Minutes for 06/17/2019, City Council Public Hearing






June 17, 2019  –  Council Chamber




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton,
B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters

Councillor J. Dziadyk was absent for a portion of the meeting without notice.




L. Cochrane, Office of City Manager
D. Siebold, Office of the City Clerk
T. Orbell, Office of the City Clerk







1.          CALL TO ORDER AND RELATED BUSINESS                            2

1.1        Call to Order                                                                                          2

1.2        Adoption of Agenda                                                                            2

1.3        Protocol Items                                                                                      3

2.          EXPLANATION OF PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS                      3

2.1        Call for Persons to Speak                                                                 3

3.          BYLAWS AND RELATED REPORTS - 1:30 P.M.                         4

3.1        Charter Bylaw 18708 - To allow for low and medium

             density residential uses, McConachie                                           4

3.2        Bylaw 18883 - Amendment to the Maple

             Neighbourhood Structure Plan                                                        5

3.3        Charter Bylaw 18884 - To adjust boundaries

             between natural and residential areas and allow

             for a range of low and medium density

             residential uses, Maple                                                                       5

3.4        Charter Bylaw 18885 - To revise the previously

             approved repurposing of the historic Street

             Railway Substation No. 600 and the development

             of a low rise building with a limited range of

             commercial uses, Westmount                                                          7

3.5        Charter Bylaw 18882 - Text amendment to Zoning

             Bylaw 12800 to streamline regulations for Liquor

             Stores, update the design and on-site-parking

             requirements                                                                                         8

3.6        Bylaw 18889 - Amendment to the North Saskatchewan

             River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan                                         9

3.7        Charter Bylaw 18890 - To allow for the

             development of a solar power plant as a

             complementary use to the E.L. Smith Water

             Treatment Plant in the North Saskatchewan River

             Valley, River Valley Cameron                                                            9

3.8        Bylaw 18758 - Amendment to the Jasper Place Area

             Redevelopment Plan                                                                        13

3.9        Charter Bylaw 18759 - To allow for the

             development of a mixed use building, West Jasper

             Place                                                                                                     13


             NOTICE                                                                                                15

5.          ADJOURNMENT                                                                                15






See minutes


See minutes



Three readings


Three readings




Three readings





Three readings




Three readings









Lost on 1st reading


Lost on 1st reading










Call to Order




Mayor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.



Adoption of Agenda



Moved B. Esslinger – M. Banga:




That the June 17, 2019, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted with the following changes:

Replacement page:

3.4 Charter Bylaw 18885 - To revise the previously approved repurposing of the historic Street Railway Substation No. 600 and the development of a low rise building with a limited range of commercial uses, Westmount
- Attachment 1, page 5



Amendment moved A. Knack - M. Nickel:




Change Order of the Agenda:

That Items 3.8 and 3.9 be brought forward to be dealt with prior to Items 3.6 and 3.7.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen,
M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters







S. Hamilton



Motion as Amended, put:




That the June 17, 2019, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted with the following changes:

Replacement page:

3.4 Charter Bylaw 18885 - To revise the previously approved repurposing of the historic Street Railway Substation No. 600 and the development of a low rise building with a limited range of commecial uses, Westmount
- Attachment 1, page 5

Change Order of the Agenda:

That Items 3.8 and 3.9 be brought forward to be dealt with prior to Items 3.6 and 3.7.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen,
M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters







S. Hamilton



Protocol Items



City Hall School 2019-2020 (D. Iveson)




Mayor D. Iveson, on behalf of City Council, welcomed teachers who will be bringing their students to City Hall School next year.





Call for Persons to Speak




Mayor D. Iveson explained the public hearing process.

D. Siebold, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:

Charter Bylaw 18708
In favour: K. Davies, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; and
J. Marchese, Anthem United (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884
In favour: G. Nguyen, Dream Development; and
E. Shillington, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (to answer questions only).

Charter Bylaw 18885
In favour: C. Dulaba, Beljan Development.

Opposed: B. Meilke and A. Bernstein, ADB Investments Ltd.

Charter Bylaw 18882
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Charter Bylaw 18882.

Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890
In favour: C. Bonneville, G. Bridgeman, M. Kennedy,
T. Manning and S. Scherer, EPCOR; W. Prystay and
K. Peach, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; M. Kolla, Alberta Innovates; D. Taylor; S. Thomas; K. Spiller and Y. Vani.
K. Fouquette and K. Petrin, Stantec Consulting Ltd.;
D. Bruce, HDR; N. Papay; C. Piercey; and A. Laycock, EPCOR (to answer questions only).

Opposed: J. Redmond; E. Gormley and K. Kowalchuk, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition; N. Karpoff; R. Feroe; D. Dorward; J. Carre; C. Richmond, Sierra Club Canada Foundation; R. Harlan; P. Cotterill, S. Klann;
R. Mills; S. Savard, Edmonton Trail Runners; K. Nelson; and D. Visser, Edmonton Park Saskatchewan River Valley Conservation Society.

Bylaw 18758 and Charter Bylaw 18759
In favour: N. Van Driel; and C. Dulaba, Beljan Development.

Opposed: A. Doell; D. Hickle; V. Ashton; K. Holba;
D. Megic; M. Shymko; K. Hickle; S. Lakey; O. Lukaszewski; M. David; B. James; E. Frost; I. Hobin; A. Bussieres;
 B. Wonago; R. Nenn; M. Taekema; G. Somkuti;
B. Bellerive; B. Reed; I. Blain, R. Nash, D. Colwell,
P. Kobewka and C. Nardella, West Jasper/Sherwood Community League; and L. Thiesen.









Charter Bylaw 18708 - To allow for low and medium density residential uses, McConachie



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 18708 be closed.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18708 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18708 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18708 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18708 be read a third time.


Distribution List




In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Bylaw 18883 - Amendment to the Maple Neighbourhood Structure Plan



Charter Bylaw 18884 - To adjust boundaries between natural and residential areas and allow for a range of low and medium density residential uses, Maple




Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 were dealt with together.

F. Saeed, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, answered Council's questions.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone in attendance who wished to speak to new information. There was no one.



Moved M. Banga - M. Nickel:




That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 be closed.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved M. Banga - M. Nickel:




That Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved M. Banga - M. Nickel:




That Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved M. Banga - M. Nickel:




That Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved M. Banga - M. Nickel:




That Bylaw 18883 and Charter Bylaw 18884 be read a third time.


Distribution List




In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Charter Bylaw 18885 - To revise the previously approved repurposing of the historic Street Railway Substation No. 600 and the development of a low rise building with a limited range of commercial uses, Westmount




T. Pawlyk, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, made a presentation.

C. Dulaba, Beljan Development, made a presentation and answered Council's questions.

B. Meilke and A. Bernstein, ADB Investments Ltd., made presentations and answered Council's questions.

A handout provided by B. Meilke was distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Law); and
T. Pawlyk, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, answered Council's questions.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone that wished to speak to new information.

B. Meilke and A. Bernstein; and C. Dulaba, made presentations and answered Council's questions.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone that wished to speak to new information.

B. Meike and A. Bernstein made presentations.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone that wished to speak to new information.  There was no one.



Moved S. McKeen - M. Nickel:




That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 18885 be closed.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved S. McKeen - A. Knack:




That Charter Bylaw 18885 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Caterina, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Walters







T. Cartmell, J. Dziadyk, A. Knack, M. Nickel, A. Paquette



Moved S. McKeen - M. Walters:




That Charter Bylaw 18885 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Caterina, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Walters







T. Cartmell, J. Dziadyk, A. Knack, M. Nickel, A. Paquette



Moved S. McKeen - M. Walters:




That Charter Bylaw 18885 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved S. McKeen - M. Walters:




That Charter Bylaw 18885 be read a third time.


Distribution List




In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Caterina, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, S. McKeen, M. Walters







T. Cartmell, J. Dziadyk, A. Knack, M. Nickel, A. Paquette



Charter Bylaw 18882 - Text amendment to Zoning Bylaw 12800 to streamline regulations for Liquor Stores, update the design and on-site-parking requirements



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 18882 be closed.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18882 be read a first time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18882 be read a second time.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18882 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved T. Caterina - M. Nickel:




That Charter Bylaw 18882 be read a third time.


Distribution List




In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Bylaw 18889 - Amendment to the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan



Charter Bylaw 18890 - To allow for the development of a solar power plant as a complementary use to the E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant in the North Saskatchewan River Valley, River Valley Cameron




Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890 were dealt with together.

L. Balone, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, made a presentation.

C. Bonneville and G. Bridgeman, EPCOR, made a presentation and answered Council's questions.

J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Law), answered Council's questions.

W. Prystay and K. Peach, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; and
M. Kennedy, EPCOR, made presentations and answered Council's questions. T. Manning and S. Scherer, EPCOR, made presentations. S. Thomas; K. Spiller; and Y. Vani made presentations and answered Council's questions.

A handout provided by M. Kennedy was distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

J. Redmond; and R. Harlan made presentations and answered Council's questions. S. Klann made a presentation.  D. Visser, Edmonton Park Saskatchewan River Valley Conservation Society; N. Ashbolt, University of Alberta; D. Skinner; D. Dorward; and E. Gormley, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition, made presentations and answered Council's questions.



Moved B. Esslinger - M. Nickel:




1. That Item 4.1 Enterprise Performance Management Working Session - Verbal Report from the June 19, 2019, City Council Non-regular meeting agenda, be postponed to a date to be determined by agenda review committee.

2. That the June 19, 2019, City Council Non-regular meeting, be cancelled.

3. That, after recessing at 5:30 p.m., the June 17, 2019, City Council Public Hearing reconvene on Wednesday June 19, 2019, at 1:30 p.m., to continue dealing with items 3.6 and 3.7.

Office of the City Manager




In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters




R. Feroe; J. Carre; K. Kowalchuk, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition; C. Richmond, Sierra Club Canada Foundation; P. Cotterill, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition; R. Mills; S. Savard, Edmonton Trail Runners; and R. Houle made presentations and answered Council's questions. R. Anderson-Donovan; and J. Rickett, Save Gold Bar Park Alliance, made presentations.
G. Ukrainetz made a presentation and answered Council's questions. S. Heschuk made a presentation.

Handouts provided by J. Redmond; R. Harlan; N. Ashbolt; R. Feroe; E. Gormley; S. Klann; P. Cotterill; and R. Houle were distributed to all Members of Council and copies were filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

P. Ohm, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, answered Council's questions.



Moved S. Hamilton - M. Walters:




That Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890 be referred back to Administration to:

1. Work with EPCOR Water and Enoch First Nation to continue engagement activities and return to a furture Public Hearing. Engagement activities should include:

a. Sharing archeological report and traditional knowledge to further interpret the findings and site history in consultation with Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women;

b. Potential partnerships and collaborate on site interpretation, vegetation and harvesting, project naming and potential economic opportunities; and

c. offer to collaborate on the design and shared use of publicly accessible open space.




P. Ohm, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development; and J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Law), answered Council's questions.



Amendment moved B. Henderson - M. Nickel:




That Part 2 be added as follows:

2. Work and reporting necessary to allow Council to fully consider whether the location within the River Valley should be deemed essential by Council.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters




Members of Council requested that the motion be split for voting purposes.



Part 1 of Motion, put:




That Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890 be referred back to Administration to:

1. Work with EPCOR Water and Enoch First Nation to continue engagement activities and return to a future Public Hearing. Engagement activities should include:

a. Sharing archeological report and traditional knowledge to further interpret the findings and site history in consultation with Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women;
b. Potential partnerships and collaborate on site interpretation, vegetation and harvesting, project naming and potential economic opportunities; and
c. Offer  to collaborate on the design and shared use of publicly accessible open space.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Walters







M. Nickel, A. Paquette



Part 2 of Motion, put:




That Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890 be referred back to Administration to:

2.    Work and reporting necessary to allow Council to fully consider whether the location within the River Valley should be deemed essential by Council.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Summary of Council’s Decision on items 3.6 and 3.7:




That Bylaw 18889 and Charter Bylaw 18890 be referred back to Administration to:

1. Work with EPCOR Water and Enoch First Nation to continue engagement activities and return to a future Public Hearing. Engagement activities should include:

a. Sharing archeological report and traditional knowledge to further interpret the findings and site history in consultation with Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women;

b. Potential partnerships and collaborate on site interpretation, vegetation and harvesting, project naming and potential economic opportunities; and

c. Offer to collaborate on the design and shared use of publicly accessible open space.

2. Work and reporting necessary to allow Council to fully consider whether the location within the River Valley should be deemed essential by Council.

Urban Form and Corp. Strategic Dev.


Due Date:
To Be Determined







Bylaw 18758 - Amendment to the Jasper Place Area Redevelopment Plan



Charter Bylaw 18759 - To allow for the development of a mixed use building, West Jasper Place




Bylaw 18758 and Charter Bylaw 18759 were dealt with together.

H. Mikkelsen, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, made a presentation.

N. Van Driel; and C. Dulaba, Beljan Development, made presentations and answered Council's questions.

A. Doell, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. D. Hickle made a presentation. V. Ashton made a presentation and answered Council's questions. D. Megic; M. Shymko; K. Hickle; S. Lakey; O. Lukaszewski; M. David; B. James; I. Hobin; A. Bussieres; B. Wonago; R. Nenn;
M. Taekema; G. Somkuti; and B. Bellerive, made presentations. 



Moved B. Esslinger – M. Walters:




1.    That the June 18, 2019, City Council meeting recess at 12 noon and reconvene, if required, on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.

2.    That, after recessing at 9:30 p.m., the June 17, 2019, City Council Public Hearing reconvene on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 1:30 p.m., to deal with Items 3.6 and 3.7.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters




I. Blaine, West Jasper/Sherwood Community League, made presentation and answered Council's questions. R. Nash and D. Colwell, West Jasper/Sherwood Community League, made presentations. P. Kobewka, West Jasper/Sherwood Community League, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. C. Nardella, West Jasper/Sherwood Community League, made a presentation. L. Thiesen made a presentation and answered Council's questions.

P. Ohm, M. Hanley and H. Mikkelsen, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development; and J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Law), answered Council's questions.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone in attendance who wished to speak to new information.

C. Dulaba; I. Blain; S. Lakey; I. Hobin; and M. David made presentations. D. Colwell made a presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mayor D. Iveson asked if there was anyone in attendance who wished to speak to new information. There was no one.







Moved A. Knack - M. Nickel:




That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 18758 and Charter Bylaw 18759 be closed.



In Favour:




D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, B. Esslinger, S. Hamilton, B. Henderson, A. Knack,
S. McKeen, M. Nickel, A. Paquette, M. Walters



Moved J. Dziadyk - S. Hamilton:




That Bylaw 18758 and Charter Bylaw 18759 be read a first time.




In Favour:




T. Caterina, J. Dziadyk, S. Hamilton







D. Iveson, M. Banga, T. Cartmell, B. Esslinger,
B. Henderson, A. Knack, S. McKeen, M. Nickel,
A. Paquette, M. Walters








The meeting adjourned on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 5:08 p.m.





______________________                                   ______________________

Chair                                                                          City Clerk


No Item Selected