City Council - AgendaMeeting #:Date:Monday, August 15, 2022Time: 9:30 A.m. - 5:00 P.m.Location:Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City HallCall to Order: 9:30 a.m.Lunch: Noon - 1:30 p.m.Recess: 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.Adjournment: 5 p.m. Continuation: Wednesday, August 17, 2022Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.Adjournment: NoonDeputy Mayor: M. JanzActing Mayor: S. Hamilton Please note: Members of the public may choose to participate at Council and Committee meetings in person or remotely. You can request to speak up until your item has been dealt with. The public is invited to view in-progress meetings online via the Agenda, Council on the Web or City Council's YouTube Channel. For additional information, contact the Office of the City Clerk at (780) 496-8178.1.Call to Order and Related Business 1.1Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1.2Roll Call 1.3Adoption of Agenda 1.4Approval of Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CC_Jul04_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCPH_Jul05_2022 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special City Council_Aug10_2022 - English.pdfAddendum July 4/6, 2022, City Council July 5, 2022, City Council Public Hearing August 10, 2022, Special City Council 1.5Protocol Items 2.Items for Discussion and Related Business 2.1Select Items for Debate 2.2Vote on Reports not Selected for Debate 2.3Requests to Speak Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes2.4Requests for Specific Time on Agenda Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes2.5Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate 3.Councillor Inquiries 4.Reports to be Dealt with at a Different Meeting None5.Requests to Reschedule Reports None6.Unfinished Business 6.1Healthy Streets Operation Centre - Chinatown 1.Motion on the Floor Cover Report 1 - Healthy Streets Operation Centre - Chinatown.pdf2.CS01345 Healthy Streets Operation Centre - Report.pdf3.CS01345 Attachment 1_ Evidence Base for Proactive Crime Prevention.pdf4.CS01345 Attachment 2_ EPS Healthy Street Operations Centre Business Plan.pdf5.CS01345 Attachment 3_ Administration options to support Multidisciplinary Community Safety Teams.pdfPostponed from the July 4/6, 2022, City Council meetingItems 6.1 and 7.1 to be dealt with together7.Public Reports 7.1Healthy Streets Operations Centre - Verbal report 1.7.1 Healthy Streets Operations Centre - Verbal Report.pdfItems 6.1 and 7.1 to be dealt with together7.2Sanction Hearing - Integrity Commissioner Complaints 2216 - 2222 1.OCC01408 Sanction Hearing - Integrity Commissioner Complaints 2216-2222.pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Code of Conduct.pdf3.Attachment 2 Council approved Sanction Process.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Complaint 2216.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Complaint 2217.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Complaint 2218.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Complaint 2219.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Complaint 2220.pdf9.Attachment 8 - Complaint 2221.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Complaint 2222.pdf11.Attachment 10 Investigation Reports Complaints 2216-2222.pdfTime specific: First item of business on Wednesday, August 17, 20227.3Council Calendar Changes 1.OCC01410 Council Calendar Changes.pdfAddendum7.4C5 North East Community Hub - Investment Impact 2019-2022 1.CPSC Committee Report 1 .pdf2.CS01271 C5 North East Community Hub Investment Impact 2019-2022 - Report .docx.pdf3.CS01271 Attachment 1 - C5 North East Community Hub Investment Impact Report 2019-2022 (2).pdf4.CS01271 Attachment 2 - C5 North East Community Hub Report to the City of Edmonton 2018-2021 (2).pdfCommunity and Public Services Committee reportAddendum7.5Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements 1.Exec. Committee Report 1 - Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements.pdf2.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report .pdf3.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 1_ Gondola Alignment.pdf4.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 2_ Status of Agreement Framework Terms.pdf5.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 3_ Key Terms.pdf6.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 4_ Infrastructure Agreement Key Terms.pdf7.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 5_ Draft Motion.pdfExecutive Committee reportAddendum8.Bylaws 8.1Bylaw 20189 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 18732, as amended by Bylaw 20037, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, On-Site Microgeneration Solar Photovoltaics 1.FCS01312 Bylaw 20189 to amend Bylaw 18732 - Report.pdf2.FCS01312 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20189.pdf3.FCS01312 - Attachment 2 Bylaw 18732 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01312 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile CM-10-1012.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20189 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.2Bylaw 20126 - To authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance City Operations Project, Three-Stream Communal Collection 1.FCS01250rev - Bylaw 20126 REPORT.pdf2.FCS01250rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20126.pdf3.FCS01250rev - Attachment 2 Capital Profile 23-81-2054.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20126 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf8.3Bylaw 20173 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 18472, as amended by Bylaw 19982, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, 50 Street CPR Grade Separation 1.FCS01286rev Bylaw 20173 to amend Revised Bylaw 18472 - Report.pdf2.FCS01286rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20173.docx.pdf3.FCS01286rev - Attachment 2 Bylaw 18472 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01286rev - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 18-66-6503.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20173 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf8.4Bylaw 20210 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 19161, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, New Transit Bus Garage - Planning and Design 1.FCS01351 Bylaw 20210 to amend Revised Bylaw 19161.pdf2.FCS01351 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20210.pdf3.FCS01351 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19161 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01351 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 20-20-2022.pdf8.5Bylaw 20211 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 18880, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Metro Line (Nait - Blatchford) Extension 1.FCS01352 Bylaw 20211 to amend Revised Bylaw 18880 - Report.pdf2.FCS01352 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20211.pdf3.FCS01352 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18880 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01352 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 16-66-7013.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20211 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.6Bylaw 20212 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 19781, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Capital Line, Century Park to 41 Avenue SW 1.FCS01353 Bylaw 20212 to amend Revised Bylaw 19781 - Report.pdf2.FCS01353 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20212.pdf3.FCS01353 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19781 Redline Version .pdf4.FCS01353 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 16-66-7018 .pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20212 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.7Bylaw 20213 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 15977, as amended by Bylaws 17092, 17179, 18217, 19243, 19374, 19871 and 20033, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance The Quarters Downtown Community Revitalization Levy 1.FCS01354 Bylaw 20213 to amend Revised Bylaw 15977 - Report.pdf2.FCS01354 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20213.pdf3.FCS01354 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 15977 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01354 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20213 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.8Bylaw 20214 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 19372, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Open Space: Planning and Design - Growth 1.FCS01355 Bylaw 20214 to amend Revised Bylaw 19372 - Report.pdf2.FCS01355 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20214.pdf3.FCS01355 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19372 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01355 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile CM-30-3030.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20214 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.9Bylaw 20215 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 16846, as amended by Bylaws 17100, 19241 and 20049, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance The City of Edmonton Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Area Projects 1.FCS01356 Bylaw 20215 to amend Bylaw 16846 - Report.pdf2.FCS01356 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20215.pdf3.FCS01356 - Attachment 2 Bylaw 16846 Redline Version .pdf4.FCS01356 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20215 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.10Bylaw 20216 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 18986, as amended by Bylaw 19242, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Streetscape Improvements 1.FCS01357 Bylaw 20216 to amend Revised Bylaw 18986 - Report.pdf2.FCS01357 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20216.pdf3.FCS01357 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18986 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01357 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 19-20-5001 .pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20216 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf(97 Street: Jasper Avenue to 102 Avenue)8.11Bylaw 20217 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 18985, as amended by Bylaws 19240 and 20048, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Community Revitalization Levy Projects, Downtown CRL 1.FCS01358 Bylaw 20217 to amend Revised Bylaw 18985 - Report.pdf2.FCS01358 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20217.pdf3.FCS01358 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18985 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01358 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles Bylaw 20217.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20217 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.12Bylaw 20190 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Commonwealth Recreation Centre Solar Photovoltaic 1.FCS01313rev Bylaw 20190 - Report.pdf2.FCS01313rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20190.pdf3.FCS01313rev - Attachment 2 Capital Profile 22-10-9312.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20190 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf8.13Bylaw 20188 - A Bylaw to amend Revised Bylaw 19163, to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance Integrated Infrastructure Services Project, Terwillegar Drive Expressway Upgrades - Alternate Staging 1.FCS01311rev Bylaw 20188 to amend Revised Bylaw 19163 - Report.pdf2.FCS01311rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20188.pdf3.FCS01311rev - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19163 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01311rev - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 19-22-9006.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20188 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf9.Private Reports 9.1Regional Update - Verbal report Sections 24 (advice from officials) and 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act9.2City of Edmonton Council Member Appointment to Alberta Municipalities Board of Directors Sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act9.3Edmonton Regional Airports Authority - Membership Report Sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act9.4Edmonton Police Commission - Membership Report AddendumTime specific: First item of new business on Monday, August 15, 2022Sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act9.5New Investment Response - Verbal report AddendumSections 16 (disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party) and 25 (disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act10.Motions Pending 1.Replacement Report - Motions Pending.pdf2.Motions Pending Report.pdfReplacement report10.1Neighbourhood Entrance Signs on Private Property (J. Wright) 10.2Outdoor Pool Operations (A. Sohi) 10.3Furniture Enhancements in River Valley Room (A. Stevenson) 10.4Council Seating Chart Adjustments (J. Rice) 10.5Options to Change Councillor Appointments (J. Rice) 10.62021 Edmonton Police Services Annual Report (K.Tang) 10.7Additional Support for Industrial Development - Fulton Creek Business Park (T. Cartmell) 10.8Specialized Recreation Programming (E. Rutherford) 11.Notices of Motion and Motions without Customary Notice 12.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CC_Jul04_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCPH_Jul05_2022 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - Special City Council_Aug10_2022 - English.pdf1.Motion on the Floor Cover Report 1 - Healthy Streets Operation Centre - Chinatown.pdf2.CS01345 Healthy Streets Operation Centre - Report.pdf3.CS01345 Attachment 1_ Evidence Base for Proactive Crime Prevention.pdf4.CS01345 Attachment 2_ EPS Healthy Street Operations Centre Business Plan.pdf5.CS01345 Attachment 3_ Administration options to support Multidisciplinary Community Safety Teams.pdf1.FCS01250rev - Bylaw 20126 REPORT.pdf2.FCS01250rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20126.pdf3.FCS01250rev - Attachment 2 Capital Profile 23-81-2054.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20126 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf1.FCS01313rev Bylaw 20190 - Report.pdf2.FCS01313rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20190.pdf3.FCS01313rev - Attachment 2 Capital Profile 22-10-9312.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20190 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01312 Bylaw 20189 to amend Bylaw 18732 - Report.pdf2.FCS01312 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20189.pdf3.FCS01312 - Attachment 2 Bylaw 18732 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01312 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile CM-10-1012.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20189 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01352 Bylaw 20211 to amend Revised Bylaw 18880 - Report.pdf2.FCS01352 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20211.pdf3.FCS01352 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18880 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01352 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 16-66-7013.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20211 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01354 Bylaw 20213 to amend Revised Bylaw 15977 - Report.pdf2.FCS01354 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20213.pdf3.FCS01354 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 15977 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01354 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20213 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01355 Bylaw 20214 to amend Revised Bylaw 19372 - Report.pdf2.FCS01355 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20214.pdf3.FCS01355 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19372 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01355 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile CM-30-3030.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20214 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01356 Bylaw 20215 to amend Bylaw 16846 - Report.pdf2.FCS01356 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20215.pdf3.FCS01356 - Attachment 2 Bylaw 16846 Redline Version .pdf4.FCS01356 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20215 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01357 Bylaw 20216 to amend Revised Bylaw 18986 - Report.pdf2.FCS01357 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20216.pdf3.FCS01357 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18986 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01357 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 19-20-5001 .pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20216 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01358 Bylaw 20217 to amend Revised Bylaw 18985 - Report.pdf2.FCS01358 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20217.pdf3.FCS01358 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 18985 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01358 - Attachment 3 Capital Profiles Bylaw 20217.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20217 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.FCS01286rev Bylaw 20173 to amend Revised Bylaw 18472 - Report.pdf2.FCS01286rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20173.docx.pdf3.FCS01286rev - Attachment 2 Bylaw 18472 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01286rev - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 18-66-6503.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20173 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf1.FCS01353 Bylaw 20212 to amend Revised Bylaw 19781 - Report.pdf2.FCS01353 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20212.pdf3.FCS01353 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19781 Redline Version .pdf4.FCS01353 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 16-66-7018 .pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20212 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf1.OCC01408 Sanction Hearing - Integrity Commissioner Complaints 2216-2222.pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Code of Conduct.pdf3.Attachment 2 Council approved Sanction Process.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Complaint 2216.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Complaint 2217.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Complaint 2218.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Complaint 2219.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Complaint 2220.pdf9.Attachment 8 - Complaint 2221.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Complaint 2222.pdf11.Attachment 10 Investigation Reports Complaints 2216-2222.pdf1.FCS01311rev Bylaw 20188 to amend Revised Bylaw 19163 - Report.pdf2.FCS01311rev - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20188.pdf3.FCS01311rev - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19163 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01311rev - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 19-22-9006.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20188 - Published August 16, 2022.pdf.pdf1.FCS01351 Bylaw 20210 to amend Revised Bylaw 19161.pdf2.FCS01351 - Attachment 1 Bylaw 20210.pdf3.FCS01351 - Attachment 2 Revised Bylaw 19161 Redline Version.pdf4.FCS01351 - Attachment 3 Capital Profile 20-20-2022.pdf1.CPSC Committee Report 1 .pdf2.CS01271 C5 North East Community Hub Investment Impact 2019-2022 - Report .docx.pdf3.CS01271 Attachment 1 - C5 North East Community Hub Investment Impact Report 2019-2022 (2).pdf4.CS01271 Attachment 2 - C5 North East Community Hub Report to the City of Edmonton 2018-2021 (2).pdf1.Replacement Report - Motions Pending.pdf2.Motions Pending Report.pdf1.Exec. Committee Report 1 - Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements.pdf2.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report .pdf3.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 1_ Gondola Alignment.pdf4.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 2_ Status of Agreement Framework Terms.pdf5.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 3_ Key Terms.pdf6.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 4_ Infrastructure Agreement Key Terms.pdf7.FCS01252 Prairie Sky Gondola Land Agreements Council Report Attachment 5_ Draft Motion.pdf1.OCC01410 Council Calendar Changes.pdf1.7.1 Healthy Streets Operations Centre - Verbal Report.pdf