City Council Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • D. Iveson,
  • M. Banga,
  • T. Cartmell,
  • T. Caterina,
  • J. Dziadyk,
  • B. Esslinger,
  • S. Hamilton,
  • B. Henderson,
  • A. Knack,
  • S. McKeen,
  • M. Nickel,
  • A. Paquette,
  • and M. Walters

Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m., Wednesday, December 9, 2020, and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory, and he also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor D. Iveson conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of all Members of City Council. 

Councillors M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Paquette and M. Walters participated electronically.

Councillors J. Dziadyk, A. Knack, S. McKeen and M. Nickel participated electronically for a portion of the meeting.

Mayor D. Iveson and Councillor S. McKeen were absent with notice for a portion of the meeting.

A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager; A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk; and S. McKerry, T. Orbell, E. Norton and C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That the December 9/11, 2020, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:


    • 6.1 Fall 2020 Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment - 2019-2022 Operating Budget
    • 6.2 Planning and Development Business Model - Proposed Fiscal Strategy
    • 6.3 Fall 2020 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment
    • 6.5 Waste Fiscal Policy - Utility Committee report
    • 6.6 Waste Services 2021 Rate Filing - Utility Committee report
    • 6.7 Blatchford Renewable Energy 2021 Supplementary Operating Budget and Annual Rate Filing - Utility Committee report
    • 6.8 Blatchford District Energy Utility Fiscal Policy C597 Amendment - Utility Committee report
    • 6.9 Blatchford Renewable Energy 2021 Supplementary Capital Budget Adjustment - Utility Committee report
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19494 - To Amend Bylaw 17943 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility, Amendment No. 2 - Utility Committee report
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Nickel
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    Suspension of Rules: 

    That the following sections of Council Procedures Bylaw 18155 be waived for the discussion of items 6.1 - 6.3:

    • 28(1) A Councillor may not amend their own motion.
    • 28(5) During debate on an amendment to a motion, Councillors may only debate the amendment.
    • 43 The Chair must leave the chair to ask questions or speak to an item on the agenda for a Council meeting.
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the following items be added to the December 9/11, 2020, City Council meeting agenda:


    • 7.3 Bylaw 19555 - City Auditor Recruitment Committee
    • 9.1 Security Update - Verbal report - PRIVATE (Sections 17, 18, 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.2 City Manager Transition and On Boarding Briefing - Verbal report - PRIVATE (Section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no Minutes to be adopted.

There were no Protocol Items. 

The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9.

The recommendations in the following reports passed without debate: 

  • 6.2 Planning and Development Business Model - Proposed Fiscal Strategy
  • 6.5 Waste Fiscal Policy

The Requests to Speak were not considered.

There were no requests for any items to be dealt with at a specific time. 

All bylaws were selected for debate.

There were no Councillor Inquiries. 

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting. 

There were no Requests to Reschedule Reports. 

  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the recommendations in the following reports be passed without debate:

    • 6.2 Planning and Development Business Model - Proposed Fiscal Strategy

    1. That the 2021 operating expenditure budget for the Planning and Development branch be decreased by $2.4 million on an ongoing basis, with an offsetting decrease in the transfer from the Planning and Development Reserve.

    2. That the 2021 and 2022 tax-supported branch operating expenditure budgets be reduced by $2.4 million in each year (reduced recoveries), as outlined in Attachment 7 of the November 16, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report CR_8335, and be offset with funding from the Financial Stabilization Reserve.

    • 6.5 Waste Fiscal Policy

    That revised Waste Services Utility Fiscal Policy C558B, as set out in Attachment 1 of the December 4, 2020, City Operations report CR_7840, be approved.


    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager; M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services; C. Owen, Deputy City Manager, Communications and Engagement; and K. Armstrong, Deputy City Manager, Employee Services, made a presentation and answered questions. S. Padbury, S. McPherson and H. Rai, Financial and Corporate Services; R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, R. Jevne and J. Foord, Citizen Services; S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development; G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations; and J. Meliefste, Acting Deputy City Manager, and P. Ladouceur, Integrated Infrastructure Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    Fall 2020 Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustments (2019-2022) Main Motion

    1. That adjustments to the 2021-2022 Operating Budget, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services Report FCS00078, be approved.
    2. That Attachment 4 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078 remain private pursuant to section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services; and A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That reduction strategy #35-39 (Facility Closures - $1,225,000 in 2021, additional $300,000 in 2022), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078, be added back to the 2021 and 2022 operating budget and be funded through an increase to the tax levy.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the Community Standards and Neighbourhoods expenditure budget be increased by $297,000 in 2021 and 2022 to provide funding for Alberta Avenue and Jasper Place Revitalization with funding from a transfer from the Financial Stabilization Reserve.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager; and M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, and S. Padbury, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:M. Nickel
    Seconded by:J. Dziadyk

    That Administration return to City Council in First Quarter 2021 with the necessary amendments to the Ed Tel Endowment Fund Bylaw to draw a total of $93.8 million comprised of $64.0 million from the Ed Tel Endowment Fund so as to fund the proposed operating budget changes to the 2021 operating budget as outlined in Attachment 2 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078 on a one-time basis, and an additional $34.3 million from the Ed Tel Endowment Fund be used to provide a 2% tax reduction in 2021 and report back to City Council at the 2021 Spring Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment with ongoing reduction strategies of $98.3 million starting in 2022, future impacts, mitigation strategies, and timelines to replenish the funds removed plus interest accrued in the reserve balances over the same time period.

    In Favour (1)M. Nickel
    Opposed (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Defeated (1 to 12)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:D. Iveson

    That the 2021 operating expenditure budget for the Mayor and Councillors Offices be reduced by $7,000 on an ongoing basis, with funding released to the tax levy.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the 2021 net tax levy operating requirement for the Edmonton Public Library be reduced by $1,090,640 on an ongoing basis, with funding released to the tax levy.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, and J. Simmons, Citizen Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:J. Dziadyk
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That reduction strategy #58 (Elimination of spay and neuter services $100,000), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services FCS00078, be added back to the 2021 operating budget and be funded through an increase to the 2021 tax levy.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, and R. Jevne, Citizen Services, answered questions. 

  • Moved by:J. Dziadyk
    Seconded by:M. Nickel
    1. That the 2021 operating expenditure budget for the Community Recreation Facilities branch be increased by up to $1,000,000 million on a one-time basis to provide funding to the YMCA of Northern Alberta to support reopening of the Castle Downs Family YMCA at the appropriate time in 2021, with funding from a transfer from the Appropriated Financial Stabilization Reserve.
    2. That up to $7,500,000 be held in the Appropriated Financial Stabilization Reserve for phased reopening of recreation facilities as outlined in the December 7, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00181, when appropriate to reopen facilities.

    Members of City Council requested that the motion be split for voting purposes.

  • Part 1 of Motion, put:

    Moved by:J. Dziadyk
    Seconded by:M. Nickel
    1. That the 2021 operating expenditure budget for the Community Recreation Facilities branch be increased by up to $1,000,000 on a one-time basis to provide funding to the YMCA of Northern Alberta to support reopening of the Castle Downs Family YMCA at the appropriate time in 2021, with funding from a transfer from the Appropriated Financial Stabilization Reserve.
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)B. Esslinger, and S. Hamilton
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Part 2 of Motion, put:

    Moved by:J. Dziadyk
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    2. That up to $7,500,000 be held in the Appropriated Financial Stabilization Reserve for phased reopening of recreation facilities as outlined in the December 7, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00181, when appropriate to reopen facilities.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, and J. Foord, Citizen Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:M. Banga
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That reduction strategy #42 (Elimination of the Community Investment Grant (CIG) program - $3,750,000 ), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Service report FCS00078, be added back to the operating budget in 2021 on a one-time basis, and be funded through amounts set aside in Financial Strategies as a result of diverting monies from the Edmonton Police Service budget through previous Council decisions on July 7, 2020.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

H. Rai, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:D. Iveson
    Seconded by:M. Walters
    1. That the 2021 net tax levy operating requirement for Explore Edmonton be increased by $3,200,000  on an ongoing basis with funding from Corporate Expenditures & Revenue (Financial Strategies).
    2. That the 2021 operating expenditure budget within Corporate Expenditures and Revenues (Financial Strategies) be reduced by $1,750,000  on an ongoing basis, with funding released to the tax levy.
    3. That the net operating requirement for Explore Edmonton be increased for two years by $9,900,000 in 2021 and by $7,200,000 in 2022, with funding from the Appropriated Financial Stabilization Reserve.
    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)

G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations; and M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, and S. Padbury, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That reduction strategy #63 (Edmonton Transit Service), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services FCS00078, be added back to the operating budget in the amount of $947,000 in 2021 and an additional $466,000 in 2022, on an ongoing basis, with funding from the tax levy.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That reduction strategy #68 (Park and Road Services Turf Maintenance), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078, be reduced from $1,750,000 to $1,275,000, through an increase to the tax levy, to modify the turf season from mid-April to end of September.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That reduction strategy #54 (Green shack program $130,000), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services FCS00078, be added back to the operating budget and be funded through an increase to the tax levy.

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:T. Caterina

    Amendment to Operating Budget Amendment 12:

    That "funded through an increase to the tax levy" be changed to "funded through amounts set aside in Financial Strategies as a result of diverting monies from the Edmonton Police Service budget through previous Council decisions on July 7, 2020."

    With unanimous consent of City Council, Councillor A. Knack withdrew the amendment.


  • Moved by:D. Iveson
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Amendment to Operating Budget Amendment 12:

    That "funded through an increase to the tax levy" be changed to "be partially funded through a $30,000 ongoing reduction to the Councillor Common Budget and the balance from an increase to the tax levy."

    In Favour (9)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, and M. Banga
    Opposed (4)B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (9 to 4)
  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:M. Walters

    Amendment to Operating Budget Amendment 12:

    That "Green shack program $130,000" be changed to "Green shack program $100,000"

    The largest amount was voted on first.

    Not put to vote

  • Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    Motion as amended, put: 


    That reduction strategy #54 (Green shack program $130,000), included in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services FCS00078, be added back to the operating budget and be partially funded through a $30,000 ongoing reduction to the Councillor Common Budget and the balance from an increase to the tax levy

    In Favour (7)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, and A. Paquette
    Opposed (6)B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, M. Nickel, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (7 to 6)

A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager; C. Hotton-MacDonald, Financial and Corporate Services; and G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations, answered questions. 

  • Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the Edmonton Transit Service branch revenue budget be reduced by $750,000 on a one-time basis to remove the transit fare increases in 2021, and be offset with an increased transfer from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, to postpone the transit fee increases from February 1, 2021, to May 1, 2021, as outlined on page 133 of Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services Report FCS00078.

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    Amendment to Operating Budget Amendment 13:

    That "cash" be added in front of "transit fare increases in 2021" and after "postpone the" and that "$750,000" be changed to "$200,000".

  • The largest number was voted on first.

    Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Motion, put:

    That the Edmonton Transit Service branch revenue budget be reduced by $750,000 on a one-time basis to remove the transit fare increases in 2021, and be offset with an increased transfer from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, to postpone the transit fee increases from February 1, 2021, to May 1, 2021, as outlined on page 133 of Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services Report FCS00078.

    In Favour (5)A. Knack, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, and A. Paquette
    Opposed (8)D. Iveson, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Defeated (5 to 8)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    Amendment, put:

    That the Edmonton Transit Service branch revenue budget be reduced by $200,000 on a one-time basis to remove cash transit fare increases in 2021, and be offset with an increased transfer from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, to postpone the cash transit fee increase from February 1, 2021, to May 1, 2021, as outlined on page 133 of Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078.

    In Favour (8)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, and M. Walters
    Opposed (5)J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (8 to 5)

R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services, answered questions. 

  • Subsequent Motion 1

    Moved by:A. Paquette
    Seconded by:J. Dziadyk

    That Administration work with the Community Services Advisory Board and reimagine the Community Investment Operating Grant for 2022 to create an operating subsidy that aligns with and advances the goals and outcomes of City Plan and the social priorities identified by the Social Development branch and create an unfunded service package for the same to return to the Spring Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment 2021.

    Due Date: Spring Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment 2021

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 2

    Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the service package for Valley Line SE - Precursor Services, as shown in Attachment 3 of November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00078, be approved.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Subsequent Motion 3

    Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:T. Caterina


    Potential Operations and Maintenance Strategies for Aging Recreation Facilities

    That Administration engage with interested community partners and report back on any potential operations and maintenance strategies for aging City recreation facilities such as Oliver, Tipton and Eastglen.

    Due Date: Second Quarter 2021, Community and Public Services Committee

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)A. Paquette
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Subsequent Motion 4

    Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Additional Community Support for Alberta Avenue and Jasper Place Communities

    That Administration explore opportunities for potential community partnership e.g. Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues or Business Improvement Areas, to provide additional community support for Alberta Avenue and Jasper Place Communities and report back in Second Quarter 2021.

    Due Date: Second Quarter 2021, Community and Public Services Committee

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 5

    Chinatown Transformation Society

    That Administration invite the Chinatown Transformation Society to report to the appropriate Council Committee in 2021 on the following:
    1. Status of the Chinatown Transformation Society's organizational structure, board and membership;
    2. Metrics on the Chinatown Transformation Society's work and outcomes related to its mandate to attract and maintain small business in Chinatown. 

    Due Date: First Quarter 2021, Executive Committee

  • Subsequent Motion 6

    Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Memo Request - Budgets and Estimated Renewal Costs for Recreation Centres, Arenas and Pools

    That Administration provide a memo to City Council summarizing Revenue and Expense budgets and Estimated renewal costs for all City owned recreation centres, arenas and pools.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 7

    Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Memo Request - Projects Under Construction Debt and Operating Costs

    That Administration provide a memo outlining outstanding debt, debt service and estimated operating costs for all projects under construction, summarized by year extending out to 2028.


    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 8

    Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen


    Weed Control Program - Reduction in Funding

    That Administration provide a report on how the reduction in funding to the weed control program will affect protocols around future weed control, in particular, the policy to use least invasive methods first.

    Due Date: March 24, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 9

    Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:D. Iveson

    Future Requests for Funding for Partner Facilities

    That Administration provide a report on proposed methods for the City to deal with future requests for funding for partner facilities capital support with the discontinuation of the current program.

    Due Date: March 22, 2021, Executive Committee

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 10

    Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:B. Henderson

    The Orange Hub - Immediate Financial Needs - Verbal report

    That Administration engage the tenants at The Orange Hub to determine what their immediate financial needs are and return to a future Committee meeting with a verbal update as soon as possible.


    Due Date: To be determined, Executive Committee

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Subsequent Motion 11
    Moved by:D. Iveson
    Seconded by:M. Walters
    Edmonton Public School Board - Pool Operation Cost Sharing
    That Administration work with the Edmonton Public School Board and return with possible cost sharing options for operations of adjacent pools, such as Scona Pool.
    Due Date: March 24, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

H. Rai and S. Padbury, Financial and Corporate Services; J. Meliefste, Acting Deputy City Manager, and P. Ladouceur; Integrated Infrastructure Services; A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager; R. Jevne, Citizen Services; S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development; and M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:S. Hamilton

    Fall 2020 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustments (2019-2022) Main Motion

    1. That adjustments to the 2019-2022 Capital Budget, as outlined in Attachment 3 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_8486, be approved.
    2. That changes to estimated project completion dates based on scope changes as outlined in Attachment 8 of the November 16, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_8486, be approved.
    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:D. Iveson

    That Capital Profile CM-10-1010, be increased by $3,700,000, to fund design up to Checkpoint 3 for the Rollie Miles Leisure Centre, with funding from Pay-As-You-Go as follows:
    2021: $1,100,000
    2022: $2,600,000

    Not put to vote

  • Amendment to Capital Budget Amendment 1:

    Moved by:D. Iveson
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the following Amendment on the Floor be postponed to the Spring Supplemental Budget Adjustment.

    Rollie Miles Leisure Centre (Check Point 3)

    That Capital Profile CM-10-1010, be increased by $3,700,000, to fund design up to Checkpoint 3 for the Rollie Miles Leisure Centre, with funding from Pay-As-You-Go as follows:
    2021: $1,100,000
    2022: $2,600,000

    Due Date: Spring Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment 2021

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the Coronation Community Recreation Project in Capital Profile 15-21-5801 proceed up to checkpoint 4, as outlined in the “Scenario 2 - Build to Program” option of the August 31, 2020, Integrated Infrastructure Services report CR_7047 - Coronation Community Recreation Centre Project - Design Progress Update, for completion of design work to a tender ready status and report back at the Fall 2021 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment.

    Due Date: Fall Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment 2021

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)J. Dziadyk
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Capital Profile CM-30-3030 be increased by $75,000 in 2021 to fund planning and design of new baseball diamonds to checkpoint 3 with funding from 2020 Council Contingency.

  • Amendment to Capital Budget Amendment 3:

    Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the following Amendment on the Floor be postponed to the Spring Supplemental Budget Adjustment.

    That Capital Profile CM-30-3030 be increased by $75,000 in 2021 to fund planning and design of new baseball diamonds to Checkpoint 3 with funding from 2020 Council Contingency.

    With unanimous consent of City Council, Councillor S. Hamilton withdrew the amendment.


  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Capital Profile CM-30-3030 be increased by $75,000 in 2021 to fund planning and design of new baseball diamonds to checkpoint 3 with funding from 2020 Council Contingency.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:M. Banga
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That capital profile #CM-99-9000, be increased by $800,000 in 2021 to fund up to Checkpoint 4 for Parsons Road (19 Avenue - Ellerslie Road) 41 Lane Widening, with funding from Pay-As-You-Go.

    Not put to vote

  • Amendment to Capital Budget Amendment 4:

    Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the following Amendment on the Floor be postponed to the Spring Supplemental Budget Adjustment process.

    That capital profile #CM-99-9000, be increased by $800,000 in 2021 to fund up to Checkpoint 4 for Parsons Road (19 Avenue - Ellerslie Road) 41 Lane Widening, with funding from Pay-As-You-Go.

    Due Date: Spring Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment 2021

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Banga
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:M. Banga
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That Capital Profile CM-99-9000, be increased by $300,000 in 2021, to fund up to Checkpoint 4 for Ivor Dent Sports Park, with funding from Pay-As-You-Go.

    J. Meliefste, Acting Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services, answered questions.

    In Favour (10)D. Iveson, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (3)A. Knack, B. Esslinger, and A. Paquette
    Carried (10 to 3)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    Updated Funding Strategy for the 170th Street Footbridge

    That Administration provide a report on the updated funding strategy for the 170th Street Footbridge as part of the 2021 Spring Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment.

    Due Date: Spring Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment 2021

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That City Council agrees to establish a regional services commission jointly with the other Members and specifies that:

    1. the name of the regional services commission is the “Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission”;
    2. the names of the Members of the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission are:
      1. the City of Beaumont,
      2. the Town of Devon,
      3. the City of Edmonton,
      4. the City of Fort Saskatchewan,
      5. the City of Leduc,
      6. the City of Spruce Grove,
      7. the City of St. Albert, and
      8. the Town of Stony Plain;
    3. the names of the members of first board of directors of the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission are:
      1. Sam Munckhof-Swain;
      2. Ray Ralph;
      3. Michael Walters;
      4. Gordon Harris;
      5. Glen Finstad;
      6. Chantal McKenzie;
      7. Wes Brodhead; and
      8. Justin Laurie;
    4. the name of the first chair of the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission is: Wes Brodhead.
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen
    1. That the amended 2021 Operating Budget for the Waste Services Utility, with revenues of $215.0 million and expenditures of $209.7 million, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the December 4, 2020, City Operations report CR_8448, be approved.
    2. That the amendments to the 2021 Waste Services Capital Budget, with a reduction of $0.8 million, to the approved 2019-2022 Waste Services Capital Budget, as outlined in Attachment 3 of the December 4, 2020, City Operations report CR_8448, be approved.
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen
    1. That adjustments to the 2021 Operating Budget for Blatchford Renewable Energy, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the December 4, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00126, be approved, resulting in the revised 2021 Operating Budget with revenues of $0.138 million and expenditures of $2.410 million.
    2. That the 2021 rates and fees for Blatchford Renewable Energy, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the December 4, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00126, be approved.
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That revised Blatchford District Energy Utility Fiscal Policy C597A, as set out in Attachment 1 of the December 4, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00138, be approved, as amended by inserting “long term” before the word “Debt” in section 2a.

    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That adjustments to the 2019-2022 Capital Budget for Blatchford Renewable Energy, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the December 4, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00173, and Capital Profile 22-83-8384, set out in Attachment 3 of the December 4, 2020, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00173, be approved.

    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)


  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the following Bylaws be read a first time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19406 - Waste Services Bylaw 18590, Amendment No. 3
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19494 - To Amend Bylaw 17943 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility, Amendment No. 2
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the following Bylaws be read a second time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19406 - Waste Services Bylaw 18590, Amendment No. 3
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19494 - To Amend Bylaw 17943 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility, Amendment No. 2
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the following Bylaws be considered for third reading:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19406 - Waste Services Bylaw 18590, Amendment No. 3
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19494 - To Amend Bylaw 17943 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility, Amendment No. 2
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That the following Bylaws be read a third time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19406 - Waste Services Bylaw 18590, Amendment No. 3
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19494 - To Amend Bylaw 17943 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility, Amendment No. 2
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19555 be read a first time. 

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19555 be read a second time. 

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19555 be considered for third reading. 

    With the unanimous consent of City Council, the motion carried. 

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19555 be read a third time. 

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    That up to $73,000 from the 2020 Council Contingency Budget be allocated to the recruitment of the City Auditor.


    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    That City Council meet in private pursuant to section 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the discussion of item 7.3. 

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

    City Council met in private at 1:59 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2020. 

    In Attendance:

    • D. Iveson
    • M. Banga
    • T. Cartmell
    • T. Caterina
    • J. Dziadyk
    • B. Esslinger
    • S. Hamilton
    • B. Henderson
    • A. Knack
    • S. McKeen
    • M. Nickel
    • A. Paquette
    • M. Walters
    • A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk 

  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That City Council meet in public.

    City Council met in public at 2:25 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2020. 

  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Henderson

    That the following Councillors be appointed to the City Auditor Recruitment Committee:

    Councillor Cartmell

    Councillor Dziadyk

    Councillor Knack

    Councillor Walters

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no Motions Pending. 

  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    That City Council meet in private pursuant to sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 18 (disclosure harmful to individual or public safety), 24 (advice from officials) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the discussion of items 9.1 and 9.2. 

    Carried (13 to 0)

    City Council met in private at 1:59 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2020. 

    In Attendance:

    • D. Iveson
    • M. Banga
    • T. Cartmell
    • T. Caterina
    • J. Dziadyk
    • B. Esslinger
    • S. Hamilton
    • B. Henderson
    • A. Knack
    • S. McKeen
    • M. Nickel
    • A. Paquette
    • M. Walters
    • A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk
    • S. McKerry, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
    • C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
    • A. Laughlin, Interim City Manager
    • S. Ebrahim, Office of the City Manager (Subject matter expert)
    • D. Hilton, Edmonton Police Services (Subject matter expert)
    • D. Sydlowski, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
    • B. Andriachuk, City Solicitor 
    • C. Owen, Deputy City Manager, Communications and Engagement
    • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations
    • J. Melifste, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
    • K. Armstrong, Deputy City Manager, Employee Services
    • R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services
    • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development
    • K. Cook, Office of the City Clerk (Subject matter expert) 

  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That Council meet in public.

    With the unanimous consent of City Council, the motion carried.

    City Council met in public at 2:25 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2020. 

  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That December 9, 2020, Office of the City Manager verbal report on Security Update be received for information and remain private pursuant to sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 18 (disclosure harmful to individual or public safety), 24 (advice from officials) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That the December 9, 2020, Office of the Mayor verbal report on Transition and On Boarding Briefing be received for information and remain private pursuant to section 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

Councillor A. Paquette stated that at the January 20, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee meeting, he would move the following:

That Administration return to Committee with options to develop a separate business licence class that permits the operation of Shisha Lounge establishments for the indoor public consumption of shisha/hookah where the following criteria are met:

  • No minors permitted on-premises

  • The HVAC system must be a make-up air unit that is able to provide a minimum of 6,000 CFM of outside airflow

  • Physically segregated areas for consumption and non-consumption that does not allow for smoke to pass through between spaces 

  • All service areas must be free from smoke

  • Smoking area is self-serve and servers/employees do not provide table service

  • Anti-smoking communications are prominently displayed

Notice of Motion Given: December 9/11, 2020, City Council meeting

The meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2020.

No Item Selected