City Council Public Hearing Minutes

Council Chamber, 2nd floor, City Hall
  • A. Sohi, 
  • T. Cartmell, 
  • S. Hamilton, 
  • M. Janz, 
  • A. Knack, 
  • A. Paquette, 
  • K. Principe, 
  • J. Rice, 
  • E. Rutherford, 
  • A. Salvador, 
  • A. Stevenson, 
  • K. Tang, 
  • and J. Wright

Mayor A. Sohi called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, 2022, and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 Territory. The Chair also acknowledged the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries such as: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux, as well as Metis and Inuit, and now settlers from around the world.

Mayor A. Sohi conducted roll call and confirmed the attendance of Members of City Council.

K. Stolarz, Deputy City Clerk, C. Schlamp, T. Orbell and M. de Guzman, Office of the City Clerk, were also in attendance.

  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the August 16, 2022, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no Protocol Items.

Mayor A. Sohi explained the public hearing process. C. Schlamp, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:

Charter Bylaw 20154

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. C. Jersak, Situate Inc. (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20176

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. A. Hameed, 4C Group (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20208

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. T. von der Ohe (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. C. McClary, T.i. Architecture Studios Inc., on behalf of York Realty Inc.
2. H. Barnsley, T.i. Architecture Studios Inc., on behalf of York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)
3. T. Woolsey, York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)
4. J. Crawley, York Realty Inc. (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20182

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. C. Chopko Beck, IBI Group (to answer questions only)
2. P. Pescod, Melcor Homes (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20209

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. S. Pike, Landmark Homes (to answer questions only)
2. I. Morgan, Next Architecture (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20228

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. F. Coppola, Invistec Consulting Ltd. (to answer questions only)

Bylaws 20219 and 20134

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. S. Cole, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. P. Tsoukalas, Brookfield Residential (to answer questions only)
3. K. Farrell

Charter Bylaw 20180

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20197

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. C. Domanski, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)
3. W. Zwicker, Cameron Corporation (to answer questions only)

Bylaws 20203, 20204 and Charter Bylaw 20205

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. M. Bortoluzzi, Mattamy Corp. (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 20227 and Charter Bylaw 20200

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. N. Osaduik, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
2. B. Pinches, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20201

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)

The following speaker registered in opposition:

1. E. McDougall

Charter Bylaw 20207

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. A. Delice (to answer questions only)
2. N. Nath, Ndura (to answer questions only)

The following speakers registered in opposition:

1. K. Spurrell
2. J. Blond
3. C. Colquhoun

Charter Bylaw 20225

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance (to answer questions only)

Charter Bylaw 20223

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. C. Dulaba, Beljan Development Management Ltd., c/o Sharbro Construction (to answer questions only)

The following speakers registered in opposition:

1. R. Yakimishyn
2. K. Kerr

Charter Bylaw 20224

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. D. Onishenko, Clarity Development (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance
2. D. Deshpande, Green Space Alliance

The folllowing speakers registered in opposition:

1. W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
2. B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League

Charter Bylaw 20181

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. T. Antoniuk, T3 Developments (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 20195 and Charter Bylaw 20196

The following speaker registered in favour:

1. E. Grajoszek, Wigger Draperies (to answer questions only)

Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164

The following speakers registered in favour:

1. L. Scott, Katz Group
2. Y. Lew, Stantec
3. N. MacDonald, Stantec
4. W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
5. B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League

This report is scheduled to be dealt with at the September 13, 2022, City Council Public Hearing.

  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the Public Hearing on the following Bylaws be closed:

    • 4.1 Charter Bylaw 20154 - To allow for small scale infill development, Grovenor
    • 4.2 Charter Bylaw 20176 - To allow for a wider range of industrial business uses and limited, compatible non-industrial uses, Coronet Industrial
    • 4.3 Charter Bylaw 20208 - To allow for the development of industrial businesses limited compatible non-industrial business uses, Huff Bremner Estate Industrial
    • 4.7 Charter Bylaw 20209 - To allow for a greater mix of uses and flexibility on the site through revisions to an existing (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision, Magrath Heights
    • 4.11 Charter Bylaw 20180 - To allow for ground oriented Multi-unit housing, Rosenthal
    • 4.13 Bylaw 20203 - To amend the Riverview Area Structure Plan
    • 4.14 Bylaw 20204 - To amend the Stillwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan
    • 4.15 Charter Bylaw 20205 - To rezone land for the development of low and medium density housing, a public park and a pathway connection, Stillwater
    • 4.16 Bylaw 20227 - Municipal Reserve (MR) Designation, Secord
    • 4.17 Charter Bylaw 20200 - To allow for the development of a school/park site, Secord 
    • 4.20 Charter Bylaw 20225 - To allow for ground oriented housing, Glenwood
    • 4.22 Charter Bylaw 20224 - To allow for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and limited residential opportunities, McQueen
    • 4.25 Charter Bylaw 20181 - To allow for the adaptive reuse of the historic Hangar 11 building as a mixed use building, Blatchford Area
    • 4.26 Bylaw 20195 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan
    • 4.27 Charter Bylaw 20196 - To allow for small scale infill development, Queen Mary Park
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the following Bylaws be read a first time:

    • 4.1 Charter Bylaw 20154 - To allow for small scale infill development, Grovenor
    • 4.2 Charter Bylaw 20176 - To allow for a wider range of industrial business uses and limited, compatible non-industrial uses, Coronet Industrial
    • 4.3 Charter Bylaw 20208 - To allow for the development of industrial businesses limited compatible non-industrial business uses, Huff Bremner Estate Industrial
    • 4.7 Charter Bylaw 20209 - To allow for a greater mix of uses and flexibility on the site through revisions to an existing (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision, Magrath Heights
    • 4.11 Charter Bylaw 20180 - To allow for ground oriented Multi-unit housing, Rosenthal
    • 4.13 Bylaw 20203 - To amend the Riverview Area Structure Plan
    • 4.14 Bylaw 20204 - To amend the Stillwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan
    • 4.15 Charter Bylaw 20205 - To rezone land for the development of low and medium density housing, a public park and a pathway connection, Stillwater
    • 4.16 Bylaw 20227 - Municipal Reserve (MR) Designation, Secord
    • 4.17 Charter Bylaw 20200 - To allow for the development of a school/park site, Secord 
    • 4.20 Charter Bylaw 20225 - To allow for ground oriented housing, Glenwood
    • 4.22 Charter Bylaw 20224 - To allow for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and limited residential opportunities, McQueen
    • 4.25 Charter Bylaw 20181 - To allow for the adaptive reuse of the historic Hangar 11 building as a mixed use building, Blatchford Area
    • 4.26 Bylaw 20195 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan
    • 4.27 Charter Bylaw 20196 - To allow for small scale infill development, Queen Mary Park
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the following Bylaws be read a second time:

    • 4.1 Charter Bylaw 20154 - To allow for small scale infill development, Grovenor
    • 4.2 Charter Bylaw 20176 - To allow for a wider range of industrial business uses and limited, compatible non-industrial uses, Coronet Industrial
    • 4.3 Charter Bylaw 20208 - To allow for the development of industrial businesses limited compatible non-industrial business uses, Huff Bremner Estate Industrial
    • 4.7 Charter Bylaw 20209 - To allow for a greater mix of uses and flexibility on the site through revisions to an existing (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision, Magrath Heights
    • 4.11 Charter Bylaw 20180 - To allow for ground oriented Multi-unit housing, Rosenthal
    • 4.13 Bylaw 20203 - To amend the Riverview Area Structure Plan
    • 4.14 Bylaw 20204 - To amend the Stillwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan
    • 4.15 Charter Bylaw 20205 - To rezone land for the development of low and medium density housing, a public park and a pathway connection, Stillwater
    • 4.16 Bylaw 20227 - Municipal Reserve (MR) Designation, Secord
    • 4.17 Charter Bylaw 20200 - To allow for the development of a school/park site, Secord 
    • 4.20 Charter Bylaw 20225 - To allow for ground oriented housing, Glenwood
    • 4.22 Charter Bylaw 20224 - To allow for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and limited residential opportunities, McQueen
    • 4.25 Charter Bylaw 20181 - To allow for the adaptive reuse of the historic Hangar 11 building as a mixed use building, Blatchford Area
    • 4.26 Bylaw 20195 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan
    • 4.27 Charter Bylaw 20196 - To allow for small scale infill development, Queen Mary Park
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the following Bylaws be considered for third reading:

    • 4.1 Charter Bylaw 20154 - To allow for small scale infill development, Grovenor
    • 4.2 Charter Bylaw 20176 - To allow for a wider range of industrial business uses and limited, compatible non-industrial uses, Coronet Industrial
    • 4.3 Charter Bylaw 20208 - To allow for the development of industrial businesses limited compatible non-industrial business uses, Huff Bremner Estate Industrial
    • 4.7 Charter Bylaw 20209 - To allow for a greater mix of uses and flexibility on the site through revisions to an existing (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision, Magrath Heights
    • 4.11 Charter Bylaw 20180 - To allow for ground oriented Multi-unit housing, Rosenthal
    • 4.13 Bylaw 20203 - To amend the Riverview Area Structure Plan
    • 4.14 Bylaw 20204 - To amend the Stillwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan
    • 4.15 Charter Bylaw 20205 - To rezone land for the development of low and medium density housing, a public park and a pathway connection, Stillwater
    • 4.16 Bylaw 20227 - Municipal Reserve (MR) Designation, Secord
    • 4.17 Charter Bylaw 20200 - To allow for the development of a school/park site, Secord 
    • 4.20 Charter Bylaw 20225 - To allow for ground oriented housing, Glenwood
    • 4.22 Charter Bylaw 20224 - To allow for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and limited residential opportunities, McQueen
    • 4.25 Charter Bylaw 20181 - To allow for the adaptive reuse of the historic Hangar 11 building as a mixed use building, Blatchford Area
    • 4.26 Bylaw 20195 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan
    • 4.27 Charter Bylaw 20196 - To allow for small scale infill development, Queen Mary Park
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the following Bylaws be read a third time:

    • 4.1 Charter Bylaw 20154 - To allow for small scale infill development, Grovenor
    • 4.2 Charter Bylaw 20176 - To allow for a wider range of industrial business uses and limited, compatible non-industrial uses, Coronet Industrial
    • 4.3 Charter Bylaw 20208 - To allow for the development of industrial businesses limited compatible non-industrial business uses, Huff Bremner Estate Industrial
    • 4.7 Charter Bylaw 20209 - To allow for a greater mix of uses and flexibility on the site through revisions to an existing (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision, Magrath Heights
    • 4.11 Charter Bylaw 20180 - To allow for ground oriented Multi-unit housing, Rosenthal
    • 4.13 Bylaw 20203 - To amend the Riverview Area Structure Plan
    • 4.14 Bylaw 20204 - To amend the Stillwater Neighbourhood Structure Plan
    • 4.15 Charter Bylaw 20205 - To rezone land for the development of low and medium density housing, a public park and a pathway connection, Stillwater
    • 4.16 Bylaw 20227 - Municipal Reserve (MR) Designation, Secord
    • 4.17 Charter Bylaw 20200 - To allow for the development of a school/park site, Secord 
    • 4.20 Charter Bylaw 20225 - To allow for ground oriented housing, Glenwood
    • 4.22 Charter Bylaw 20224 - To allow for low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and limited residential opportunities, McQueen
    • 4.25 Charter Bylaw 20181 - To allow for the adaptive reuse of the historic Hangar 11 building as a mixed use building, Blatchford Area
    • 4.26 Bylaw 20195 - To amend the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan
    • 4.27 Charter Bylaw 20196 - To allow for small scale infill development, Queen Mary Park
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 were dealt with together.

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • T. Ford, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speaker made a presentation and answered questions in favour:

  • C. McClary, T.i. Architecture Studios Inc., on behalf of York Realty Inc.

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • F. Saeed, Urban Planning and Economy
  • T. Ford, Urban Planning and Economy

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • That Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:J. Rice

    That Bylaw 20198 and Charter Bylaw 20199 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • K. Petrin, Urban Planning and Economy
  • T. Pawlyk, Urban Planning and Economy
  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • T. Ford, Urban Planning and Economy

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 20182 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That Charter Bylaw 20182 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That Charter Bylaw 20182 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That Charter Bylaw 20182 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Knack
    Seconded by:E. Rutherford

    That Charter Bylaw 20182 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following member of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • F. Saeed, Urban Planning and Economy

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 20228 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20228 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20228 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20228 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Wright
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20228 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Bylaws 20219 and 20134 were dealt with together.

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • T. Ford, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speaker made a presentation in favour:

  • K. Farrell
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That the Public Hearing on Bylaws 20219 and 20134 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaws 20219 and 20134 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaws 20219 and 20134 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaws 20219 and 20134 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:J. Rice
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaws 20219 and 20134 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation and answered questions:

  • A. Sherstone, Urban Planning and Economy

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 20197 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20197 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20197 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20197 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20197 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 4. Bylaw 20204 received three readings.

This item was not selected for debate and was dealt with as part of item 4. Bylaw 20227 received three readings.

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • A. McLellan, Urban Planning and Economy

The following member of Adminstration's delegation answered questions:

  • J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 20201 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20201 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20201 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20201 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Hamilton
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20201 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • A. Huizinga, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speaker made a presentation in opposition:

  • K. Spurrell

The following speaker made a presentation and answered questions in opposition:

  • C. Colquhoun

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • A. Huizinga, Urban Planning and Economy
  • J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That the Public Hearing on Charter Bylaw 20207 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20207 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20207 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20207 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Salvador
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Charter Bylaw 20207 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:T. Cartmell
    Seconded by:J. Wright

    That Charter Bylaw 20223 be referred back to Administration to update the DC2 provisions to include Supportive Housing and return to the September 13, 2022, City Council Public Hearing.

    Due Date: September 13, 2022, City Council Public Hearing

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 were dealt with together.

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • A. McLellan, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speakers made presentations in favour:

  • D. Deshpande, Green Space Alliance
  • M. Figueira, Green Space Alliance

The following speakers made presentations and answered questions in opposition:

  • W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
  • B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • A. McLellan, Urban Planning and Economy
  • J. Tiwana, Urban Planning and Economy

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 be closed.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 be read a first time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 be read a second time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:T. Cartmell

    That Bylaw 20174 and Charter Bylaw 20175 be read a third time.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 were dealt with together.

The following member of Administration's delegation made a presentation:

  • A. McLellan, Urban Planning and Economy

The following speakers made presentations in favour:

  • N. MacDonald, Stantec
  • W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
  • B. Tallin, Central McDougall Community League

The following speakers made presentations and answered questions in favour:

  • Y. Lew, Stantec
  • L. Scott, Katz Group

The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

  • A. McLellan, Urban Planning and Economy
  • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
  • T. Pawlyk, Urban Planning and Economy
  • J. Johnson, Office of the City Manager (Legal Services)

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak.

The following speaker answered questions:

  • L. Scott, Katz Group

Mayor A. Sohi asked if Council Members have any clarifying questions of anyone registered to speak. There was no one.

  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20164, Schedule “D” be amended by adding a subsection to Section 1001.4.4.3 that reads:

    “a. A minimum of 25% of all ground oriented Dwellings shall have a minimum of three bedrooms”.

    In Favour (11)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (2)J. Rice, and K. Principe
    Carried (11 to 2)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:A. Knack

    That Charter Bylaw 20164, Schedule “D” be amended by changing the date in Section 1001.4.6.6.b to “December 31, 2023”.

    In Favour (9)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Salvador, M. Janz, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (4)T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, J. Rice, and K. Principe
    Carried (9 to 4)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That the Public Hearing on Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 be closed.


    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 be read a first time.

    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (1)K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 be read a second time.

    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (1)K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 be considered for third reading.

    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:K. Tang

    That Bylaw 20163 and Charter Bylaw 20164 be read a third time.

    In Favour (12)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, and J. Wright
    Opposed (1)K. Principe
    Carried (12 to 1)
  • Moved by:K. Tang
    Seconded by:A. Sohi

    Feasibility Study - Village At ICE District Lands

    That Administration, in collaboration with EPCOR and the developer to cost share a study, provide a report to Committee on a feasibility study for integrating the Village At ICE District Lands into the Master Plan for Downtown District Energy Initiative.

    Due Date: Fourth Quarter 2023, Executive Committee 

    The following member of Administration's delegation answered questions:

    • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:A. Stevenson
    Seconded by:A. Salvador

    Centre City Family Oriented Housing  

    That Administration provide a report to Committee on opportunities to increase the number of family oriented housing (i.e. three bedroom dwellings) in the Centre City.

    Due Date: Third Quarter 2023, Urban Planning Committee

    The following members of Administration's delegation answered questions:

    • S. McCabe, Deputy City Manager, Urban Planning and Economy
    • K. Petrin, Urban Planning and Economy
    In Favour (13)A. Knack, S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, T. Cartmell, A. Sohi, A. Salvador, M. Janz, J. Rice, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson, J. Wright, and K. Principe
    Carried (13 to 0)

Mayor A. Sohi asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, 2022.

No Item Selected