Minutes for 09/18/2013, City Council






September 18, 2013  –  Council Chamber




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty,
K. Diotte, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina




S. Farbrother, City Manager
A. Sinclair, City Clerk
M. Nathoo, Deputy City Clerk
M. de Guzman, Office of the City Clerk







1.          CALL TO ORDER AND RELATED BUSINESS                            3

1.1        Call to Order                                                                                          3

1.2        Adoption of Agenda                                                                            3

1.3        Adoption of Minutes                                                                           4

1.4        Protocol Items                                                                                      4


2.1        Select Items for Debate                                                                      5

2.2        Requests to Speak                                                                              6

2.3        Requests for Specific Time on Agenda                                         6

2.4        Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate                                      6

3.          COUNCILLOR INQUIRIES                                                                 6


5.          STATUS REPORT                                                                               6

6.          REPORTS                                                                                              6

6.1        Council Members' Updates on Agency and Initiative

             Appointments - Verbal report                                                           6

6.2        Inequities Inherent in the Municipal

             Sustainability Initiative Funding Allocation                                   8

6.3        2014 Operating Budget - Public Engagement                             8

6.4        Audit Committee Recruitment                                                          9

6.5        Edmonton City Centre Airport - Closure                                       9

6.6        Recent Storm and City-Wide Implications                                  10

6.7        Expropriation of Land                                                                      10

6.8        Status of the Provincial Gas Tax Revenue                                 11

6.9        Edmonton Heritage Council - Community Investment

             Program - Operational Grants and Project Grants                    11

6.10      South Edmonton Multicultural Centre Name Addition            11

6.11      2013 Community Facility Partner Capital Grants -

             2013 Grant Award Recommendations                                         11

6.12      Valley Line Stage 1 Environmental Assessment                      12

6.13      Maple Ridge Sanitary Servicing                                                    13

6.14      Automated Photo Enforcement Audit                                         13

7.          BYLAWS                                                                                              13

7.1        Bylaw 16511 - Bylaw to Designate the First

             Presbyterian Church as a Municipal Historic

             Resource                                                                                             13

7.2        Bylaw 16512 - Bylaw to Designate the Knox

             Evangelical Free Church as a Municipal Historic

             Resource                                                                                             14

7.3        Bylaw 16513 - Bylaw to Designate the Humphreys

             Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource                            15

7.4        Bylaw 16514 - Bylaw to Designate the A.K. Buckham

             Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource                            16

7.5        Bylaw 16523 - Amendment of the Boundary of Bylaw

             16219 - French Quarter and Area Business

             Revitalization Zone Bylaw                                                               17

7.6        Bylaw 16576 - 2014 Residential Assessment and

             Supplementary Assessment Sub-Class Bylaw                         17

7.7        Bylaw 16426 - Amendment to the Southeast Area

             Structure Plan                                                                                     18

7.8        Bylaw 16427 - Amendment to the Charlesworth

             Neighbourhood Structure Plan                                                     18

7.9        Bylaw 16428 - Amendment to the Municipal

             Development Plan - The Way We Grow                                       19

7.10      Bylaw 16561 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of

             Edmonton to lend money to a non-profit

             organization and controlled corporation, The

             City of Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation                 19

7.11      Bylaw 16560 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of

             Edmonton to finance The City of Edmonton

             Non-Profit Housing Corporation affordable

             housing projects                                                                                19

8.          MOTIONS PENDING                                                                         20

9.          PRIVATE REPORTS                                                                         20

9.1        Civic Agencies - Board Member Term Extensions                  20

9.2        Update: Provincial and Federal Budget Submissions

             2014 - Priority Asks                                                                           21

9.3        Capital Region Board Update                                                        22

9.4        Integration of High Solids Anaerobic Digestion

             Technology at the Edmonton Waste Management

             Centre - Capital Adjustment                                                            22

9.5        Donsdale Crescent Servicing - Request for

             Exemption from Financing of Local Improvements

             Policy C200B                                                                                      23

9.6        Expropriation Update - Blatchford Redevelopment                23

9.7        Partial Payment of an Expropriation Claim -

             Blatchford Redevelopment                                                             24

9.8        Expropriation Blatchford Redevelopment - Partial

             Payment of Damages                                                                       25

9.9        Non-Expropriation Claim - Blatchford                                         25


             NOTICE                                                                                                26

11.        ADJOURNMENT                                                                                26







See minutes


See minutes

Not considered


See minutes


























Third reading



Third reading


Third reading


Third reading



Third reading


Third reading


Third reading


Third reading


Third reading




First reading




First reading





























Call to Order




Mayor Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

J. Dowds, City of Edmonton Chaplain, led the assembly in prayer.







Adoption of Agenda



Moved J. Batty - T. Caterina:




The the September 18, 2013, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:


·     1.3 Adoption of Minutes
- September 16, 2013, Special City Council

·     6.12 Valley Line Stage 1 Environmental Assessment - Transportation Committee report

·     6.13 Maple Ridge Sanitary Servicing - Transportation Committee report

·     6.14 Automated Photo Enforcement Audit - Audit Committee report

·     9.3 Capital Region Board Update - PRIVATE
(Pursuant to sections 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

·     9.6 Expropriation Update - Blatchford Redevelopment - PRIVATE
(Pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

·     9.7 Partial Payment of an Expropriation Claim - Blatchford Redevelopment - PRIVATE
(Pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

·     9.8 Expropriation Blatchford Redevelopment - Partial Payment of Damages - PRIVATE
(Pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

·     9.9 Non-Expropriation Claim - Blatchford - PRIVATE
(Pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Adoption of Minutes



Moved E. Gibbons - T. Caterina:




That the following City Council meeting minutes be adopted:

  • August 26, 2013, City Council Public Hearing
  • August 28, 2013, City Council
  • September 3, 2013, City Council Public Hearing
  • September 16, 2013, Special City Council



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Protocol Items







Introduction of New General Manager (S. Farbrother)




S. Farbrother, City Manager, introduced the new General Manager of Transportation Services, D. Wandzura. Prior to his return to Edmonton, he was most recently with the City of Regina as Deputy City Manager of City Operations and Chief Operating Officer.







Farewell to Mayor Mandel (S. Farbrother)




S. Farbrother, City Manager, recognized Mayor Mandel's leadership of the City of Edmonton for the past 9 years. As a tribute to the Mayor, the new poet laureate, M. Pinkowski, read a poem that she co-wrote with A. Major, the first poet laureate. Following the poem recital, a video was shown, which reflected the impact the Mayor Mandel had on the City through the years. Directly following the video, chosen audience members sitting in Chamber, raised each of their placards, which spelled out, "Thank you Mayor Mandel for 9 transformative years". Also part of the farewell, B. Lafferty, Cultural Consultant with Aboriginal Learning at the Edmonton Catholic School Board, offered a blessing to Mayor Mandel. In conclusion, S. Farbrother, on behalf of City Administration, honoured Mayor Mandel's wife, Lynn, for the many sacrifices she has made to support the work that the Mayor has done for the City, and her own active role in the community. Photographs were taken of Mayor Mandel and his family.  







End-of-Term Remarks Made by Councillors (All Members of Council)




All Members of Council expressed their appreciation to their colleagues, the citizens of Edmonton, the Corporation, and their individual offices, for support given to them over the years of their term in Council. They shared personal memories and anecdotes, as they reflected on their time in office. Best wishes and congratulations were extended among Members of Council.



St. Catherine School (S. Mandel)




Mayor Mandel, on behalf of City Council, welcomed grade 6 students from St. Catherine's school, and their teacher
J. Hajdari.









Select Items for Debate




The following items were selected for debate: 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.12, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 and 9.9.







Requests to Speak




The request to speak was not considered.







Requests for Specific Time on Agenda




There were no requests for any items to be dealt with at a specific time.







Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate




See items 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9. 7.10 and 7.11.










There were no Councillor Inquiries.













Council Members' Updates on Agency and Initiative Appointments - Verbal report




S. Farbrother, City Manager answered Council's questions.








Councillor D. Iveson provided verbal updates on the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Exchange Agreement Coordinating Committee; Edmonton Public Library Board; Youth Initiatives /Next Gen; and City of Learners. A handout on Youth Initiatives/Next Gen was distributed to members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Councillors L. Sloan, K. Krushell, A. Sohi and K. Leibovici provided verbal updates on the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association.

Councillor E. Gibbons provided verbal updates on Alberta's Industrial Heartland Association; and
Edmonton Northlands

Councillor A. Sohi provided verbal updates on Canadian Urban Transit Association Transit Board Members Committee; and Multiculturalism.

Councillors E.Gibbons and D. Iveson provided a verbal update on the Capital Region Board. A handout was distributed to members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Councillor B. Henderson provided verbal updates on Capital Region Waste Minimization Advisory Committee; Inter-City Forum on Social Policy; River Valley Alliance (The); Arts and Culture (festivals/facilities/films); and Edmonton's Poverty Elimination.

Councillor K. Krushell provided verbal updates on Donate-A-Ride; and Housing.

Councillor T. Caterina provided verbal updates on Edmonton Police Commission; and Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association.

Councillor D. Loken provided verbal updates on Edmonton Salutes; and REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities (Advisor).

Councillors K. Leibovici and B. Henderson provided a verbal update on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

Councillor J. Batty provided a verbal update on Fort Edmonton Management Company.

Mayor Mandel provided a verbal update on Northern Alberta Mayors and Reeves Caucus.

Councillors T. Caterina and B. Henderson provided a verbal update on Indigenous Peoples Strategy.

Councillors K. Leibovici and E. Gibbons provided a verbal update on Northern Relationships/Circumpolar.

Councillors K. Leibovici provided a verbal update on Transforming Edmonton.

Councillors K. Leibovici and K. Krushell provided a verbal update on Traffic Safety.







Moved A. Sohi - D. Iveson:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, write a letter to the appropriate Ministry requesting the rationale for denial of funding for a Local Immigration Partnership Council.


Community Svcs.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, T. Caterina







D. Loken



Moved A. Sohi - K. Leibovici:




That the verbal reports on the Council Members' Updates on Agency and Initiative Appointments, be received for information.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, T. Caterina







D. Loken



Inequities Inherent in the Municipal Sustainability Initiative Funding Allocation



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, send the letter, Attachment 1 of the September 18, 2013, Financial Services and Utilities report CR_416, to the Premier of Alberta.


Financial Svcs. and Utilities



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



2014 Operating Budget - Public Engagement



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the September 18, 2013, Financial Services and Utilities report CR_450, be received for information.

Financial Svcs. and Utilities



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Audit Committee Recruitment




M. Nathoo, Deputy City Clerk and A. Sinclair, City Clerk; answered Council's questions.







Moved K. Leibovici – J. Batty:




That Administration undertake the recruitment of a public member for Audit Committee, and that concerns of diversity be addressed in the recruitment campaign.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina








D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services, answered Council's questions.







Moved K. Leibovici – B. Anderson:




That the recruitment profile outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_613, be approved.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina








A. Sinclair, City Clerk answered Council's questions.







Edmonton City Centre Airport - Closure



Moved K. Krushell - D. Iveson:




1. That Administration request that the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority take all of the necessary steps for full closure of the Edmonton City Centre Airport at 11:59 p.m., November 30, 2013.

2. That Administration continue to work with users of the Edmonton City Centre Airport to mitigate impacts and ease transitions, if possible.

Sustainble Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici







K. Diotte, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Recent Storm and City-Wide Implications



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, immediately write to other levels of government regarding the economic business cases to support increased grant funding for flood relief and prevention programs.


Financial Svcs. and Utilities




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Expropriation of Land




P. Ohm, Sustainable Development, answered Council's questions.







Moved L. Sloan - K. Leibovici:




1. That the commencement of the expropriation process to acquire a temporary interest in the property shown on Attachment 1 and legally described in Attachment 2 of the September 9, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_527, be approved.

2. That Administration be authorized to enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 30 of the Expropriation Act (Section 30 Agreement) with the owner of the property described in Attachment 2 of the September 9, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_527, if the owner is willing to consent to the expropriation.

Sustainable Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, T. Caterina







K. Diotte



Status of the Provincial Gas Tax Revenue



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the September 9, 2013, Financial Services and Utilities report CR_318, be received for information.

Financial Svcs. and Utilities



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Edmonton Heritage Council - Community Investment Program - Operational Grants and Project Grants



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the recommendations as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 10, 2013, Edmonton Heritage Council report CR_569, be approved.

Heritage Council




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



South Edmonton Multicultural Centre Name Addition



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That Administration formally communicate in writing to the Edmonton Korean Community Centre Foundation the City’s agreement with the proposed name change to “South Edmonton Sejong Multicultural Centre”.

Community Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



2013 Community Facility Partner Capital Grants - 2013 Grant Award Recommendations



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the 2013 Community Facility Partner Capital Grant Program recommendations as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 10, 2013 Community Services report CR_428, be approved.

Community Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Valley Line Stage 1 Environmental Assessment




N. Alampi, Transportation Services; D. Piecowye, Corporate Services (Law); and S. Farbrother, City Manager, answered Council's questions.







Moved A. Sohi - B. Henderson:




1. That the Environmental Impact Screening Assessment and Site Location Study for the Southeast to West LRT (Valley Line) Stage 1 as shown in Attachments 1 and 2 of the August 21, 2013, Transportation report CR_75, be approved.

2. That the Major Facilities listed in Attachment 3 of the August 21, 2013 Transportation Services report CR_75 be approved as "Major Facilities" within the River Valley, and that the location of the Major Facilities within the River Valley be deemed essential and approved pursuant to section 3.5.1 of Bylaw 7188 – North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan.

3. That the direct river crossing be deemed essential and approved pursuant to section 3.4.1 of Bylaw 7188 - North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan.

Transportation Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, T. Caterina







L. Sloan



Maple Ridge Sanitary Servicing



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That an exemption to City Policy C533 - Revolving Industrial Servicing Fund, to allow a fund rebate of up to $8 million for a single servicing agreement entered into by multiple developers in Maple Ridge Industrial neighbourhood, be approved.

Sustainable Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Automated Photo Enforcement Audit



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




That the City Auditor include in the 2014 Office of the City Auditor workplan, an audit of the effectiveness and efficiency of the City's role in administrating the automated photo enforcement program, and whether the expected outcomes are being achieved by the City as outlined in the June 21, 2007, report to City Council entitled “Automated Traffic Enforcement: A Recommended Delivery Model for the City of Edmonton”.

City Auditor




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina





Bylaw 16511 - Bylaw to Designate the First Presbyterian Church as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16511 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16511 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16511 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16511 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16512 - Bylaw to Designate the Knox Evangelical Free Church as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16512 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16512 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16512 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16512 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16513 - Bylaw to Designate the Humphreys Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16513 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16513 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16513 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16513 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16514 - Bylaw to Designate the A.K. Buckham Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16514 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16514 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16514 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16514 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16523 - Amendment of the Boundary of Bylaw 16219 - French Quarter and Area Business Revitalization Zone Bylaw



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16523 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16523 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16523 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16523 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16576 - 2014 Residential Assessment and Supplementary Assessment Sub-Class Bylaw



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16576 be read a first time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16576 be read a second time.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16576 be considered for third reading.



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16576 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16426 - Amendment to the Southeast Area Structure Plan



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16426 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16427 - Amendment to the Charlesworth Neighbourhood Structure Plan



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16427 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16428 - Amendment to the Municipal Development Plan - The Way We Grow



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16428 be read a third time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Bylaw 16561 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to lend money to a non-profit organization and controlled corporation, The City of Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16561 be read a first time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina








A. Sinclair, City Clerk, answered Council's questions.







Bylaw 16560 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to finance The City of Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation affordable housing projects



Moved B. Anderson - T. Caterina:




That Bylaw 16560 be read a first time.


Distribution List



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina





Sobey Inc.'s Proposed Acquisition of Safeway



Moved D. Iveson - B. Henderson:




That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, write a letter to the Competition Bureau providing input to their deliberations on Sobey Inc.’s proposed acquisition of Safeway Inc. Specifically, that Council respectfully request the competition bureau consider imposing conditions on the transaction:

1. limiting the transfer of existing Restrictive Covenants held by Safeway Inc. that limit opportunities for competition from future grocery and/or pharmacy retail on sites subject to such covenants; and

2. further, that existing covenants be struck or time-limited in the short term, and that any future restrictive covenants be discouraged or, at the very least, time-limited to no more than 5 years.





In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina





Civic Agencies - Board Member Term Extensions



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




1. That Civic Agencies Board Member terms be extended for four months, for the citizen-at-large members named in Attachment 1 of the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_496.

2. That Civic Agencies Board Member terms be extended for four months, for the externally-nominated representatives named in Attachment 2 of the September 18, 2013 Corporate Services report CR_496.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Update: Provincial and Federal Budget Submissions 2014 - Priority Asks




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved K. Leibovici - A. Sohi:




1. That Administration work with the Mayor’s Office to complete the Federal and Provincial Budget Submissions 2014, using the Proposed Priorities outlined in the September 18, 2013, Office of the City Manager report CR_522, as the basis for the submissions.

2. That the details of the September 18, 2013, Office of the City Manager report CR_522 remain private pursuant to sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

City Manager





In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Capital Region Board Update




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved E. Gibbons - T. Caterina:




1. That Attachment 4 be added to the September 18, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_611 and that the actions outlined in Attachment 4 of the September 18, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_611, be approved.

2. That the September 18, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_611 remain private pursuant to sections 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Sustainable Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Integration of High Solids Anaerobic Digestion Technology at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre - Capital Adjustment



Moved D. Iveson - E. Gibbons:




1. That Capital Project Profile 13-33-2023, High Solids Anaerobic Digestion Facility, be approved, and funded in the amount of $30,828,000, with funding from:

• $20,047,000 in self-liquidating debt
• $10,000,000 in grant funding
• $781,000 in confirmed funding from the University of Alberta

and that the Waste Management Utility 2012-2014 Capital Budget of $99,039,000 be increased by $30,828,000 for project 13-33-2023 High Solids Anaerobic Digestion (HSAD) Facility, for a revised total of $129,867,000.

2. That an agreement for a grant to the City of Edmonton in the amount of
$10 million be approved, and that the agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.

3. That the August 27, 2013, Financial Services and Utilities report CR_419 remain private pursuant to sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Financial Svcs. and Utilities







City Manager



In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Donsdale Crescent Servicing - Request for Exemption from Financing of Local Improvements Policy C200B



Moved J. Batty - D. Iveson:




1. That an exemption to City Policy C200B pursuant to Attachment 3 of City Policy C535, to allow local improvement financing to fund water and sewer construction to service six properties located on Donsdale Crescent, be approved.

2. That the September 9, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_448 remain private pursuant to sections 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Sustainable Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Expropriation Update - Blatchford Redevelopment




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved K. Krushell - D. Iveson:




1. That the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_616, be received for information.

2. That the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_616 remain private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Partial Payment of an Expropriation Claim - Blatchford Redevelopment




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved K. Krushell - D. Iveson:




1. That the proposed payment of damages as outlined in the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_617, be approved.

2. That the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_617 remain pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Expropriation Blatchford Redevelopment - Partial Payment of Damages




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved K. Krushell - B. Henderson:




1. That the proposed partial payment of damages as outlined in the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_624, be approved.

2. That the September 18, 2013, Corporate Services report CR_624 remain private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Corporate Svcs.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina



Non-Expropriation Claim - Blatchford




Council met in private at 3:13 p.m. pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Council met in public at 4:19 p.m.







Moved K. Krushell – D. Iveson:




1. That Option A as outlined in the September 18, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_648, be approved.

2. That the September 18, 2013, Sustainable Development report CR_648 remain private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Sustainable Dev.




In Favour:




S. Mandel, A. Sohi, B. Anderson, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, D. Loken, E. Gibbons, J. Batty, K. Diotte, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, T. Caterina






Mayor Mandel asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.










The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.








______________________                                   ______________________

Chair                                                                          City Clerk

No Item Selected