Mayor A. Sohi explained the public hearing process. C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:
Charter Bylaw 20154
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. C. Jersak, Situate Inc. (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20176
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. A. Hameed, 4C Group (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20208
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. T. von der Ohe (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. C. McClary, T.i. Architecture Studios Inc., on behalf of York Realty Inc.
2. H. Barnsley, T.i. Architecture Studios Inc., on behalf of York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)
3. T. Woolsey, York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)
4. J. Crawley, York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20182
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. C. Chopko Beck, IBI Group (to answer questions only)
2. P. Pescod, Melcor Homes (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20209
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Pike, Landmark Homes (to answer questions only)
2. I. Morgan, Next Architecture (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20228
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. F. Coppola, Invistec Consulting Ltd. (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20219 and 20134
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Cole, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. P. Tsoukalas, Brookfield Residential (to answer questions only)
3. K. Farrell
Charter Bylaw 20180
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20197
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. C. Domanski, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)
3. W. Zwicker, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20203, 20204 and Charter Bylaw 20205
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. M. Bortoluzzi, Mattamy Corp. (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20227 and Charter Bylaw 20200
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. N. Osaduik, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
2. B. Pinches, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20201
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)
The following speaker registered in opposition:
1. E. McDougall
Charter Bylaw 20207
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. A. Delice (to answer questions only)
2. N. Nath, Ndura (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. K. Spurrell
2. J. Blond
3. C. Colquhoun
Charter Bylaw 20225
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20223
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. C. Dulaba, Beljan Development Management Ltd., c/o Sharbro Construction (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. R. Yakimishyn
2. K. Kerr
Charter Bylaw 20224
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. D. Onishenko, Clarity Development (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance
2. D. Deshpande, Green Space Alliance
The folllowing speakers registered in opposition:
1. W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
2. B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League
Charter Bylaw 20181
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. T. Antoniuk, T3 Developments (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20195 and Charter Bylaw 20196
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. E. Grajoszek, Wigger Draperies (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. L. Scott, Katz Group
2. Y. Lew, Stantec
3. N. MacDonald, Stantec
4. W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
5. B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League