Mayor A. Sohi explained the public hearing process. R. Zheng, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:
Bylaws 20925, 20926 and 20927
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. C. Lee, Qualico (to answer questions only)
2. R. Rehman, Qualico (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20923 and 20924
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. D. Hunchak, Anthem Properties (to answer questions only)
2. E. Smith, Anthem Properties (to answer questions only)
3. K. Davies, Stantec
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. L. Wuzke
2. E. Hernandez
Bylaws 20919 and 20920
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. M. Huberman, Maclab Development Group (to answer questions only)
2. G. MacKenzie, Collaborative Futures (to answer questions only)
3. B. Blais, Maclab Development Group (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20931
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Summers, Stantec
2. D. Blazeka, Stantec (to answer questions only)
3. B. Mannani, Ever Real Estate Developments (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. S. Heschuk
2. J. Heck
3. D. Staszenski
Bylaw 20930
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Summers, Stantec
2. D. Blazeka, Stantec (to answer questions only)
3. B. Mannani, Ever Real Estate Developments (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20896
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. R. Soans, Clarity Development
2. C. Johnston, Beljan Development (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20917
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. D. Panizzon (to answer questions only)
2. M. Panizzon (to answer questions only)
3. P. Patrizi (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20933
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. J. Booth, Situate Inc.
2. A. Rizzutov, Little Village Wellness Centre (to answer questions only)
3. P. Martinovich, Little Village Wellness Centre (to answer questions only)
4. W. Leung, Little Village Wellness Centre (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20921
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. M. Figueira, Green Space Allliance (to answer questions only)
2. D. Ewing (to answer questions only)
3. M. Winnitoy (to answer questions only)
4. E. Gooch, EFG Architects Inc. (to answer questions only)
5. C. Gooch, EFG Architects Inc. (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20877
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. A. Olsen, EINS (to answer questions only)
2. R. Eidick, EINS
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. C. McCourt-Reid, Laurier Heights Community League
2. M. Jones
3. S. Balay
4. L. Riddell
5. J. McDowell
6. S. McGowan
Bylaw 20918
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. A. Rosland, Situate Inc.
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. P. Conquest
2. W. Antoniuk, Old Glenora Conservation Association
Bylaw 20932
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. M. Huberman, Situate Inc. (to answer questions only)
2. J. Tkalcic, TBD Architecture (to answer questions only)
3. A. Rosland, Situate Inc.
4. J. Booth, Situate Inc.
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. R. Walker
2. N. Toffoli
3. D. Lux