City Council Public Hearing - AgendaMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, July 02, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 5:00 P.m.Location:Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City HallCall to Order: 9:30 a.m.Lunch: Noon - 1:30 p.m.Recess: 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.Adjournment: 5 p.m. Deputy Mayor: M. JanzActing Mayor: T. Cartmell Please note: Members of the public may choose to participate at Council and Committee meetings in person or remotely. You can request to speak up until your item has been dealt with. The public is invited to view in-progress meetings online via the Agenda, Council on the Web or City Council's YouTube Channel. For additional information, contact the Office of the City Clerk at (780) 496-8178.1.Call to Order and Related Business 1.1Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1.2Roll Call 1.3Adoption of Agenda 1.4Protocol Items 1.4.1Edmonton and Montreal Tour Group (A. Sohi) 2.Explanation of Public Hearing Process 2.1Call for Persons to Speak 3.Bylaws and Related Reports 3.1Bylaw 20848 - To allow for a variety of commercial businesses, Kennedale Industrial 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20848.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20848.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20848.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20848.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20848.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20848.pdf7.3.1 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20848 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.2Bylaw 20860 - To allow for a variety of commercial businesses, Rideau Park 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20860.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20860.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20860.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20860.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20860.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20860.pdf7.3.2 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20860 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.3Bylaw 20838 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20838.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20838.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20838 and 20839.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20838 and 20839.pdf5.3.3 and 3.4 - Admin presentation.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20838 and 20839 will be dealt with together3.4Bylaw 20839 - To allow for medium scale housing, Central McDougall 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20839.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20839.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20839.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20839.pdf5.3.3_3.4 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20839 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20838 and 20839 will be dealt with together3.5Bylaw 20864 - To allow medium scale mixed use development, Wîhkwêntôwin (Oliver) 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20864.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20864.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20864.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20864.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20864.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20864.pdf7.3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20864 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.6Bylaw 20847 - To allow for medium scale housing, Strathcona 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20847.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20847.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20847.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20847.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20847.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20847.pdf7.3.6 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20847 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.7Bylaw 20851 - To amend The Quarters Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20851.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20851.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20851 and 20852.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20851 and 20852.pdf5.3.7 and 3.8 - Admin presentation.pdf6.3.7 and 3.8 - B. Balakrishnan presentation.pdf7.3.7 and 3.8 - B. Balakrishnan picture.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20851 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20851 and 20852 will be dealt with together3.8Bylaw 20852 - To allow for medium and large scale mixed use development, medium scale housing, and parks, Boyle Street 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20852.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20852.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20852.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20852.pdf5.3.7_3.8 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20852 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20851 and 20852 will be dealt with together3.9Bylaw 20849 - To close a portion of the undeveloped 121 Street NW road right-of-way, located between 107 Avenue NW and 118 Avenue NW, Queen Mary Park, Westmount, Prince Rupert, and Inglewood 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20849.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20849.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - Bylaws 20849 and 20850.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20849 and 20850.pdf5.3.9 and 3.10 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20849 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20849 and 20850 will be dealt with together3.10Bylaw 20850 - To allow for smaller scale parks and amenities, Queen Mary Park, Westmount, Prince Rupert, and Inglewood 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20850.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20850.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20850.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20850.pdf5.3.9_3.10 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20850 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20849 and 20850 will be dealt with together3.11Bylaw 20853 - To allow for a small-scale, community-oriented neighbourhood commercial building, Bonnie Doon 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20853.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20853.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20853.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20853.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20853.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20853.pdf7.3.11 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20853 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.12Bylaw 20861 - To amend the McKernan-Belgravia Station Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20861.pdf2.Attachment 1- Bylaw 20861.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20862.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20861 and 20862.pdf5.3.12 and 3.13 - M. von der Ohe presentation.pdf6.3.12 and 3.13 - M. Figeuira presentation.pdf7.3.12 and 3.13 - J. Tetro presentation.pdf8.3.12 and 3.13 - A. Voronova presentation.pdf9.3.12 and 3.13 - Admin presentation.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20861 and 20862 will be dealt with together3.13Bylaw 20862 - To allow for medium scale housing, McKernan 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20862.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20862.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20862.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20862.pdf5.3.12_3.13 - Admin presentation.pdf6.3.12_3.13 - M. von der Ohe presentation.pdf7.3.12and3.13 - M. Figeuira presentation.pdf8.3.12_3.13 - J. Tetro presentation.pdf9.3.12_3.13 - A. Voronova presentation.pdf10.Signed Bylaw 20862 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20861 and 20862 will be dealt with together3.14Bylaw 20859 - To allow for light industrial and small commercial businesses, Morris Industrial 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20859.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20859.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20859.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20859.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20859.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20859.pdf7.3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20859 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachments3.15Bylaw 20843 - To amend the Horse Hill Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20843.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20843.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20843, 20844, 20845, and 20846.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20843, 20844, 20845, and 20846.pdf5.3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20843 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20843, 20844, 20845 and 20846 will be dealt with together3.16Bylaw 20844 - To amend the Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A (Quarry Ridge) Neighbourhood Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20844.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20844.pdf3.3.15,3.16,3.17,3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20844 - published July 3, 2024.pdfBylaws 20843, 20844, 20845 and 20846 will be dealt with together3.17Bylaw 20845 - To amend the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20845.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20845.pdf3.3.15_3.16_3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20845 - published July 3, 2024.pdfBylaws 20843, 20844, 20845 and 20846 will be dealt with together3.18Bylaw 20846 - To allow the preservation of natural areas, parks, infrastructure, and the development of a range of small scale housing, Horse Hill Neighbourhood 1A (Quarry Ridge) 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20846.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20846.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20846.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20846.pdf5.3.15 and 3.16_3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20846 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20843, 20844, 20845 and 20846 will be dealt with together3.19Bylaw 20824 - To amend the Horse Hill Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20824.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20824.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20824, 20825, and 20827.pdf4.3.19, 3.20 and 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf5.3.19-3.21 - Y. Lew presentation.pdf6.3.19 - 3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation.pdfBylaws 20824, 20825 and Charter Bylaw 20827 will be dealt with together3.20Bylaw 20825 - To amend the Marquis Neighbourhood Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20825.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20825.pdf3.3.19, 3.20, 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.3.19_3.21 - Y. Lew presentation.pdf5.3.19_3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation.pdfBylaws 20824, 20825 and Charter Bylaw 20827 will be dealt with together3.21Charter Bylaw 20827 - To amend the Horse Hill Catchment within Bylaw 14380 - Arterial Roads for Development 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20827.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20827.pdf3.3.19,_3.20_3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.3.19-3.21 - Y. Lew presentation(1).pdf5.3.19 - 3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation(1).pdfBylaws 20824, 20825 and Charter Bylaw 20827 will be dealt with together3.22Bylaw 20854 - To amend the Windermere Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20854.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20854.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20854, 20855, 20856, and 20857.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20854, 20855, 20856, and 20857.pdf5.3.22, 3.23, 3.24, 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20854 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement attachmentBylaws 20854, 20855, 20856 and 20857 will be dealt with together3.23Bylaw 20855 - To amend the Keswick Neighbourhood Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20855.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20855.pdf3.3.22_3.23_3.24_3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20855 - published July 3, 2024.pdfBylaws 20854, 20855, 20856 and 20857 will be dealt with together3.24Bylaw 20856 - To amend the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20856.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20856.pdf3.3.22_3.23_3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20856 - published July 3, 2024.pdfBylaws 20854, 20855, 20856 and 20857 will be dealt with together3.25Bylaw 20857 -To allow the preservation of natural areas and parkland, smaller parks and amenities, infrastructure, systems and facilities that provide a stormwater management facility and the development of a range of small scale housing, Keswick 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20857.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20857.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20857.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20857.pdf5.3.22, 3.23, 3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20857 - published July 3, 2024.pdfReplacement report/attachmentBylaws 20854, 20855, 20856 and 20857 will be dealt with together4.Notices of Motion and Motions without Customary Notice 5.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20851.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20851.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20851 and 20852.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20851 and 20852.pdf5.3.7 and 3.8 - Admin presentation.pdf6.3.7 and 3.8 - B. Balakrishnan presentation.pdf7.3.7 and 3.8 - B. Balakrishnan picture.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20851 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20849.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20849.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - Bylaws 20849 and 20850.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20849 and 20850.pdf5.3.9 and 3.10 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20849 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20838.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20838.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20838 and 20839.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20838 and 20839.pdf5.3.3 and 3.4 - Admin presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20861.pdf2.Attachment 1- Bylaw 20861.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20862.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20861 and 20862.pdf5.3.12 and 3.13 - M. von der Ohe presentation.pdf6.3.12 and 3.13 - M. Figeuira presentation.pdf7.3.12 and 3.13 - J. Tetro presentation.pdf8.3.12 and 3.13 - A. Voronova presentation.pdf9.3.12 and 3.13 - Admin presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20843.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20843.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20843, 20844, 20845, and 20846.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20843, 20844, 20845, and 20846.pdf5.3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20843 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20844.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20844.pdf3.3.15,3.16,3.17,3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20844 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20845.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20845.pdf3.3.15_3.16_3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20845 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20824.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20824.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20824, 20825, and 20827.pdf4.3.19, 3.20 and 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf5.3.19-3.21 - Y. Lew presentation.pdf6.3.19 - 3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20825.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20825.pdf3.3.19, 3.20, 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.3.19_3.21 - Y. Lew presentation.pdf5.3.19_3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20827.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20827.pdf3.3.19,_3.20_3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.3.19-3.21 - Y. Lew presentation(1).pdf5.3.19 - 3.21 - P. Vaartstra presentation(1).pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20854.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20854.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20854, 20855, 20856, and 20857.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20854, 20855, 20856, and 20857.pdf5.3.22, 3.23, 3.24, 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20854 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20855.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20855.pdf3.3.22_3.23_3.24_3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20855 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20856.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20856.pdf3.3.22_3.23_3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20856 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20848.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20848.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20848.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20848.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20848.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20848.pdf7.3.1 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20848 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20860.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20860.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20860.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20860.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20860.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20860.pdf7.3.2 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20860 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20839.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20839.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20839.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20839.pdf5.3.3_3.4 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20839 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20864.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20864.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20864.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20864.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20864.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20864.pdf7.3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20864 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20847.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20847.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20847.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20847.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20847.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20847.pdf7.3.6 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20847 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20852.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20852.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20852.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20852.pdf5.3.7_3.8 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20852 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20850.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20850.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20850.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20850.pdf5.3.9_3.10 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20850 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20853.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20853.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20853.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20853.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20853.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20853.pdf7.3.11 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20853 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20862.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20862.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20862.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20862.pdf5.3.12_3.13 - Admin presentation.pdf6.3.12_3.13 - M. von der Ohe presentation.pdf7.3.12and3.13 - M. Figeuira presentation.pdf8.3.12_3.13 - J. Tetro presentation.pdf9.3.12_3.13 - A. Voronova presentation.pdf10.Signed Bylaw 20862 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20859.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20859.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20859.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20859.pdf5.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 2 -Planning Report - 20859.pdf6.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20859.pdf7.3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf8.Signed Bylaw 20859 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20846.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20846.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20846.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20846.pdf5.3.15 and 3.16_3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20846 - published July 3, 2024.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - Cover Report for Bylaw 20857.pdf2.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20857.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20857.pdf4.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20857.pdf5.3.22, 3.23, 3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20857 - published July 3, 2024.pdf