City Council Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • D. Iveson,
  • M. Banga,
  • T. Cartmell,
  • T. Caterina,
  • J. Dziadyk,
  • B. Esslinger,
  • S. Hamilton,
  • B. Henderson,
  • A. Knack,
  • S. McKeen,
  • M. Nickel,
  • A. Paquette,
  • and M. Walters

Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m., Monday, February 8, 2021, and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor D. Iveson conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of City Council.

Councillors M. Banga, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, A. Knack, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette and M. Walters participated electronically.

Councillors M. Banga and A. Paquette were absent with notice for a portion of the meeting.

Councillor M. Nickel was absent without notice for a portion of the meeting.

A. Corbould, City Manager; and A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk, S. McKerry and E. Norton, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That the February 8/10, 2021, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes: 


    • 9.1 City of Edmonton/Government of Alberta Relations Plan: Advancing our Mutual Relationship
      (Private pursuant to section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.3 Contract Update
      (Private pursuant to sections 16, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
    • 9.4 Single Source Request
      (Private pursuant to sections 16, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

    Replacement page:

    • 6.13 Innovative Funding Strategies to Build, Operate and Maintain Recreation Centres
      Community and Public Services Report 3
    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That the following City Council meeting minutes be approved:

    • January 25, 2021, City Council
    • January 26, 2021, City Council Public Hearing
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

Mayor D. Iveson, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 4 class from Greenfield School in Ward 10, and their teacher C. Roberge.

Mayor D. Iveson, on behalf of City Council, welcomed Nobel Laureate Dr. M. Houghton and his team including Dr. L. Tyrell, L. Tyrell, Dr. S. Vanzanten, Dr. K. Barakat and I. Barakat; as well as senior representatives from the University of Alberta including B. Flanagan, E. MacDonald, A. Kziaskiewicz, Dr. B. Hemmelgarn and C. Swindlehurst. M. Houghton was named a Nobel Laureate in Medicine for discovering the Hepatitis C virus and his subsequent work on blood screening tests and vaccines. This award marks the first time in 97 years that an academic at a Canadian university has won the Nobel Prize. Dr. M. Houghton, participating virtually, expressed gratitude for the recognition and provided information on his research.

The following items were selected for debate: 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 6.10, 7.3, 9.1 and 9.2.

  • Moved by:M. Walters
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That the recommendations in the following reports be approved:

    • 6.1 Changes to the 2021 Council Calendar
    • 6.6 Provincial Regulation Change Request - Energy Efficiency Alberta to Municipal Climate Change Action Centre
    • 6.9 Surplus School Sites
    • 6.11 Graffiti Fines and Resolutions - Bylaw Amendment Options
    • 6.12 Edmonton’s Approach to Supportive Housing - Listening Mission Report
    • 6.13 Innovative Funding Strategies to Build, Operate and Maintain Recreation Centres
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:A. Paquette

    That the recommendations in the following reports be approved:

    • 6.4 Storefront Improvement and Development Incentive Programs: Inclusion to Support Commercial Alleys within the Old Strathcona Business Improvement Area
    • 9.3 Contract Update
    • 9.4 Single Source Request
    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)

There were no Requests to Speak.

There were no requests for items to be dealt with at a specific time on the agenda.

  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the following Bylaws be read a first time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19552 - Revision to Bylaw 19134, Closure of a portion of the lane East of 101 Street NW and North of 97 Avenue NW, Rossdale
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19583 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 17378, to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Roadway Construction Local Improvement (102 Street between 104 Avenue and 105 Avenue)
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the following Bylaws be read a second time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19552 - Revision to Bylaw 19134, Closure of a portion of the lane East of 101 Street NW and North of 97 Avenue NW, Rossdale
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19583 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 17378, to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Roadway Construction Local Improvement (102 Street between 104 Avenue and 105 Avenue)
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the following Bylaws be considered for third reading:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19552 - Revision to Bylaw 19134, Closure of a portion of the lane East of 101 Street NW and North of 97 Avenue NW, Rossdale
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19583 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 17378, to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Roadway Construction Local Improvement (102 Street between 104 Avenue and 105 Avenue)
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:M. Nickel

    That the following Bylaws be read a third time:

    • 7.1 Bylaw 19552 - Revision to Bylaw 19134, Closure of a portion of the lane East of 101 Street NW and North of 97 Avenue NW, Rossdale
    • 7.2 Bylaw 19583 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 17378, to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance and assess Roadway Construction Local Improvement (102 Street between 104 Avenue and 105 Avenue)
    • 7.4 Bylaw 19384 - Amendment to the Hays Ridge Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan
    • 7.5 Charter Bylaw 19385 - To allow for medium-rise Multi-unit Housing, Hays Ridge
    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no Councillor Inquiries.

There were no Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting.

There were no Requests to Reschedule Reports.

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

  1. That the Orders of the Day for the February 10, 2021, City Council continuation meeting be changed to adjourn at 11:00 a.m. 
  2. That a City Auditor Recruitment Committee meeting be scheduled on February 10, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. - noon. 
  3. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on February 10, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  4. That the Orders of the Day for the March 3, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee meeting be changed to adjourn at noon. 
  5. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on March 3, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  6. That a City Council Non-regular meeting be scheduled on March 4, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. - noon.
  7. That the March 26, 2021, Inter-municipal and Regional Development Committee meeting (9:30 a.m. - noon) be cancelled. 
  8. That continuation of the March 22, 2021, Executive Committee meeting be scheduled on March 26, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. - noon.
  9. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on May 6, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
  10. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on June 3, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
  11. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on July 6, 2021, from  9:30 a.m. - noon.
  12. That an Emergency Advisory Committee meeting be scheduled on August 12, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 

A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services; and K. Fallis-Howell, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services), answered questions.

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    Financial Assistance for Economic Loss due to Major Construction - Draft Policy

    That Administration prepare a draft financial assistance policy based on the City of Montréal’s Financial Assistance Policy Summary, as described in the February 1, 2021, Office of the City Manager report CR_7806, and return to Executive Committee.

    Due Date: June 28, 2021, Executive Committee

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and M. Banga
    Opposed (1)T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 1)

S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development; and M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the Motion on the Floor be replaced with the following:

    Opportunities to Advance Major Infrastructure Projects

    That Administration engage industry and EPCOR, analyze existing and previously used tools and determine alignment to City Plan direction for major infrastructure projects (for example major roadway or major utility infrastructure) that, as demonstrated by industry, have current cash flow challenges and that might not readily proceed without different tools, and provide a report to Committee.

    Due Date: April 26, 2021, Executive Committee

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, and M. Walters
    Carried (12 to 0)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That exemptions to City Policies C216C Storefront Improvement Program Policy and C553C Development Incentive Program Policy, be approved:

  1. allowing for commercial properties that face onto the alleys, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the February 1, 2021, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report CR_7511, to be eligible to receive grants under these programs; and
  2. providing a one time exemption from the one grant per building requirements under these programs.

J. Meliefste, Integrated Infrastructure Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Henderson
    1. That the definitive agreements between the City of Edmonton and EPCOR Utilities Inc. (or an affiliate), for the design, build, financing, operation and maintenance of the Downtown District Energy System, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the February 1, 2021, Integrated Infrastructure Services report CR_8257, be approved, and that the agreements be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.
    2. That Administration develop a strategy, through a reallocation of funded operating programs, in advance of the 2023-2026 Operating Budget, to address any incremental operating funding shortfalls of the Downtown District Energy initiative.
    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)J. Dziadyk, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, write a letter to the Province of Alberta, requesting changes to the provincial regulation to name Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAS) instead of Energy Efficiency Alberta (EEA), stressing that time is of the essence to ensure this new program can be implemented in the 2021 construction season.

M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, C. Watt and A. Szabo, Financial and Corporate Services, answered questions.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:M. Walters

    Leduc Annexation Area Change Tax Due Date

    1. That Administration provide a report to Committee, outlining amendments to Bylaw 12914, to change the tax due date on residential properties within the Leduc County annexed area to December 31, 2021, in accordance with Option 2, as outlined in the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00021rev.

    Due Date: April 26, 2021, Executive Committee

    Leduc Annexation Area Tax Penalty Cancellation and Adjustments for 2020

    2. That Administration provide a report to Committee, cancelling any 2020 penalties on residential properties within the Leduc annexed area that have had an increase in taxes for 2020.

    3. That Administration provide a report to Committee, outlining the cancellation that would be required under section 347 of the Municipal Government Act, for properties that are successful in an assessment appeal in 2021, in accordance with Option 2, as outlined in the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00021rev.

    Due Date: Fourth Quarter, 2021

    Leduc Annexation Area Assessment Potential Adjustments

    4. That Administration provide a report to Committee, in the first quarter of each of the next two years, outlining the taxes and any penalties that would be required to be cancelled under Section 347 of the Municipal Government Act, to accomplish the cancellation that is contemplated in Option 3, as outlined in the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00021rev, for any residential properties in the annexed area that had an increase in taxes in 2020, in accordance with Option 3, as outlined in the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report FCS00021rev.

    Due Date: First Quarter, 2022; First Quarter, 2023

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)

A. Corbould, City Manager, answered questions.

  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    Blatchford Hangar 11 Sale and Historical Preservation

    1. That Administration negotiate a draft agreement for the sale of land, as outlined in Option 2 of the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_6367, and return to Committee for approval of the sale agreement or report on the result, as appropriate.

    Due Date: May 27, 2021, Executive Committee

    2. That Attachment 5 of the February 1, 2021, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_6367, remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of third parties), 24 (advice from officials) and 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

1. That the Skyrattler surplus school site be removed from the First Place Program.

Skyrattler Surplus School Site - Proposed Rezoning

2. That Administration provide a report, outlining proposed rezoning of the Skyrattler surplus school site to (AP) Public Parks Zone, to a future City Council Public Hearing for consideration.

Due Date: August 17, 2021, City Council Public Hearing

Skyrattler Surplus School Site - Proposed MR Designation

3. That Administration provide a report, outlining proposed MR designation of the Skyrattler surplus school site, to a future City Council Public Hearing for consideration.

Due Date: August 17, 2021, City Council Public Hearing

4. That Administration engage in discussions with the owner of the Taylor College lands, located in the Skyrattler neighbourhood, to determine if there is an opportunity to integrate a First Place Program development into such lands.

S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, answered questions.

  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:B. Esslinger

    That Administration consider the question of policy to discourage new culs-de-sac development when the design and construction standards are next reviewed.

    In Favour (10)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (10 to 2)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

Bylaw XXXXX - Amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw and Public Places Bylaw

That Administration prepare bylaw amendments to create an offence for placing or causing the placement of graffiti on private and public property without permission, including a fine for $1,000, and return to Community and Public Services Committee.

Due Date: April 28, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

1. That the Mayor provide a copy of the February 3, 2021, Citizen Services report CS00258 to the Government of Alberta, on behalf of the Council and the community, to supplement our budget advocacy around affordable housing.

Edmonton’s Approach to Supportive Housing - One-Year Update

2. That Administration return to Community and Public Services Committee in one year with a report identifying how the initiatives described in the February 3, 2021, Citizen Services report CS00258 have advanced and how the City is working with the private sector to increase the supply of affordable and supportive housing.

Due Date: First Quarter, 2022, Community and Public Services Committee

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

Lewis Farms Facility and Park - Expression of Interest

1. That Administration issue an Expression of Interest (EOI) to solicit potential interest for external partners interested in any combination of either Financing, Building, and/or Operating/Maintaining any of the planned components of the Lewis Farms District Park and Recreation Facility and return to Committee with an analysis and evaluation of the submissions.

Due Date: Fourth Quarter, 2021

Funding Strategies for the A1 Indoor Soccer Facility

2. That Administration explore potential funding strategies, including but not limited to the ARAs (Arterial Road Assessments) and PACs (Permanent Area Contributions) requirements for the development of the proposed A1 indoor soccer facility at 16420 - 26 street and report back to Committee.

Due Date: Fourth Quarter, 2021, Community and Public Services Committee


  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19584 be read a first time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19584 be read a second time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19584 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    That Bylaw 19584 be read a third time.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (1)M. Nickel
    Carried (12 to 1)

S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, answered questions.

  • Moved by:M. Banga
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    Emergency Response Delays and Options for the Maple Road and 23 Avenue Extension

    That Administration provide an information report outlining emergency response delays and options for the Maple Road and 23 Avenue extension or other options, including but not limited to funding alternatives, for secondary access improvements to ensure emergency response performance targets are met for the area. Information on a summary of the historical planning considerations, the emergency access response timelines and any impacts from CN/CP rail activity should also be outlined.

    Due Date: August 16/18, 2021, City Council

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:B. Henderson

    Theatre Network Tax Status

    That Administration return to Executive Committee with a report outlining the current tax status of the Theatre Network (tax account 2716157) and proposed options to cancel outstanding municipal property taxes.

    Due Date: May 10, 2021, Executive Committee

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Caterina
    Seconded by:M. Walters

    That City Council meet in private pursuant to sections 21 (disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the discussion of items 9.1 and 9.2.

    In Favour (12)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (12 to 0)

    City Council met in private at 11:46 a.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

  • Moved by:B. Henderson
    Seconded by:M. Banga

    That City Council meet in public.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

    City Council met in public at 3:44 p.m., Monday February 8, 2021.

City Council met in private at 11:46 a.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

In Attendance:

  • D. Iveson
  • M. Banga
  • T. Cartmell
  • T. Caterina
  • J. Dziadyk
  • B. Esslinger
  • S. Hamilton
  • B. Henderson
  • A. Knack
  • S. McKeen
  • M. Nickel
  • A. Paquette
  • M. Walters
  • A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk
  • S. McKerry, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
  • E. Norton, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
  • K. Kellogg, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
  • A. Corbould, City Manager
  • B. Andriachuk, City Solicitor
  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development
  • C. Owen, Deputy City Manager, Communications and Engagement
  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations
  • K. Armstrong, Deputy City Manager, Employee Services
  • E. Robar, City Operations (Subject matter expert)
  • S. Ebrahim, Office of the City Manager (Subject matter expert)
  • J. Huckabay, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • R. Klatchuk, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • Y. Ote, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • J. Pater, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • C. Lawson, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • J. Cronin, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • H. Edwards, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • L. Yanish, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • K. McIntosh, Communications and Engagement (Subject matter expert)
  • N. Jacobsen, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)

City Council met in public at 3:44 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

  • Moved by:B. Esslinger
    Seconded by:S. McKeen

    1. That the February 8, 2021, Communications and Engagement report CE00142, be received for information.

    2. That the February 8, 2021, Communications and Engagement report CE00142, remain private pursuant to sections 21 (disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (13)D. Iveson, A. Knack, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Carried (13 to 0)

City Council met in private at 11:46 a.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

In Attendance:

  • D. Iveson
  • M. Banga
  • T. Cartmell
  • T. Caterina
  • J. Dziadyk
  • B. Esslinger
  • S. Hamilton
  • B. Henderson
  • A. Knack
  • S. McKeen
  • M. Nickel
  • A. Paquette
  • M. Walters
  • A. Giesbrecht, City Clerk
  • S. McKerry, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
  • E. Norton, Office of the City Clerk (Meeting Clerk)
  • A. Corbould, City Manager
  • B. Andriachuk, City Solicitor
  • M. Persson, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services
  • A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services
  • R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services
  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development
  • C. Owen, Deputy City Manager, Communications and Engagement
  • G. Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations
  • N. Anderson, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development (Subject matter expert)
  • E. Robar, City Operations (Subject matter expert)
  • S. Ebrahim, Office of the City Manager (Subject matter expert)
  • J. Zatylny, Edmonton Fire Services (Subject matter expert)
  • R. Jevne, Citizen Services (Subject matter expert)
  • J. Charchun, Offices of the Mayor and Councillors (Political staff)

City Council met in public at 3:44 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

  • Moved by:S. McKeen
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That the Reimagine Services Update - Verbal report, be received for information and remain private pursuant to section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In Favour (11)D. Iveson, A. Knack, J. Dziadyk, B. Henderson, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, S. McKeen, A. Paquette, M. Walters, M. Banga, and T. Cartmell
    Opposed (2)T. Caterina, and M. Nickel
    Carried (11 to 2)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

  1. That Administration proceed with Option 2, as set out in the February 5, 2021, City Operations report CO00261.
  2. That the February 5, 2021, City Operations report CO00261, remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 2.2. The following motion carried:

  1. That a single source agreement between the City of Edmonton and Lehigh Cement, a division of Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited, for an amount not to exceed $8.0 million CAD, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the February 5, 2021, City Operations report  CO00262, be approved, and that the agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.
  2. That the February 5, 2021, City Operations report CO00262, remain private pursuant to sections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Councillor J. Dziadyk stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, he would move the following:

That Administration prepare a report addressing the installation and maintenance of developer installed neighbourhood entrance feature signs addressing:

  1. Design regulations during initial construction
  2. Options to restore or remove signs in disrepair
  • Notice of Motion Given: February 8, 2021, City Council

The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2021.

No Item Selected