Mayor D. Iveson explained the public hearing process. D. Beaudry, Deputy City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
Charter Bylaw 19510
In favour: P. Kowal, Krahn Group of Companies (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19485
In favour: R. Dauk, Rohit Communities; and Om Joshi, WSP Canada (to answer questions only).
Opposed: B. Lehmann
Charter Bylaw 19499
In favour: L. Sherwin (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19496
In favour: S. Dhaliwal (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19504
In favour: B. Pinches and C. Kjenner, City of Edmonton; and S. McGee, Homeward Trust (to answer questions only).
Opposed: S. Worsfold.
Bylaw 18869 and Charter Bylaw 18870
In favour: C. Kjenner, City of Edmonton; S. McGee, Homeward Trust (to answer questions only); and K. Tang.
Charter Bylaw 19501
In favour: C. Kjenner, City of Edmonton; and S. McGee, Homeward Trust (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19509
In favour: TJ Townsend (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19500
In favour: M. Ouellette; and M. Borys, Casia Developments Ltd. (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19497
In favour: D. Onishenko, Clarity Development Advisory; D. Sutherland, Holyrood Community League; and B. Jesson (to answer questions only).
Item 3.12, Bylaw 19507 and Charter Bylaw 19508
In favour: N. Osaduik, City of Edmonton; J. Sidhu; and R. Hanson. G.S. Sidhu; and C. Hodgson, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only).
Opposed: B. Smith.
Charter Bylaw 19498
In favour: K. Khelemska and Y. Petriv, KACY Builders; and C. Lazutin (to answer questions only).
Opposed: D. Kuchelyma and B. Kwasnitza, Jasper Park Community League.
Charter Bylaw 19486
In favour: R. Eidick; A. Basi; R. Sidhu; and D. Sehgal. H. Dhaliwal; and A. Parmar (to answer questions only).
Item 3.17 and Charter Bylaw 19495
In favour: R. Eidick.
Charter Bylaw 19511
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Charter Bylaw 19511.