Agenda for 05/12/2020, City Council Public Hearing CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA May 12, 2020 – Council Chamber Call to Order 9:30 a.m. Adjournment 5:30 p.m. Lunch 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Recess 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Deputy Mayor: S. Hamilton Acting Mayor: A. Paquette ITEM ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER AND RELATED BUSINESS 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Adoption of Agenda 1.3 Protocol Items 2. EXPLANATION OF PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS 2.1 Call for Persons to Speak 3. BYLAWS AND RELATED REPORTS - 9:30 A.M. 3.1 Amendment to the South Industrial Area Outline Plan 3.2 Charter Bylaw 19218 - To allow for limited industrial businesses and compatible non-industrial businesses, Strathcona Industrial Park 3.3 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Road NW for consolidation with the westerly abutting property, Winterburn Industrial Area West 3.4 Charter Bylaw 19300 - To allow low density residential development, including zero lot line built forms, Rosenthal 3.5 Bylaw 19136 - Amendment to the Big Lake Area Structure Plan 3.6 Bylaw 19129 - Amendment to the Kinglet Gardens Neighbourhood Structure Plan 3.7 Charter Bylaw 19130 - To allow for low density residential uses, street oriented residential uses and a stormwater management facility, Kinglet Gardens 3.8 Charter Bylaw 19281 - To allow for a variety of low density housing forms, a greenway, and boundary adjustments to three pocket parks, Trumpeter 3.9 Charter Bylaw 19290 - To allow for commercial and limited industrial uses, Yellowhead Corridor East 3.10 Bylaw 19254 - Amendment to the Montrose/Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan 3.11 Charter Bylaw 19255 - To allow for the development of a public park, non-accessory parking, restricted parking for Northlands events and the development of a light rail storage facility, Montrose 3.12 Charter Bylaw 19276 - To allow for small scale infill development, Glenwood 3.13 Bylaw 19214 - Amendment to the Boyle Street/McCauley Area Redevelopment Plan 3.14 Charter Bylaw 19215 - To allow for for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, McCauley 3.15 Charter Bylaw 19291 - To Allow for Medium Rise Multi-unit Housing, McKernan 3.16 Bylaw 19216 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan 3.17 Charter Bylaw 19217 - To allow for a medium rise residential building, Queen Mary Park 3.18 Bylaw 19183 - To allow for the closure of a lane to be consolidated with an adjacent property, Westmount 3.19 Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept Design Brief 3.20 Charter Bylaw 19279 - Adoption of the Heritage Valley 14 Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan 3.21 Bylaw 19280 - Amendment to the Graydon Hill Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan 4. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MOTIONS WITHOUT CUSTOMARY NOTICE 5. ADJOURNMENT View the interactive agenda at No Item Selected This item has no attachments 1 Call for Persons to Speak - CCPHSpeakersList.pdf 1 BYLAWS AND RELATED REPORTS - 930 A.pdf 1 Bylaw 19129 - Amendment to the Kinglet Gardens Nei - CR_7821.pdf 2 Bylaw 19129 - Amendment to the Kinglet Gardens Nei - Bylaw 19129.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19130 - To allow for low density res - CR_7822.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19130 - To allow for low density res - Charter Bylaw 19130.pdf 1 Bylaw 19136 - Amendment to the Big Lake Area Struc - CR_7828.pdf 2 Bylaw 19136 - Amendment to the Big Lake Area Struc - Bylaw 19136.pdf 3 Bylaw 19136 - Amendment to the Big Lake Area Struc - Administration Report.pdf 1 Bylaw 19183 - To allow for the closure of a lane t - CR_7936.pdf 2 Bylaw 19183 - To allow for the closure of a lane t - Bylaw 19183.pdf 3 Bylaw 19183 - To allow for the closure of a lane t - Attachment 2 - Aerial Map.pdf 4 Bylaw 19183 - To allow for the closure of a lane t - Signed Bylaw 19183 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Bylaw 19214 - Amendment to the Boyle StreetMcCaul - CR_8049.pdf 2 Bylaw 19214 - Amendment to the Boyle StreetMcCaul - Bylaw 19214.pdf 3 Bylaw 19214 - Amendment to the Boyle StreetMcCaul - Administration Report.pdf 4 Bylaw 19214 - Amendment to the Boyle StreetMcCaul - Signed Bylaw 19214 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19215 - To allow for for low intensi - CR_8050.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19215 - To allow for for low intensi - Charter Bylaw 19215.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19215 - To allow for for low intensi - Signed Charter Bylaw 19215 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Bylaw 19216 - To amend the Central McDougallQueen - CR_8051.pdf 2 Bylaw 19216 - To amend the Central McDougallQueen - Bylaw 19216.pdf 3 Bylaw 19216 - To amend the Central McDougallQueen - Administration Report.pdf 4 Bylaw 19216 - To amend the Central McDougallQueen - Signed Bylaw 19216 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19217 - To allow for a medium rise r - CR_8052.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19217 - To allow for a medium rise r - Charter Bylaw 19217.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19217 - To allow for a medium rise r - Signed Charter Bylaw 19217 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Amendment to the South Industrial Area Outline Pla - CR_8053.pdf 2 Amendment to the South Industrial Area Outline Pla - Amendment to the South Industrial Area Outline Plan.pdf 3 Amendment to the South Industrial Area Outline Pla - Administration Report.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19218 - To allow for limited industr - CR_8054.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19218 - To allow for limited industr - Charter Bylaw 19218.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19218 - To allow for limited industr - Signed Charter Bylaw 19218 - published May 13 2020.pdf 1 Bylaw 19254 - Amendment to the MontroseSanta Rosa - CR_8116.pdf 2 Bylaw 19254 - Amendment to the MontroseSanta Rosa - Bylaw 19254.pdf 3 Bylaw 19254 - Amendment to the MontroseSanta Rosa - Administration Report.pdf 4 Bylaw 19254 - Amendment to the MontroseSanta Rosa - Signed Bylaw 19254 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19255 - To allow for the development - CR_8117.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19255 - To allow for the development - Charter Bylaw 19255.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19255 - To allow for the development - Signed Charter Bylaw 19255 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Roa - CR_8125.pdf 2 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Roa - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 19263.pdf 3 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Roa - Attachment 2 - Aerial Map.pdf 4 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Roa - Attachment 3 - Context Map.pdf 5 Bylaw 19263 - To close a portion of Winterburn Roa - Signed Bylaw 19263 - published on May 132020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19276 - To allow for small scale inf - CR_8174.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19276 - To allow for small scale inf - Charter Bylaw 19276.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19276 - To allow for small scale inf - Administration Report.pdf 4 Charter Bylaw 19276 - To allow for small scale inf - Signed Charter Bylaw 19276 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept - CR_8183.pdf 2 Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept - Att 1 - Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept Design Brief.pdf 3 Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept - Att 2 - Administration Report.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19279 - Adoption of the Heritage Val - CR_8184.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19279 - Adoption of the Heritage Val - Charter Bylaw 19279.pdf 1 Bylaw 19280 - Amendment to the Graydon Hill Neighb - CR_8185.pdf 2 Bylaw 19280 - Amendment to the Graydon Hill Neighb - Bylaw 19280.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19281 - To allow for a variety of lo - CR_8186.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19281 - To allow for a variety of lo - Charter Bylaw 19281.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19281 - To allow for a variety of lo - Administration Report.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19290 - To allow for commercial and - CR_8209.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19290 - To allow for commercial and - Charter Bylaw 19290.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19290 - To allow for commercial and - Administration Report.pdf 4 Charter Bylaw 19290 - To allow for commercial and - Signed Charter Bylaw 19290 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19291 - To Allow for Medium Rise Mul - CR_8210.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19291 - To Allow for Medium Rise Mul - Charter Bylaw 19291.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19291 - To Allow for Medium Rise Mul - Administration Report.pdf 4 Charter Bylaw 19291 - To Allow for Medium Rise Mul - Signed Charter Bylaw 19291 - published on May 13 2020.pdf 1 Charter Bylaw 19300 - To allow low density residen - CR_8216.pdf 2 Charter Bylaw 19300 - To allow low density residen - Charter Bylaw 19300.pdf 3 Charter Bylaw 19300 - To allow low density residen - Administration Report.pdf 4 Charter Bylaw 19300 - To allow low density residen - Signed Charter Bylaw 19300 - published on May 13 2020.pdf