That the recommendations in the following reports be passed without debate:
- 5.1 Bylaw XXXXX - Amendments to Bylaw 16675 - Edmonton Salutes Committee Bylaw
That the revised due date of March 15, 2021, be approved.
- 6.3 Edmonton Business Improvement Areas 2021 Budgets
That the following Edmonton Business Improvement Area 2021 Budgets, as outlined in Attachments 2 to 14 of the December 7, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD00064, be approved:
- 124 Street and Area Business Association
- Alberta Avenue Business Association
- Beverly Business Association
- Chinatown and Area Business Association
- Downtown Business Association of Edmonton
- Fort Road Business and Community Association
- French Quarter Business Improvement Area/Association des Intérêts Commerciaux du Quartier Francophone
- Kingsway District Association
- North Edge Business Association
- Northwest Industrial Business Association
- Old Strathcona Business Association
- Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association
- The Crossroads Business Improvement Area Association
- 6.4 Edmonton Business Improvement Areas 2021 Boards of Directors
1. That the appointments to the Boards of Directors of the Business Improvement Area Associations, as set out in Attachment 1 of the December 7, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD00065, be approved, and that the term of appointment be January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021.
2. That Attachment 1 of the December 7, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD00065 remain private, until approved by City Council, pursuant to sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
- 6.5 Approval of Expropriations - Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion Program
1. That the expropriation of the land requirements, including all interests therein, in the lands shown and legally described in Attachment 1 of the December 7, 2020, Office of the City Manager report OCM00102, (the “Subject Lands”), be approved.
2. That all steps under the Expropriation Act, RSA 2000, c. E-13 (the “Act”) be taken to complete the expropriation, including but not limited to, registering certificates of approval of expropriation, and serving the notices of expropriation, notices of proposed payment, and notices of possession.
That Administration prepare amendments to the Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw 13145 and/or the Community Standards Bylaw 14600 to implement amendments as generally outlined in Option 5 and Attachment 2 of the November 13, 2020, Citizen Services report CR_7849.
- 6.7 Innovate Edmonton 2021 Funding
1. That the terms of a grant funding agreement between the City of Edmonton and Innovate Edmonton, for an amount not to exceed $1,000,000, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the December 7, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD00220, be approved, and that the agreement be in form and content acceptable to the City Manager.
2. That $1,000,000 grant funding be transferred to Innovate Edmonton in 2021, from amounts previously held to fund the corporation within the Corporate Expenditures and Revenues 2021 operating budget.
- 6.8 2021 Council Calendar Update - Addition of a Code of Conduct Sub-Committee Meeting
That a meeting of the Code of Conduct Sub-committee be held on January 26, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to noon.
- 6.9 Follow Up with EEDC (Tourism and Convention)
That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, write a letter to the relevant ministry of the Government of Alberta to ask for clarity on their future intentions for Ag Society support, and specifically the agriculture and community fair events supported by those grants, including what conditions they would place on strategic partnership or consolidation between Northlands and Explore Edmonton with respect to the grants.
- 6.10 GEF Seniors Housing Candidate Shortlisting Process
That an ongoing partial exemption from section 14(e) of City Policy C575C, Agencies, Boards, Committees and Commissions, be granted to allow both the GEF Seniors Housing Board and the GEF Governance Committee to review applications and recommend to Executive Committee a shortlist of candidates for appointment to the the GEF Seniors Housing Board.
- 6.11 Ogilvie Ridge Building Housing Choices Site Location Review
That the lands identified as Alternate Building Site, outlined in red in Attachment 1 of the November 30, 2020, Citizen Services report CR_8069, be approved as an alternative site for the Ogilvie Ridge Building Housing Choices development.
- 6.12 Policy C599 - Community Amenity Contribution Amendment
That revised Community Amenity Contributions in Direct Control Provisions Policy C599A, as set out in Attachment 1 of the November 30, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD0003, be approved.
- 6.13 Climate Resilient Edmonton: Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan - To Adopt the City’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan
That Climate Resilient Edmonton: Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan, as set out in Attachment 1 of the November 30, 2020, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development report UFCSD00129, be adopted, as the City of Edmonton’s climate change adaptation plan.
- 6.15 Edmonton Design Committee - Process for appointing Architects
That Administration draft an amendment to Bylaw 14054, Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw, to remove the requirement for the members representing the Alberta Association of Architects to be nominated by the Alberta Association of Architects.
- 6.16 Community Facility Partner Capital Grant Program - 2020 Grant Award Recommendations
That the 2020 Community Facility Partner Capital Grant Program recommendations, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the December 2, 2020, Citizen Services report CS00161, be approved.
- 9.2 Audit Committee - Public Member Reappointment
That Owen Edmondson be reappointed as a public member of the Audit Committee for the term January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2024.
- 9.5 City of Edmonton Youth Council - Request to Fill Vacancy
1. That the individual named in Attachment 1 of the December 2, 2020, Office of the City Manager report OCC00166, be appointed to the City of Edmonton Youth Council for a term ending August 31, 2021.
2. That the appointment be exempt from City Policy C575C, Agencies, Boards, Committees and Commissions, section 9(e) that disallows a former member to be appointed to the same committee until at least two years have passed.
3. That the December 2, 2020, Office of the City Manager report OCC00166 remain private pursuant to sections 17 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.