Mayor D. Iveson explained the public hearing process. K. Gibson, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
Charter Bylaw 19678
In favour: C. Chopko Beck and S. Sherman, IBI Group; and P. Pescod, Melcor Developments (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19677
In favour: R. Rehman, Qualico (to answer questions only).
Bylaws 19689 and 19672 and Charter Bylaw 19673
In favour: R. Rehman, Qualico (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19674
In favour: R. Rehman, Qualico (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19663
In favour: R. Rehman, Qualico (to answer questions only).
Bylaw 19670 and Charter Bylaw 19671
In favour: E. Shillington, Stantec; and P. Tsoukalas, Brookfield Residential (to answer questions only).
Bylaw 19688 and Charter Bylaw 19636
In favour: K. Davies, Stantec; and J. Killoh, Rohit Group (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19655
In favour: C. Chopko Beck, IBI Group; and K. Backus, Anthem United (to answer questions only).
Bylaw 19683 and Charter Bylaw 19684
In favour: K. Davies, Stantec; and K. Backus, Anthem United (to answer questions only).
Item 3.15 and Bylaw 19649 and Charter Bylaw 19650
In favour: R. Eidick, EINS Development Consulting; and J. Marchese. N. Farn, Bunt Engineering (to answer questions only).
Opposed: C. Foged; A. Halat; P. Halat; L. Buckler; P. Dhaliwal; R. Dhaliwal; J. Nijjar; G. Schmidt, Ravines of Richford; S. MacLeod; G. Schuster; R. Malhi; and A. Ray. J. Ross, Royal Gardens at Blackmud Creek Homeowners Association (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19680
In favour: N. Nath (to answer questions only).
Opposed: L. Wizniuk.
Bylaws 19685 and 19686 and Charter Bylaw 19687
In favour: B. Golightly, Ebenezer Developments (to answer questions only. L. Stone.
Opposed D. Boccabella; L. Rackel; J. Bowerman; A. Oliver; N. Bradford; A. Ryan; J. Pittman; G. Pittman; C. Wrathall; E. Drapaka; S. Faragini; H. Gibb; R. Warchola; O. Cann; G. Mccrea; L. Pisarchuk; R. Siever; D. Roos; J. Roos; A. Nikiforuk; and J. Lazaruk.
Item 3.22
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Item 3.22.
Charter Bylaw 19676
In favour: S. Pavlyk-Hamilton (to answer questions only).
Charter Bylaw 19645
In favour: J. Van Bruggen; J. Agrios, Kennedy Agrios LLP; and N. Golden.
Charter Bylaw 19681
In favour: R. Dhunna and D. Zeggelaar, Regency Developments; and J. Der, Der Architecture (to answer questions only).
Opposed: M. Russell; R. Terry; J. Forster, D. Sutherland, M. Baran, C. Skinner and M. Harden, Holyrood Development Committee; M. Kruszewski; J. Cyre; C. Freire; and A. Winter.
Bylaw 19592 and Charter Bylaw 19593
In favour: J. Candish, D. Deshpande, J. Wu, M. Figueira, J. Cowley, M. Lafleur, D. Pinto and B. Pinto, Green Space Alliance.
Opposed: M. Rich, Garneau Community League; D. Buchanan; N. Hunt; D. Gorman; S. Neufeld; K. Joosse; and B. Greidanus.
Bylaw 19480 and Charter Bylaw 19481
In favour: C. Dulaba and C. Johnson, Beljan Developments; T. Bell; K. Sheppard, on behalf of E. Jang and J. Der; and R. Batty, Toole Design.
Opposed: M. Rich, Garneau Community League; T. Moss; Strathcona Housing Cooperative; D. Miller; A.M. Benitez, Strathcona Housing Cooperative; A.C. Benitez; S. Veldhuysen van Zanten, Manhattan Lofts; D. Buchanan; L. Pashniak; A. Seehagen; C. Stys; E. Armstrong; S. Dawson; A. Giasson; B. Reib; R. McVey; G. Miazga; B. Prochnau; and M. Mulder.