City Council Public Hearing - AgendaMeeting #:Date:Monday, December 11, 2023Time: 9:30 A.m. - 9:00 P.m.Location:Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City HallCall to Order: 9:30 a.m.Lunch: Noon - 1:30 p.m.Recess: 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.Dinner: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.Adjournment: 9 p.m. Deputy Mayor: E. RutherfordActing Mayor: A. Paquette Please note: Members of the public may choose to participate at Council and Committee meetings in person or remotely. You can request to speak up until your item has been dealt with. The public is invited to view in-progress meetings online via the Agenda, Council on the Web or City Council's YouTube Channel. For additional information, contact the Office of the City Clerk at (780) 496-8178.1.Call to Order and Related Business 1.1Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1.2Roll Call 1.3Adoption of Agenda 1.4Protocol Items 1.4.1University of Alberta Global Academic Leadership Program (J. Wright) 1.4.2University of Alberta Global Academic Leadership Program (A. Sohi) 1.4.3Meyokumin School (A. Sohi) 2.Explanation of Public Hearing Process 2.1Call for Persons to Speak 3.Bylaws and Related Reports 3.1Charter Bylaw 20703 - An administrative amendment to address errors in Charter Bylaw 20001, that corrects the zoning of sites in Garneau, Ambleside and Paisley. The proposed zones will be effective January 1, 2024. 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20703.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20703.pdf3.3.1 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20703 - published December 12, 2023.pdf3.2Bylaw 20680 - To amend the Pylypow Industrial Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20680.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20680.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report 20680 - 20681.pdf4.3.2 and 3.3 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20680 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20680 and Charter Bylaw 20681 will be dealt with together3.3Charter Bylaw 20681 - To allow for the development of medium industrial uses, Pylypow Industrial 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20681.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20681.pdf3.3.2_3.3 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20681 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20680 and Charter Bylaw 20681 will be dealt with together3.4Bylaw 20693 - To amend the Winterburn Industrial Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20693.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20693.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACMENT 2 - Planning Report - 20693 - 20694.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20693 - 20694.pdf5.3.4 and 3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20693 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20693 and Charter Bylaw 20694 will be dealt with togetherReplacement attachment3.5Charter Bylaw 20694 - To allow for the development of an animal hospital, veterinary services, small animal breeding boarding facility, apartment hotels (up to 3 units) and commercial uses within one building, Winterburn Industrial Area East 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf2.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT 1 - Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf4.3.4_3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20694 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20693 and Charter Bylaw 20694 will be dealt with togetherReplacement attachment3.6Charter Bylaw 20661 - To allow for the development of low density residential housing, open space and a shared use path, Glastonbury 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20661.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20661.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20661.pdf4.3.6 - Admin presentation.pdf3.7Bylaw 20666 - To amend the Edgemont Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20666.pdf2.REPLACEMENT Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20666.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20666.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20666 - 20667.pdf5.3.7_3.8 and 3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20666 - published December 12, 2023.pdfReplacement AttachmentBylaw 20666 and Charter Bylaw 20667 will be dealt with together3.8Charter Bylaw 20667 - To allow for the development of a stormwater management facility. The A and AP Zones will allow for the protection of and preservation of natural areas and public park uses, Edgemont 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20667.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20667.pdf3.3.7_3.8_3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20667 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20666 and Charter Bylaw 20667 will be dealt with together3.9Charter Bylaw 20668 - To allow low density residential uses, street-oriented residential uses, public parks and a stormwater management facility, Edgemont 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20668.pdf2.Attachment 1- Charter Bylaw 20668.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20668.pdf4.3.7 and 3.8_3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf3.10Bylaw 20688 - To amend the Decoteau Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20688.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20688.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20688 - 20689 - 20690.pdf4.3.10_3.11 and 3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20688 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaws 20688, 20689 and Charter Bylaw 20690 will be dealt with together3.11Bylaw 20689 - To amend the Meltwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20689.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20689.pdf3.3.10_3.11_3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20689 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaws 20688, 20689 and Charter Bylaw 20690 will be dealt with together3.12Charter Bylaw 20690 - To allow for a variety of small scale housing, low rise multi-unit housing, low intensity commercial uses, a stormwater management facility, and a school site, Meltwater 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20690.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20690.pdf3.3.10 and 3.11_3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20690 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaws 20688, 20689 and Charter Bylaw 20690 will be dealt with together3.13Bylaw 20684 - To amend the Chappelle Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20684.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20684.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20684 - 20685.pdf4.3.13 and 3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20684 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20684 and Charter Bylaw 20685 will be dealt with together3.14Charter Bylaw 20685 - To allow for parks, public utilities, and a range of low-density and multi-unit housing, Chappelle 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20685.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20685.pdf3.3.13_3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20685 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20684 and Charter Bylaw 20685 will be dealt with together3.15Bylaw 20695 - To amend the Secord Neighbourhood Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20695.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20695.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20695 - 20696.pdf4.3.15 and 3.16 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20695 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20695 and Charter Bylaw 20696 will be dealt with together3.16Charter Bylaw 20696 - To allow for the development of medium density housing up to 16 m (4 storeys) in the form of multi-unit, single family and semi-detached residential development, Secord 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20696.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20696.pdf3.3.15_3.16 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20696 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20695 and Charter Bylaw 20696 will be dealt with together3.17Bylaw 20691 - To amend the Cashman Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20691.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20691.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20691 and 20692.pdf4.3.17 and 3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20691 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20691 and Charter Bylaw 20692 will be dealt with together3.18Charter Bylaw 20692 - To allow for medium rise multi-unit housing, Cashman 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20692.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20692.pdf3.3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20692 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20691 and Charter Bylaw 20692 will be dealt with together3.19Bylaw 20686 - To close a portion of road, Queen Mary Park 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20686.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20686.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Aerial Map - 20686.pdf4.3.19 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20686 - published December 12, 2023.pdf3.20Bylaw 20682 - To amend the Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20682.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20682.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20682 - 20683.pdf4.3.20 and 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20682 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20682 and Charter Bylaw 20683 will be dealt with together3.21Charter Bylaw 20683 - To allow low-rise multi-unit housing, Strathcona 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20683.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20683.pdf3.3.20_3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20683 - published December 12, 2023.pdfBylaw 20682 and Charter Bylaw 20683 will be dealt with together3.22Charter Bylaw 20687 - To allow for medium rise multi-unit housing, Prince Rupert 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20687.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20687.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20687.pdf4.3.22 - Admin presentation.pdf5.3.22 - A. Rosland presentation.pdf6.3.22 - J. Booth presentation.pdf7.3.22 - I. Panju presentation.pdf8.Signed Charter Bylaw 20687 - published December 12, 2023.pdf3.23Charter Bylaw 20701 - To allow for low intensity commercial uses, Montrose 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20701.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20701.pdf3.Attachment 2- Planning Report - 20701.pdf4.3.23 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20701 - published December 12, 2023.pdf3.24Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal 1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - FCS02141 Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal.pdf2.Report - FCS02141 Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal.pdf3.Attachment 1 - FCS02141 - Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal Map.pdf4.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - FCS02141 - Legal Survey.pdf5.Attachment 2 - FCS02141 - Legal Survey.pdf6.3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdfItem 3.24 and Charter Bylaw 20679 will be dealt with togetherReplacement report/attachment3.25Charter Bylaw 20679 - To allow for ground-oriented housing and the continued use of existing park space, Ogilvie Ridge 1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20679.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20679.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - Resolution - 20679.pdf4.3.24_3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20679 - published December 12, 2023.pdfItem 3.24 and Charter Bylaw 20679 will be dealt with together3.26Bylaw 20627 - To repeal the Mistatim Area Structure Plan, the Yellowhead Corridor Area Structure Plan and the Calgary Trail Land Use Study 1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20627.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20627.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report for Bylaw 20627.pdf4.3.26 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20627 - published December 12, 2023.pdf4.Notices of Motion and Motions without Customary Notice 5.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20627.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20627.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report for Bylaw 20627.pdf4.3.26 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20627 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20703.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20703.pdf3.3.1 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20703 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20680.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20680.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report 20680 - 20681.pdf4.3.2 and 3.3 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20680 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20681.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20681.pdf3.3.2_3.3 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20681 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20679.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20679.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - Resolution - 20679.pdf4.3.24_3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20679 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20701.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20701.pdf3.Attachment 2- Planning Report - 20701.pdf4.3.23 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20701 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20687.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20687.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20687.pdf4.3.22 - Admin presentation.pdf5.3.22 - A. Rosland presentation.pdf6.3.22 - J. Booth presentation.pdf7.3.22 - I. Panju presentation.pdf8.Signed Charter Bylaw 20687 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20683.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20683.pdf3.3.20_3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20683 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20682.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20682.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20682 - 20683.pdf4.3.20 and 3.21 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20682 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20693.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20693.pdf3.REPLACEMENT ATTACMENT 2 - Planning Report - 20693 - 20694.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20693 - 20694.pdf5.3.4 and 3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20693 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20686.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20686.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Aerial Map - 20686.pdf4.3.19 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20686 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf2.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT 1 - Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20694.pdf4.3.4_3.5 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Charter Bylaw 20694 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20692.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20692.pdf3.3.17_3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20692 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20661.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20661.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20661.pdf4.3.6 - Admin presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20691.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20691.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20691 and 20692.pdf4.3.17 and 3.18 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20691 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20666.pdf2.REPLACEMENT Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20666.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20666.pdf4.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20666 - 20667.pdf5.3.7_3.8 and 3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf6.Signed Bylaw 20666 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20667.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20667.pdf3.3.7_3.8_3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20667 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20696.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20696.pdf3.3.15_3.16 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20696 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20668.pdf2.Attachment 1- Charter Bylaw 20668.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20668.pdf4.3.7 and 3.8_3.9 - Admin presentation.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20695.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20695.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20695 - 20696.pdf4.3.15 and 3.16 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20695 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20688.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20688.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20688 - 20689 - 20690.pdf4.3.10_3.11 and 3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20688 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20689.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20689.pdf3.3.10_3.11_3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Bylaw 20689 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20690.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20690.pdf3.3.10 and 3.11_3.12 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20690 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Charter Bylaw 20685.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Charter Bylaw 20685.pdf3.3.13_3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf4.Signed Charter Bylaw 20685 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.Cover Report for Bylaw 20684.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw 20684.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Planning Report - 20684 - 20685.pdf4.3.13 and 3.14 - Admin presentation.pdf5.Signed Bylaw 20684 - published December 12, 2023.pdf1.REPLACEMENT REPORT - FCS02141 Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal.pdf2.Report - FCS02141 Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal.pdf3.Attachment 1 - FCS02141 - Ogilvie Ridge Municipal Reserve Removal Map.pdf4.REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - FCS02141 - Legal Survey.pdf5.Attachment 2 - FCS02141 - Legal Survey.pdf6.3.24 and 3.25 - Admin presentation.pdf