spring 2022 General Repealing Bylaw
    • 7.9 Bylaw 20084 - To Designate Hangar 11 as a Municipal Historic Resource
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That the following Bylaws be read a third time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19973 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Residential Alley Reconstruction Local Improvements on 130 Street from 109 Avenue to 109A Avenue 
    • 7.2 Bylaw 20068 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 19756, to authorize the City of Edmonton to provide a guarantee on a line of credit for Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission (EMTSC) 
    • 7.4 Bylaw 20130 - Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton Committee Bylaw 16658 - Amendments
    • 7.5 Bylaw 20107 - Spring 2022 General Repealing Bylaw
    • 7.9 Bylaw 20084 - To Designate Hangar 11 as a Municipal Historic Resource
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That the revised due date of July 4, 2022, City Council, for the City Operations report CO01219, Bylaw 20117 - Single-use Items Bylaw, be approved. 

Revised Due Date: July 4, 2022, City Council

The following members of Administration’s delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations
  • J. Flaman, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
  • A. Corbould, City Manager

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • D. Jones, Community Services
  • C. Hotton-McDonald, City Operations
  • D. Sydlowski, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • S. Feldman, City Operations
  • C. Taylor, Employee Services
  • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services
  • K. Armstrong, Deputy City Manager, Employee Services
  • S. Bradshaw, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569
  • Moved by:K. Tang
    Seconded by:A. Salvador

    That the May 24, 2022, City Operations report CO01229, be received for information.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson
    1. That the 2022 Tax Public Auction be held on October 20, 2022, in Council Chamber, City Hall, commencing at 10 a.m.
    2. That the reserved bid be set for all properties at fair market value and that the market value be determined by an independent appraisal of each property.
    3. That the Terms and Conditions of Sale as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 24, 2022, Financial and Services report FCS01207, be approved.
    In Favour (10)A. Knack, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Opposed (1)J. Rice
    Carried (10 to 1)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

  1. That the expropriation of the land requirements, including all interests therein, in the lands shown and legally described in Attachment 1 of the May 24, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM01226 (the “Subject Lands”), be approved.
  2. That all steps under the Expropriation Act, RSA 2000, c. E-13 (the “Expropriation Act”) be taken to complete the expropriation, including but not limited to, registering a certificate of approval of expropriation, and serving the notices of expropriation, notices of proposed payment, and notices of possession.

The following public speakers made presentations:

  • H. Ali 
  • C. Trang
  • W. Lau 

The following public speakers made presentations and answered questions:

  • H. Leong
  • Y. Khoo
  • P. Luu, Kim Fat Market
  • E. Au 

The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • A. Corbould, City Manager
  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • D. Jones, Community Services
  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations
  • J. Flaman, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
  • C. Kjenner, Community Services
  • L. Kardosh, REACH Edmonton

The following member of the delegation answered questions:

  • D. McFee, Edmonton Police Service
  • Moved by:M. Janz
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    1. That the Community Safety and Well-being Strategy, as outlined in the May 16, 2022 Office of the City Manager report OCM00991 and Attachments 2 and 3, be approved.

    2. That the following adjustments to the 2022 and 2023 operating budget, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991, be approved, with funding from the Edmonton Police Services funds within Financial Strategies:

    i. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by$1,500,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Services Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of creating microgrants as per the Community Safety and Well-being strategy as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    ii. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,500,000 in 2022 and $555,000 in 2023 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Integrated Call Evaluation and Dispatch Centre purpose as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager OCM00991 report.

    iii. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $811,000 on an on-going basis with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Indigenous Framework Implementation as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    iv. That the Infrastructure Planning and Design Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Indigenous-led Shelter as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    v. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Extreme Weather Protocol as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    vi. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $25,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Drug Poisoning Response as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    vii. That the Community Standards and Neighbourhoods Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $415,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Safety Peace Officers Training and Professional Standards Centre of Excellence as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    viii. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,622,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Wellness as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    ix. That the Boards and Authorities/Edmonton Public Library 2022 operating budget be increased by $200,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn Program as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    x. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $290,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Bridge Healing Centre as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

  • Amendment 1:

    Moved by:K. Tang
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    Part 2. ix., Edmonton Public Library: Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn Program:

    That Action 9, Edmonton Public Library: Sing, Sign, Laugh and LearnProgram, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991, be removed and that the funding be used to supplement Action 6, Drug Poisoning Response, for tangible actions other than education and awareness campaigns, working with service providers to address current Council motions on the opioid crisis. 

    In Favour (6)A. Knack, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, and A. Stevenson
    Opposed (7)S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, J. Rice, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Defeated (6 to 7)
  • The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services

    Amendment 2:

    Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:K. Principe

    That a Part xi. be added as follows:

    xi. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $300,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Financial Stabilization Reserve for the purpose of addressing the immediate needs of Chinatown.

  • The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager
    • S. Padbury, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services

    Amendment to Amendment 2:

    Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That "Financial Stabilization Reserve" be replaced with "2022 Council Contingency."

    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Opposed (1)A. Salvador
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager

    Amendment as Amended, put:

    Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:K. Principe

    That a Part xi. be added as follows:

    xi. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $300,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the 2022 Council Contingency for the purpose of addressing the immediate needs of Chinatown.

    In Favour (9)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, J. Rice, K. Tang, A. Stevenson, and K. Principe
    Opposed (4)A. Paquette, M. Janz, E. Rutherford, and J. Wright
    Carried (9 to 4)
  • The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager

    Motion as Amended, put:

    1. That the Community Safety and Well-being Strategy, as outlined in the May 16, 2022 Office of the City Manager report OCM00991 and Attachments 2 and 3, be approved.

    2. That the following adjustments to the 2022 and 2023 operating budget, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 16, 2022 Office of the City Manager report OCM00991, be approved. with funding from the Edmonton Police Services funds within Financial Strategies:

    i. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by$1,500,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Services Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of creating microgrants as per the Community Safety and Well-being strategy as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16,  2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    ii. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,500,000 in 2022 and $555,000 in 2023 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Integrated Call Evaluation and Dispatch Centre purpose as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager OCM00991 report.

    iii. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $811,000 on an on-going basis with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Indigenous Framework Implementation as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    iv. That the Infrastructure Planning and Design Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Indigenous-led Shelter as outlined Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    v. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Extreme Weather Protocol as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    vi. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $25,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Drug Poisoning Response as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    vii. That the Community Standards and Neighbourhoods Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $415,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Safety Peace Officers Training and Professional Standards Centre of Excellence as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    viii. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,622,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Wellness as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    ix. That the Boards and Authorities/Edmonton Public Library 2022 operating budget be increased by $200,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn Program as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    x. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $290,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Bridge Healing Centre as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.

    xi. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $300,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the 2022 Council Contingency for the purpose of addressing the immediate needs of Chinatown.

    Members of City Council requested that the motion be split for voting purposes.

  • Part 1 of Motion, put:

    Moved by:M. Janz
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    1. That the Community Safety and Well-being Strategy, as outlined in the May 16, 2022 Office of the City Manager report OCM00991 and Attachments 2 and 3, be approved.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Part 2 of Motion, put:

    Moved by:M. Janz
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    2. That the following adjustments to the 2022 and 2023 operating budget, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 16, 2022 Office of the City Manager report OCM00991, be approved, with funding from the Edmonton Police Services funds within Financial Strategies:

    1. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,500,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Services Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of creating microgrants as per the Community Safety and Well-being strategy as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    2. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,500,000 in 2022 and $555,000 in 2023 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the the Integrated Call Evaluation and Dispatch Centre purpose as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager OCM00991 report.
    3. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $811,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the the Indigenous Framework Implementation as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    4. That the Infrastructure Planning and Design Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Indigenous-led Shelter as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    5. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,000,000 on a an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the Extreme Weather Protocol as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    6. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $25,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Drug Poisoning Response as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    7. That the Community Standards and Neighbourhoods Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $415,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Safety Peace Officers Training and Professional Standards Centre of Excellence as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    8. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $1,622,000 on an on-going basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Community Wellness as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    9. That the Boards and Authorities/Edmonton Public Library 2022 operating budget be increased by $200,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn Program as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    10. That the Social Development Branch 2022 operating budget be increased by $290,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the Edmonton Police Service Funds held within Financial Strategies for the purpose of Bridge Healing Centre as outlined in Attachments 1 and 3 of the May 16, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM00991.
    11. That the Office of the City Manager 2022 operating budget be increased by $300,000 on a one-time basis, with funding from the 2022 Council Contingency for the purpose of addressing the immediate needs of Chinatown.
    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (1)K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That the City Manager provide a memo to Council with an update on the plans and of the action undertaken in response to the requests made by the Chinatown and Area Business Association in relation to the $300,000 allocated from the 2022 Council Contingency.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • C. Kjenner, Community Services
    • A. Corbould, City Manager
    Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That Administration return with the following as part of the Edmonton’s Approach to Supportive Housing - One Year Update report:

    1. The cost of operating the supportive housing units under construction and conversion as we await the response from the provincial government on the Coordinated Community Response to Homelessness Task Force.
    2. Confirmation that operating partners are able to begin offering permanent supportive housing upon building completion.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following public speakers made presentations:

  • A. Mawji
  • A. Dowsey
  • M. Hung, Chinese Benevolent Association of Alberta 
  • M. de La Bruyere
  • E. Siebels
  • A. Neislen

The following public speakers made presentations and answered questions:

  • C. Morin, ARTS on the Ave 
  • S. Zaidi, Downtown Recovery Coalition
  • H. Mah, Chinatown Business Improvement Area 
  • E. Estrada
  • C. Wosnavk 
  • A. Hryciw, Downtown Recovery Coalition
  • Y. Zhong 
  • R. Houle
  • J. Samson 

This item was postponed to the June 7/10, 2022, City Council meeting (see item 1.3).

Due Date: June 7/10, 2022, City Council

The following member of Administration’s delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • A. Corbould, City Manager

The following member of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

  • M. Plouffe, City Solicitor

The following member of the delegation answered questions:

  • D. McFee, Edmonton Police Service
  • Moved by:E. Rutherford
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    The the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, respond to the May 26, 2022, letter from the Honorable Minister of Justice and Solicitor General and include the City of Edmonton public safety plan and that the letter be added to the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Manager verbal report OCM01300.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)



This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.5. Bylaw 20107 received three readings.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson
    1. That the City Policies listed in Attachment 3 of the May 9, 2022, Office of the City Clerk report OCC00908, be repealed.
    2. That the motions listed in Attachment 4 of the May 9, 2022, Office of the City Clerk report OCC00908, be rescinded.
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Due to time constraints Councillor Cartmell was unable to make the motion pending. He restated his motion as a new Notice of Motion under 10.1.

Councillor A. Salvador stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she would move the following:

That Administration provide a report on the approval process and funding requirements to permit the Edmonton Ski Club to demolish and remove the existing lodge and replace on an interim basis with a modular building to meet the needs of the Edmonton Ski Club and the Folk Music Festival in Gallagher Park.

  • Notice of Motion Given: May 9/11, 2022, City Council
  • Laid over: May 24/27, 2022, City Council to June 7/10, 2022, City Council

Councillor E. Rutherford stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she would move the following:

That Administration return with a report providing background on the Edmonton Heritage Festival Association's (account 10196526) tax history over the past two years as well as options available to Council for supporting cancellation of levied taxes in 2021 and 2022. 

  • Notice of Motion Given: May 18, 2022, Audit Committee - Non-regular
  • Laid over: May 24/27, 2022, City Council to June 7/10, 2022, City Council
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That City Council meet in private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the discussion of items 9.2, 9.3 and 9.6.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

    City Council met in private at 2:30 p.m., Friday, May 27, 2022.

  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson

    That City Council meet in public.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

    City Council met in public at 3:21 p.m., Friday, May 27, 2022.

This item was postponed to the June 7/10, 2022, City Council meeting (see item 1.3).

  • The following member of Administration’s delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

    • A. Corbould, City Manager

    The following members of Administration’s delegation answered questions:

    • N. Poirier, Community Services
    • R. Jevne, Community Services
    Moved by:K. Principe
    Seconded by:A. Paquette
    1. That Attachments 1 and 2 be added to the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Manager verbal report OCM01259.
    2. The the actions as outlined in Attachment 2 of the Office of the City Manager verbal report OCM01259, be approved.
    3. That the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Manager verbal report OCM01259 and Attachments 1 and 2 remain private pursuant to section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following members of Administration’s delegation made a presentation:

  • N. Poirier, Community Services
  • R. Jevne, Community Services
  • J. Flaman, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
  • A. Corbould, City Manager

This item was postponed to the June 7/10, 2022, City Council meeting (see item 1.3).

This item was postponed to the June 7/10, 2022, City Council meeting (see item 1.3).

  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:A. Stevenson
    1. That the proposed settlement authority, as outlined in the May 18, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM01213, be approved.
    2. That the May 18, 2022, Office of the City Manager report OCM01213, remain private pursuant to sections 24 (advice from officials), 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    In Favour (10)A. Knack, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Opposed (1)J. Rice
    Carried (10 to 1)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack
    1. That Attachment 1 be added to the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Clerk verbal report OCC01288.
    2. That the actions outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Clerk verbal report OCC01288, be approved.
    3. That the May 24/27, 2022, Office of the City Clerk verbal report OCC01288 and Attachment 1 remain private pursuant to section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Councillor T. Cartmell stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, he would move the following:

That Administration provide a report on the progress land development at Blatchford that provides the following:

  1. A summary of the goals contained in the original business case that led to the Council decision to close the airport, and an analysis of whether or not each goal has been met;
  2. A summary of all costs from closure of the airport to now, including but not limited to all consultant costs, design competition costs, direct salary costs, development costs and carrying costs;
  3. A summary of all sources of revenue (municipal, provincial, federal, private);
  4. A summary of the original project schedule, specifically regarding the pace of development and predicted sales absorptions by year;
  5. A detailed analysis comparing incurred and expected expenditures to realized and expected revenues, on a net present value basis;
  6. A detailed analysis of potential development options that would see faster realization and maximization of lot sales revenue, including options to engage private sector partners to develop some or all of the remaining undeveloped land.
  • Notice of Motion Given: May 24/27, 2022, City Council 

Councillor J. Rice stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she would move the following:

That Administration bring an unfunded service package to the 2023-2026 capital budget deliberations to construct a recreational centre in Heritage Valley to Project Development and Delivery Model (PDDM) checkpoint 1.

  •  Notice of Motion Given: May 24/27, 2022, City Council 

Councillor J. Rice stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she would move the following:

That Administration provide a report on the performance metrics of Edmonton Transit Services in newer developing/developed communities in South Edmonton (south of the Anthony Henday) and outline the ETS Service Standards and associated budget required to increase the service levels of ETS in these communities.

  •  Notice of Motion Given: May 24/27, 2022, City Council 

The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m., Friday, May 27, 2022.

No Item Selected