Mayor A. Sohi explained the public hearing process. C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:
Charter Bylaw 19946
The following speakers registered in favour:
- E. Shillington, Stantec (to answer questions only)
- T. Lumsden, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19939
The following speakers registered in favour:
- M. Vivian, Stantec (to answer questions only)
- P. Tsoukalas, Brookfield Residential (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19947
There were no speakers registered to the passing of Charter Bylaw 19947.
Charter Bylaw 19943
The following speakers registered in favour:
- B. Dibben, Select Engineering (to answer questions only)
- A. Petrosky, Melcor Developments (to answer questions only)
- S. Keating, Melcor Developments (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19940
The following speaker registered in favour:
- B. Loree (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19945
The following speaker registered in favour:
- G. Hordyk, L7 Architecture (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19944
There were no speakers registered to the passing of Charter Bylaw 19944.
Charter Bylaw 19942
The following speaker registered in favour:
- M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 19934
The following speakers registered in favour:
- Y. Lew, Stantec
- J. Wacko, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
- E. Shillington, Stantec (to answer questions only)
- P. Fereday, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
- C. Oberg, Bunt Engineering (to answer questions only)
- C. Fedyna, Gravity Architecture (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
- E. Jones
- S. Pratt
- S. Post
- F. Calder
- N. Phillet
- M. Reeves
- D. Cannam
- H. Bessey
- A. Al-Kheder
- A. Persi
- V. Vilimanovich
Charter Bylaw 19930
The following speaker registered in favour:
- T. Mahey
The following speakers registered in opposition:
- C. Kypridemou
- L. Mah
- D. Kuchelyma, Jasper Park Community League
- R. Graham, on behalf of 185 Jasper Park residents
- C. Eigenseher
- B. Harris
- A. Eigenseher-Harris
- B. Kwasnitza, Jasper Park Community League
Charter Bylaw 19935
The following speakers registered in opposition:
- D. Groome
- K. Elhatton-Lake
- T. Genge
- K. Sherlock