Mayor A. Sohi explained the public hearing process. C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:
Charter Bylaw 19965
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. E. Shillington, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. P. Tsoukalas, Brookfield Residential (to answer questions only)
Item 3.2 and Charter Bylaw 20062
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. R. Eidick, EINS (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20027
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. A. Stewart, Scheffer Andrew (to answer questions only)
2. C. Brightwell, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)
3. W. Zwicker, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20050
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. K. Davies, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. S. Reistad, Anthem Properties (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20056
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. E. Shillington, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. C. Nicholas, MLC Land (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20010, 20011 and Charter Bylaw 20012
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. E. Sehn, Select Engineering (to answer questions only)
2. B. Dibben, Select Engineering (to answer questions only)
3. R. Dauk, Rohit Group (to answer questions only)
4. R. Roopnarine, Rohit Group (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20042, 20043 and Charter Bylaw 20044
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. H. Chisholm, B&A Planning Group (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20066
There were no speakers registered to the passing of Charter Bylaw 20066.
Charter Bylaw 20055
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. S. Yu, Invistec Consulting Ltd. (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20057
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. J. Rutledge, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20063 and Charter Bylaw 20064
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. I. Morgan, Next Architecture (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20067
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)
2. R. Horvath, Open Sky Development (to answer questions only)
3. D. Fleming, Acton Ostry Architects (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 19859 and Charter Bylaw 19860
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Summers, Stantec
2. D. Blazeka, Stantec
3. C. Hills, Limak Investments Inc. (to answer questions only)