Minutes for 08/23/2016, City Council






August 23, 2016  –  Council Chamber




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina, B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson,
A. Knack, D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters




L. Cochrane, City Manager
L. Sahli, City Clerk
D. Beaudry, Office of the City Clerk
M. de Guzman, Office of the City Clerk







1.          CALL TO ORDER AND RELATED BUSINESS                            2

1.1        Call to Order                                                                                          2

1.2        Adoption of Agenda                                                                            2

1.3        Adoption of Minutes                                                                           3

1.4        Protocol Items                                                                                      3


2.1        Select Items for Debate                                                                      4

2.2        Requests to Speak                                                                              4

2.3        Requests for Specific Time on Agenda                                         4

2.4        Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate                                      4

3.          COUNCILLOR INQUIRIES                                                                 4


5.          STATUS REPORT                                                                               4

6.          REPORTS                                                                                              4

6.1        Edmonton Arena District Update                                                    4

6.2        Councillor Appointments - Alberta Urban

             Municipalities Association                                                                 5

6.3        Federal Stimulus August Update - An Update on the

             Public Transit Infrastructure Fund                                                  5

6.4        Edmonton Arts Council Community Investment

             Program Travel Grant Recommendations                                    6

6.5        Edmonton Arts Council  Community Investment

             Program – Arts Building Operating Grant

             Recommendations                                                                              6

6.6        City of Edmonton Youth Council - Proposed Action

             Municipal Voting Age                                                                          7

6.7        Notice of Intent to Designate the Hunt Residence

             as a Municipal Historic Resource                                                    8

6.8        Notice of Intention to Designate the Shop Easy as

             a Municipal Historic Resource                                                         8

6.9        Notice of Intention to Designate the John Wood

             Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource                               9

6.10      River Valley Alliance - Capital Program 2017- 2022                    9

7.          BYLAWS                                                                                              10

7.1        Bylaw 17667 - To Designate the Duncan Cameron

             Residence as a Municipal Historic Resources                          10

7.2        Bylaw 17704 - To Designate McKay Avenue School as

             a Municipal Historic Resource - Amendment No. 1                  11

7.3        Bylaw 17682 - To repeal Bylaw 16722, Sanitary

             Drainage Project - Residuals Disposal Facility                          12

7.4        Bylaw 17685 - To repeal Bylaw 16116, Waste

             Management Project, Processing Infrastructure &

             Facilities                                                                                               12

7.5        Bylaw 17718 - To amend Bylaw 17257, to authorize

             the City of Edmonton to lend money to a

             non-profit organization, Francis Winspear Centre

             for Music                                                                                              13

8.          MOTIONS PENDING                                                                         14

8.1        Sliding Scale Fee Proposal for Low Income

             Edmontonians (A. Knack)                                                               14

8.2        Assessment of the Whitemud Creek Ravine (M. Walters)      14

9.          PRIVATE REPORTS                                                                         15

9.1        Edmonton Police Commission - Chair Interview 

             Verbal report                                                                                       15

9.2        Edmonton Regional Airports Authority - Chair

             Membership Report                                                                          17


             NOTICE                                                                                                17

10.1      Cyclovia Events (B. Henderson)                                                   17

10.2      Changes to Council Calendar (A. Knack)                              17

11.        ADJOURNMENT                                                                                18







See minutes


See minutes

Not considered


See minutes


























Three readings


Three readings


Second and Third reading


Second and Third reading


Second and Third reading












See minutes











Call to Order




Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m., and acknowledged that Council is meeting on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory, and he also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.







Adoption of Agenda



Moved B. Esslinger - A. Knack:




That the August 23/24, 2016, City Council meeting agenda be adopted.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Adoption of Minutes



Moved E. Gibbons - A. Knack:




That the following City Council meeting minutes be adopted:

·         July 11, 2016, City Council Public Hearing

·         July 12, 2016, City Council



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Protocol Items



Office of the City Manager Chief of Staff (L. Cochrane)




L. Cochrane, City Manager, introduced the new Office of the City Manager Chief of Staff, M. Labrecque. He is an accomplished executive leader with experience in high profile, public positions responsible for physical plant management, project management, budgeting, infrastructure development, transportation systems planning, human resource management, and public works services. The Chief of Staff position will support the Corporate Leadership Team with its integration work. This is a senior leadership position that will also play a key role in building the strategic framework, leading significant corporate projects, managing high-urgency and sensitive issues, facilitating department integration, and working with key external stakeholders.







Former City Councillor - Kiviaq, formally known as David Ward
(D. Iveson)




Mayor D. Iveson, on behalf of City Council, paid tribute to former City Councillor - Kiviaq, formally known as David Ward, who passed away from a courageous battle with cancer on April 24, 2016. He successfully ran for City Council in 1968 and served as alderman for six years, during which time he helped successfully lobby for the 1978 Commonwealth Games. He will most notably be remembered for his personal legal battle for the right to use his birth name, Kiviaq, rather than David Ward. He won his case in 2001. This was a remarkable achievement and had a significant impact for the Inuit as naming in Inuit Heritage is a matter of identity. By winning this case, he secured the ability for his fellow Inuit to maintain their identities and ties to their heritage. Family and friends of Kiviaq were present in Council Chamber.









Select Items for Debate




The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.3, 6.6 and 9.1.







Requests to Speak




The requests to speak were not considered.







Requests for Specific Time on Agenda




There were no requests for any items to be dealt with at a specific time.







Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate




See section 7 - Bylaws.










There were no Councillor Inquiries.













Edmonton Arena District Update




L. Sahli, City Clerk; R. G. Klassen, Deputy City Manager, Sustainable Development; and L. Cochrane, City Manager, answered Council's questions. 







Moved S. McKeen - M. Banga:




That the August 23, 2016, Sustainable Development report CR_3693, be referred to the August 30, 2016, Executive Committee meeting.

Sustainable Dev.

Due Date: Aug. 30, 2016

Exec. Committee



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen,
M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters







E. Gibbons, D. Loken



Councillor Appointments - Alberta Urban Municipalities Association



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




1.    That Councillor T. Caterina be reappointed as Vice-President for Edmonton, on the Board of Directors of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, until the Association's annual general meeting in 2017, provided that the Councillor remains a member of Council throughout the appointment term.

2.    That Councillor M. Walters be reappointed as a City of Edmonton Director, on the Board of Directors of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, until the Association's annual general meeting in 2018, provided that the Councillor remains a member of Council throughout the appointment term.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Federal Stimulus August Update - An Update on the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund




B. Leeman, Financial and Corporate Services, made a presentation and answered Council's questions.
A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services; T. Burge, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager, Financial and Corporate Services; and
L. Cochrane, City Manager, answered Council's questions.







Moved D. Iveson - M. Walters:




1.    That Attachment 2 of the August 23, 2016, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_3932, be changed to reflect profile 16-66-3214 as a renewal project.

2.    That the Budget Adjustment requests set out in Attachment 1 of the August 23, 2016, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_3932, be approved, with the release of funding for each profile subject to the City of Edmonton receiving the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund grant funding for the individual projects as represented in the profiles as listed in revised Attachment 2 of the August 23, 2016, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_3932.

Financial and Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Edmonton Arts Council Community Investment Program Travel Grant Recommendations



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




That the recommendations for Travel Grants, as set out in Attachment 1 of the August 15, 2016, Edmonton Arts Council report CR_3903, be approved.

Arts Council




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Edmonton Arts Council  Community Investment Program – Arts Building Operating Grant Recommendations



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




That the recommendations for operating grants, as set out in Attachment 1 of the August 15, 2016, Edmonton Arts Council report CR_3904, be approved.

Arts Council




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



City of Edmonton Youth Council - Proposed Action Municipal Voting Age




I. Johnson, Financial and Corporate Services (Law);
L. Sahli, City Clerk; C. Somerville and A. MacRae-Korobkov, City of Edmonton Youth Council; L. Cochrane, City Manager; and L. Brenneis, Citizen Services, answered Council’s questions.







Moved M. Walters - A. Knack:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, send a cover letter along with the Edmonton Youth Council's letter (Attachment 1 of the August 16, 2016, Edmonton Youth Council report CR_3902) to the Province of Alberta in support of amending the Local Authorities Election Act to allow 16- and 17-year-old citizens the right to vote.



Amendment moved B. Henderson - S. McKeen:




That after the words "in support of", add the word "considering”.



For the Amendment:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, B. Esslinger, B. Henderson,
A. Knack, D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Walters







M. Banga, T. Caterina, E. Gibbons, M. Nickel, M. Oshry



Motion as Amended, put:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, send a cover letter along with the Edmonton Youth Council's letter (Attachment 1 of the August 16, 2016, Edmonton Youth Council report CR_3902) to the Province of Alberta in support of considering amending the Local Authorities Election Act to allow 16- and 17-year-old citizens the right to vote.

Office of the Mayor

Youth Council




For the Motion as Amended:




D. Iveson, B. Esslinger, B. Henderson, A. Knack, D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Walters







B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina, E. Gibbons, M. Nickel, M. Oshry



Notice of Intent to Designate the Hunt Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




1.    That a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 17, 2016, Sustainable Development report CR_3772, be served on the owners of the property occupied by the Hunt Residence, located at 12520 – 109A Avenue NW in accordance with Section 26 of the Alberta Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000.

2.    That funding of up to $75,000 for this project be provided from the Heritage Reserve Fund.

3.    That the City Manager be appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource.

Sustainable Dev.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Notice of Intention to Designate the Shop Easy as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




1.    That a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 17, 2016, Sustainable Development report CR_3792, be served on the owners of the property occupied by the Shop-Easy Grocery, located at 11606 – 129 Avenue NW in accordance with Section 26 of the Alberta Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000.

2.    That funding of up to $114,469.50 for this project be provided from the Heritage Reserve Fund.

3.    That the City Manager be appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource.

Sustainable Dev.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Notice of Intention to Designate the John Wood Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




1.    That a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 17, 2016, Sustainable Development report CR_3794, be served on the owners of the property occupied by the John Wood Residence, located at 11833 - 102 Avenue NW, in accordance with Section 26 of the Alberta Historical Resources Act RSA 2000.

2.    That funding of up to $75,000 for this project be provided from the Heritage Reserve Fund.

3.    That the City Manager be appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource.

Sustainable Dev.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



River Valley Alliance - Capital Program 2017- 2022



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




River Valley Alliance Project List

1.    That the preliminary list of Edmonton - based projects identified in the River Valley Alliance Draft Capital Program 2017-2022, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the August 17, 2016, Sustainable Development report CR_3778, be approved, subject to a report on finalization of cost agreements, proof of concept studies and setting of project priorities.

2.    That the City Manager reply to the three questions asked by the River Valley Alliance (with responses as outlined in this report) and indicate that City Administration will continue to work with the River Valley Alliance to determine a cost-shared formula for the projects and to refine the project list, costs and schedules.

North shore west of the Walterdale Bridge and the Touch the Water Promenade - Options for Improvement

3.    That Administration work with the River Valley Alliance to bring forward options to improve the North shore west of the Walterdale Bridge and the Touch the Water Promenade, to better accommodate the many users, create vistas, access and gathering spaces, and build a signature promenade experience.

Sustainable Dev.

Due by:
Nov. 23, 2016

Urban Planning Committee

Office of the City Manager



Sustainable Dev.

Due by:
Nov. 23, 2016

Urban Planning Committee



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters





Bylaw 17667 - To Designate the Duncan Cameron Residence as a Municipal Historic Resources



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17667 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17667 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17667 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17667 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Bylaw 17704 - To Designate McKay Avenue School as a Municipal Historic Resource - Amendment No. 1



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17704 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17704 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17704 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17704 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Bylaw 17682 - To repeal Bylaw 16722, Sanitary Drainage Project - Residuals Disposal Facility



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17682 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17682 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Bylaw 17685 - To repeal Bylaw 16116, Waste Management Project, Processing Infrastructure & Facilities



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17685 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17685 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Bylaw 17718 - To amend Bylaw 17257, to authorize the City of Edmonton to lend money to a non-profit organization, Francis Winspear Centre for Music



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17718 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 17718 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That the terms of the loan agreement between the City of Edmonton and the Francis Winspear Centre for Music as outlined in Attachment 2 of the August 23, 2016, Financial and Corporate Services report CR_3817rev, be approved and that the loan agreement between the City of Edmonton and Francis Winspear Centre for Music, be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.

Financial and Corporate Svcs.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters





Sliding Scale Fee Proposal for Low Income Edmontonians
(A. Knack)



Moved A. Knack - D. Iveson:




Sliding Scale Fee Proposal for Low Income Edmontonians

That Administration develop a sliding scale fee proposal for low income Edmontonians, including those just outside the low income cut-offs typically used, that would apply to City of Edmonton low income subsidy programs (example: leisure access pass and low income transit pass) and return to Committee with this proposal that would identify a timeline for implementation, requirements/options for funding and administrative requirements.

Citizen Svcs.

Due by:
Nov. 21, 2016

Community and Pub. Svcs.




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Walters







M. Oshry



Assessment of the Whitemud Creek Ravine (M. Walters)




A. Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services, answered Council's questions.







Moved M. Walters - B. Anderson:




Condition Assessment of the Ravine and River Valley Trail Systems

That Administration provide a report on the following:

·         A condition assessment of the trail system, including but not limited to, to North and South Whitemud Creek Ravine, as well as, an examination of the slope stability for these trails,

·         Information regarding the condition of other ravine/river valley trail systems throughout the rest of the city,

·         An outline detailing the reasons for the degradation of this trail system,

·         Past and present capital and operating costs associated with river valley trail repair and maintenance and rehabilitation.

Ravine and River Valley Trail Systems – Renewal Options and Future Connectivity

That Administration provide a report on the following:

·         Potential options and strategies for renewal of the trail system, strategies to mitigate against future trail degradation and the potential capital costs associated with these renewal and mitigation strategies, and

·         Information on other River Valley trail links and connections that are currently planned and unfunded.

Integrated Infrastructure Svcs.

Due by:

Nov. 21, 2016

Community and Public Services





Integrated Infrastructure Svcs.

Due by:
Fourth Quarter 2017

Community and Pub. Svcs.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters





Edmonton Police Commission - Chair Interview – Verbal report



Moved M. Walters - B. Esslinger:




That Council meet in private pursuant to sections 17 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters








Council met in private at 11:40 a.m.







Moved A. Knack - M. Banga:




That Council meet in public.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters








Council met in public at 12:06 p.m.







Moved M. Oshry - S. McKeen:




1.    That Karen MacKenzie and John Lilley be reappointed to the Edmonton Police Commission for the term January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018.

2.    That Cathryn Palmer be reappointed for a 1 year extension from January 1 to December 31, 2017.

3.    That the August 23, 2016, Office of the City Manager report remain private pursuant to sections 17 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

4.    That the following recruitment criteria be approved and included in the Edmonton Police Commission recruitment profile for one vacancy:

·         Significant, practical management experience in a corporate business environment.

·         Understanding and experience with both operational and capital budgets.

·         Experience in a large organization with diverse employees, preferably in a professional and union blended setting.

·         Knowledge and/or experience in governance and board operations responsible for a large organization.

·         Experience in public accountability and scrutiny in a political setting.

·         Individuals reflective of the diversity of the citizens of Edmonton

·         A legal background with governance experience would be an asset.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Edmonton Regional Airports Authority - Chair Membership Report



Moved M. Walters - S. McKeen:




1.    That Naseem Bashir be reappointed to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority Board of Directors, for the term January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020.

2.    That the August 23, 2016, Office of the City Manager report CR_3828 remain private pursuant to sections 17 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters





Cyclovia Events (B. Henderson)




Councillor B. Henderson stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, he will move the following:


That Administration prepare an unfunded service package for costs to develop and deliver four Cyclovia Events through 2017 and 2018, as part of the Active Transportation Initiative, for consideration during the 2016 Fall Supplementary Operating and Capital Budget Adjustments.

·         Notice of Motion Given: August 23, 2016



Changes to Council Calendar (A. Knack)




Councillor A. Knack requested permission to make a motion without notice regarding changes to the Council Calendar.







Moved B. Henderson - M. Walters:




That Councillor A. Knack be allowed to make a motion without notice regarding changes to the Council Calendar.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters



Moved A. Knack - M. Oshry:




1.    That the continuation of the August 23, 2016, City Council meeting on August 24, 2016, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, be cancelled.

2.    That an Audit Selection Committee meeting be scheduled on August 25, 2016, from 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon, for the purpose of the Audit Committee Public Member Recruitment. 

3.    That the September 1, 2016, Utility Committee meeting be cancelled. 

4.    That the September 8, 2016, City Council meeting be cancelled.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, B. Anderson, M. Banga, T. Caterina,
B. Esslinger, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
D. Loken, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, M. Oshry, M. Walters






The meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.








______________________                                   ______________________

Chair                                                                          City Clerk

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