Mayor D. Iveson explained the public hearing process. D. Beaudry, Deputy City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
Charter Bylaws 19429 and 19434
In favour: M. Neumann, Canada Lands Company; and J. Hutton, Scheffer Andrew Ltd. (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19289
In favour: K. Davies, Stantec; and J. Killoh, Rohit Group (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19467
In favour: R. Eidick (to answer questions only).
Bylaw 19384 and Charter Bylaw 19385
In favour: M. Huberman; E. Auton; and J. Sheath (to answer questions only); and M. Figueira.
Opposed: H. Ly; and B. Sangra.
Bylaw 19462 and Charter Bylaw 19463
In favour: A. MacDonald Killins; J. Shen (to answer questions only); R. Lam; and S. Summers, Stantec.
Opposed: A. Ngo; D. Buchanan; W. Jackson, Garneau Homeowners; M. Rich, Garneau Community League; B. Kropf; R. Yao; and L. Wiebe.
Charter Bylaw 19464
In favour: C. Peters (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19465
In favour: C. Peters (to answer questions only).
Opposed: J. Faulkner.
Charter Bylaw 19466
In favour: C. Jersak, Situate Inc.; V. Sundar; and D. Noce (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19267 and Bylaws 19269, 19270, 19271, 19272 and 19273
In favour: J. Gendron; T. Loreman, Concordia University of Edmonton; and J. Komar and C. Donelon, Energy Transition Climate Resilience Committee.
Opposed: S. Mandel; P. Sir, Alberta Basketball Association; and C. Garneau.
Charter Bylaw 19490
In favour: R. Appleyard, Brentwood Community Development Group; S. Gilchrist, Winnifred Stewart Association; K. Knutson, The Mustard Seed; and L. Murphy, The Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness.