Mayor A Sohi explained the public hearing process. K. Gibson, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws, in panels:
Bylaws 20715, 20716 and 20717
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. O. Joshi, WSP (to answer questions only)
2. D. VandenBrink, Rohit Communities (to answer questions only)
3. K. Rowe, Cantiro (to answer questions only
Charter Bylaw 20718
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. K. Rowe, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
2. E. Shillington, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
3. K. Davies, Stantec (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20735
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. C. Lee, Qualico (to answer questions only)
2. S. Gerein, Qualico (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20780
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. E. Shillington, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
2. K. Rowe, Cantiro (to answer questions only)
3. K. Davies, Stantec (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20714
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. LaBuick, Melcor (to answer questions only)
2. M. Davis, Melcor (to answer questions only)
3. C. Chopko-Beck, Arcadis (to answer questions only)
Bylaws 20697, 20698, 20750 and Charter Bylaw 20699
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. D. Hunchak, Anthem Properties (to answer questions only)
2. M. Huberman (to answer questions only)
3. K. Davies, Stantec (to answer questions only)
4. K. Backus, Anthem Properties (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. E. Gormley, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition
2. N. Binnema, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition
Charter Bylaw 20778
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. C. Lee, Qualico (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20779
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. H. Mikkelsen, Stantec (to answer questions only)
2. P. Pescod, Melcor (to answer questions only)
3. S. LaBuick, Melcor (to answer questions only)
4. M. Davis, Melcor (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20754
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. J. Lee, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20777
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. K. Kaur, WSP (to answer questions only)
2. C. Sherstone, WSP (to answer questions only)
3. B. Korobanik, Heidfelberg Materials (to answer questions only)
4. J. Montgomery, WSP (to answer questions only)
5. C. De La Mare, WSP (to answer questions only)
6. C. McNutt, WSP (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20726
The following speaker registered in favour:
1. A. Olsen, EINS (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20713
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. S. Summers, Stantec
2. L. Hills, Northwest Healthcare REIT (to answer questions only)
3. V. Wilson, Northwest Healthcare REIT (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20560
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. O. Joshi, WSP (to answer questions only)
2. T. Lumsden, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
3. N. Upshall, City of Edmonton (to answer questions only)
4. D. Taylor, WSP (to answer questions only)
Charter Bylaw 20756
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. O. Joshi, WSP (to answer questions only)
2. D. Taylor, WSP (to answer questions only)
Bylaw 20727 and Charter Bylaw 20728
The following speakers registered in favour:
1. F. Guarducci, Katz Group (to answer questions only)
2. Y. Lew, Stantec (to answer questions only)
3. T. Shipton, Oilers Entertainment Group (to answer questions only)
The following speakers registered in opposition:
1. M. Brown, Central McDougall Community League
2. W. Champion, Central McDougall Community League
Charter Bylaw 20776
There were no speakers registered to the passing of Charter Bylaw 20776.